I've really hit a rough spot...

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I've really hit a rough spot...

Post by pinkspikes » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:18 pm

Back story.

Last year was one of the worse years of my life. I ended up missing a lot of school because of certain events and ended up doing horribly in my college classes (as an Art Major). I changed majors (To English & History) and went back the next fall. I got some pretty interesting high level classes that I wasn't confident enough to keep up in. I ended up getting 2 B's, 1 D, and 1 F. Now I am on academic probation with a cumulative GPA of 1.80 instead of the 1.12 I had last time.

Now that I'm living on campus and my sister and brother are starting college - money with my family is very tight. I already have some loans and financial aid covering much of my schooling, but I will eventually have to pick up the rest. Right now, since about June, my dad has been picking up my tab on my cell phone bill which I have not been able to pay because of lack of job. But I have to pay him back for it.

Now, most of my fellow dorm mates have job/ substantial amounts of money coming from their parents - who they say they don't have to pay back at all. They think I should have a talk with my father about my money situation and see if he would lighten up a bit. What they don't understand is that I have tried that and he just gets really angry and tells me to get a job. I understand that, because I am the kind of person who believes in standing on your own two feet.

The problem arises where I am on Academic Probation which means I'm not eligible for any on-campus jobs which are easily attainable. At least until next semester if I get off of it. I also don't drive, because of my phobia of it (and lack of people wanting to teach me how). So I've been looking for and applying to jobs at every place with in walking distance.

Excluding bad neighborhoods because I come from Youngstown and many of the surrounding places are pretty dimly lit and full of crime still.

Including last semester I've applied at about 7 different places about 3 times each. Told each time that they either lost my application or could not find it. Hiring other people instead. I've followed up on my applications each time and never even got called in for an interview.

I have excellent references who tell me they don't even get called from places I've applied to. I have a good amount of job experience. And don't share/don't have to share my GPA on the apps. So I know low GPA isn't the issue.

I kind of just need to vent. Maybe pick up some advice. & definitely need some prayers and hope sent my way.

I don't want to graduate in a financial rut.

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Post by suzisco » Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:23 pm

sounds a tricky time for you, but you will get through it with some determination.

Large Hugs.


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Post by karlenespellman » Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:18 pm

Hang in there. It does get better. Keep working on it.

HUGE HHHUUUGGGSSS positive energy and love to you.


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Post by Bandit81101 » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:03 pm

I had a place I applied when I was going to college, they as well said that they "Lost" my application, and that I should fill out another one.  What I realized is that they didn't want to hire someone who was as fickle with their hours/not clear about the hours as I had been.  I went back, filled out another application, and when I got to the section asking when I could work, that little spreadsheet w/ the 7 days of the week :)  I just wrote open in big letters across it :)

Maybe try filling in "anytime I don't have class"  and see if that helps :)

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Post by shimaxia » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:24 pm

I do hope things work out for you i'm sending you all best wishes. But above all do not lose hope try to incorporate a few minutes positive thinking per day they say affirmations and cosmic ordering can bring about good results. Certainly wouldn't hurt to try. Blessings.

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Post by pinkspikes » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:55 am

Bandit81101 wrote:I had a place I applied when I was going to college, they as well said that they "Lost" my application, and that I should fill out another one.  What I realized is that they didn't want to hire someone who was as fickle with their hours/not clear about the hours as I had been.  I went back, filled out another application, and when I got to the section asking when I could work, that little spreadsheet w/ the 7 days of the week :)  I just wrote open in big letters across it :)

Maybe try filling in "anytime I don't have class"  and see if that helps :)
Actually, I have written that, along with my class times. Which I only have 2 a day one after another and I'm free all morning and all day after my classes.

I have them this semester at 11 and then one at 1 that ends a 2.
Now I hear that I should be free during lunch hours...
but last semester i had 2 classes one at 8 and one at 9 am
and I heard that every place needed morning help because everyone had morning classes.

=[ I can't win.

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Post by joiedelavie » Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:59 am

It does sound like a rough go of it...unfortunately life does give us its rough patches. This will be behind you before you know it. I would go by and talk to the hiring managers as often as possible. Also there may be housekeeping, babysitting, lawn services, dog walking, pet watching, house sitting jobs right in the neighborhood. Try and inquire or with your art talent draw up some flyers for something you would enjoy and start a business. This way you might be able to pick your own hours. It may start slow but you could end up getting referrals. Right now the country is in a financial crisis...don't be to concerned as to what your friends say. Your financial business is of no concern to them, I say don't mention it to them if they are not supportive. Finding a good supportive friend would be a good goal. Keep on track and focus on what you want to do with your degree. I wish you the best.

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Post by soul_flower » Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:58 am

Sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch....But rough patches do smooth over,just stay strong and know it all be ok.....Even tho its difficult to do that when you are under stress and pressure its important to not let that positive thinking slip.....Keep doing what you're doing,you are doing a great job,something will open up for you,just have to keep the faith......Im sure your dad doesnt mean to get angry,he probably feels the pressure to,with the other two going also....Im sure if he could he would want to help out more...Those friends are lucky they get help and not have to pay it back,but every family is different......

Im sending some *huggles* and positive energy to you....I wish you all the best,just keep at it and things WILL improve.

Tamara :o)

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:57 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by ladybloodmoon » Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:53 am

hang in there and everyone here has said a lot of good things if you ever need to vent look me up i'm always willing to listen to people and some times thats what you need things will start looking up for you heres a hug and positive energy for now

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