i dont want to act

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i dont want to act

Post by shasha888 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:21 am

:smt010 My parents are awesome. Theyre rockers like me. But they divorced 4 years ago.Then my dad remarried to a woman. She's not the same. She's..well a prep. She was popular in high school and she's a nurse. She has a stuck up daughter too (whom i dislike). :smt012 They talk about fashion and cutesy girl stuff that i'm not into. :smt017 I like rock music :smt020 . But I cant listen to it over there because they don't like rock. I have to wear pink too. (yuck!) I had to throw away my favorite band tee shirt becauseit had a skull on it!! I try to talk about rock music or skate boarding but they just look at me like I'm crazy.They annoy me. Plus I cant even date because she feels that I am too young when I'm not! I cant relate to them. I basically have to play a part there because they fuss me if I act like I usually act. I'm tired of this. Do you think I should confront it? :smt035  :smt035  :smt035

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:17 am

Sometimes its a sticky situation when one of your parents gets a new partner in their life.......I have 2 older brothers and 1 older sister,they are from my mums first marriage....Then my mum re-married my father and i was born into the world.......When i was 8 things started to get shit,then when i was like 13 they finally left eachother.......Then my mum married another man,who was a very nasty person.To us kids when mum wasnt around he would say things like "when i move in you wont see your mother much" he didnt like anything that involved us children,lucky he never got to move in....Before that i moved out at 17 anyways because he talked my mother into getting my brother and I out....It was only my brother and I living at home and it was hell when we would have to be with him.....In the end they split and my mum went thru hell then re-married my father lol,confusing..........We,my brothers and sister confronted my mother,my whole family it...All that made my mum do was be angry with us and she didnt want to be around us much,she thought we didnt accept him,she never saw the bad side...Sometimes its not worth going thru all the crap.

You're only 13,you have plenty of time to date,you're still so young....You should be enjoying life before you mix boys into it.Not many parents let their kids date at 13....I dont know if confronting it will help,maybe it will make things worse.....If you stay with your mother most the time maybe its best just to let it ride for now......Most kids cant do things or have to do things they dont want to....I couldnt play my music to loud,i had to wear things that i hated....But in the big picture they are only small things......Everyone has different tastes and as kids untill we are old enough sometimes we have to do that.......You dont have to act,not at all.....But maybe they feel the same as you,they arent into rock etc....You need to find something in common with your fathers partner and child....In the end you have to do what feels right with you....Good luck.

Heres a *huggle*

Tamara :o)

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:22 am

Oh but if they are making you feel bad and putting you down etc,then maybe its time to tell your dad....No one should be looked down on.

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Post by Betrayed » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:16 pm

Why are you letting them control you? Is it because you want them to like you? You do NOT need to have common interests in order to get along. Everyone is unique in their own way. It's the accepting of the ones around us that allows us to get along.

Stick to what you're happy with, and allow others to do the same. (You don't want the entire world to be exactly like you do you?)

Try telling that to them. I can imagine they would tell you something that won't make sense, if they disagree. Some people have difficulty understanding that things can't always go their way, so maybe you can just leave them be if that's the case and pray they will one day be nicer to you. Just remember that you have to be nice to them. If you don't treat others good, you can't expect them to treat you good.

But really, you are young, take your time to figure out what's wrong and you'll eventually see things in a better light. I know it sucks for someone older to tell you this, but hey! you are YOUNG. We're older :D.

I can't say anything about the dating, I have never dated. XD... Let's just say the culture over here is different, but there are kids as young as 14 holding hands in the streets. They usually spend their teenagehood becoming angsty from all the heartbreaks, but I suppose that is experience.

It's really up to you, just don't get in trouble. :)

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:17 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by ladybloodmoon » Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:02 am

yeah i can guess fairly well how you feel i had the same problem when my dad left my mom when i was 9 he left for another woman although she didn't have a child of her own but she didn't like me or thats the vibe i got form her she would talk about my mother to me when my dad and brother werent around nasty things to i finly couldn't take it anymore and ended up just not going to see him any more so my advice is some time talk to your dad alone tell him whats bothering you see if you can't work something out try and be calm about it thought as for the dating thing your young yet you could try asking if you can go out on group dates if your parents aren't cool with you going out by yourslef yet but take it from someone who did start dating at 13 wait awhile to go out with guys by yourslef besides thats what school dacnes are for lol. I know it's annoying to be told your to young when you don't feel you are but do you really need the stress of guys yet as i recall 13 was hard eungh with out them lol

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Post by ladybloodmoon » Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:05 am

sorry forgot to add heres a hug and lots of positive energy for you

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