Can i ask for some hugs please?

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Can i ask for some hugs please?

Post by pahoblue » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:26 pm

Going through bad time  now.... at present suffering from a cold and bad eczema rash.....and many problems to fix yet i havent got physical or mental energy loneliness is so hard....Any good thoughts i appreciated..PAUL
Last edited by pahoblue on Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by dhav » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:29 pm

Hi Paul,

Lots of positive and healing energy flavored with hugs.


Get well soon.

dhav :smt003

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:57 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug and i hope u feel better... im sending u some healing energy...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by karlenespellman » Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:26 pm

Hi Paul,
A HUGE HHHUUUGGG, positive energy and love to you.

Get well soon.

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Post by Ani » Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:36 am

sending lots of hugs and sunshine your way :) hope you get better soon!

Ani xxx
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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:14 pm

Hi, Paul,

It's really hard to feel that you have so much to take care of when you're feeling zapped of energy because of illness and/or stress, sadness, etc.  I've been feeling like that for weeks (sick w/ no health insurance at the moment, which means no antibiotics, etc.--big pain in the butt!).

And I'm sorry you're feeling so lonely--am I remembering correctly that a relationship ended recently?  You must feel overwhelmed, and it can be a vicious circle.

All I can say is something that sounds like a total cliche, but I've found it to be true SO many times--"When you least expect it, expect it."  In other words, just when it seems that things can't get much worse, and that you'll be lonely for the rest of your life, something always seems to just pop up to make things better--sometimes a LOT better!  That's been my experience, anyway, and I'm sending all my best wishes that it happens for you, and soon.  Life does tend to go in cycles--sometimes it's just hard to remember that when you're on the low end!


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Post by pahoblue » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:32 pm

Thanks so much for your kind words....Indeed i have been deeply hurt to find that when i met this person so many years ago, i warmed to them because they burst into tears  because i would be leaving, after spending four days with them upon the first meeting....When this person was hurting me last year i cried lots..... but the door was closed in my face(literaly) and i was laughed at.............not very equal really.....its caused no end of mental turmoil for me..... now i am ill... and struggling.......I met that person... in a manner you describe, one door closed with someone then by chance  a  new person... arrived on the it seems nothing new happens, every day is the same........i am so sorry to hear of your own illness....i only hope you have good friends that will rally round you......i have never had that....hoping your going to improve soon....sending my warmth and posotive vibes......PAUL

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:40 pm

Oh, Paul--I'm so sorry.  I know the "door closed in your face" and "laughed at" scenario, too--it hurts SO MUCH!  And of course it would be easy for me to say, "Someone who would treat you like that isn't worth being upset about," and that might be true, but I know from experience that it doesn't help much when you feel like that.

Well, you're not alone--you have friends here, and you should feel free to write whenever you're feeling alone, down, sick, etc.  It's helped me a LOT.  Please take good care of your health, even if it seems like it's too much trouble, and not worth the effort.  The door WILL open again (and no doubt to something better!), so you want to be healthy and ready for it!

Take care,


P.S.  I saw your photo--you're a very good-looking man (and you also sound smart and sweet), so I'm sure that lots of doors will open when you're ready!

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Post by pahoblue » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:05 pm

thanks.....really this is worst time of my life.... everything at once... i lived with someone 15 year, they took over everything ...ii did not know how to pay a bill... they cut me off everything, phone, tv.. was horrendous.... given that i was never so harsh... i cant make sense of it all... i received same treatment from my brothers years before... and was homeless

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:13 pm

How awful--especially after all those years, and to have it feel like a "repeat" of what happened with your brothers.

What's happening now?  Are you in danger of becoming homeless again?  Do you have heat, money for food, etc.?  Is there anyone who can help you?  I seem to recall that you're in England (forgive me if I'm wrong).  When you're feeling terrible, I know it's hard to think about making the effort to try to get some help, but I wonder if there is some kind of agency or something near you to help you get back on your feet (if that's what's going on).

I'm sure that there's a solution; I'll be happy to try to help you think of one, if I can!


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Post by pahoblue » Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:34 pm

yeah very much a repeat except my brothers stole may of my personal stuff, couldnt even retreive my own birth certificate...... i phoned authorities, told me my stuff been disposed of, had even to go court but lost cos they hired a barrister, my solicitor told me it would be better me to represent myself, ofcourse i was useless, so doubly hurt knowing my partner had been to court etc with me,  knew my past suffering, but treated me as bad last year.....i just dunno where to turn.

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:19 pm

Why in hell would your brothers treat you like that?  Lovers/spouses can turn on you sometimes, but it's another matter with family members (although I know that it happens!).

Paul, I hope I'm not being too forward here, but I'm just thinking about what you've been saying.  I noticed in another of your posts that you were looking for some kind of magic or spell because you feel that someone is trying to do you harm.  Please understand that this is only my gut reaction, but I'm thinking that, rather than going about things that way AT THE MOMENT, you might try to find other ways to get back on your feet, and get stronger, and take control of the situation as much as you can (even if that feels almost impossible now).  Once you're feeling more in charge of your life, and your immediate problems and worries are taken care of, then perhaps you can look into other ways to protect yourself from future harm.  Does that make any sense?

IF it does, maybe you can try to write out (and post them here, if you're comfortable doing that) what your most immediate, concrete problems and fears are right now--health (physical as well as emotional), housing, food, etc.--whatever is causing you the most pain and fear (aside from your very justifiable hurt feelings).  Once you see them on "paper", maybe you'll be able to think of some solutions (and I and the other people here will be happy to help you "brainstorm" about what to do next).

Again, I hope you don't feel that I'm being intrusive--feel free to tell me if you do!  It may be that you just wanted some hugs, and that's fine, too!


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Post by pahoblue » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:02 pm

What you say makes sense.......I never really knew why my brothers acted thus....but i have had rjection also from my uncles aunts..... its been a way of life... hard to trust anyone now....i'm pretty just about worn out trying with people..... new friendships go the same almost exactly 2 meetings with every new person and then they turn funny,....................yeah i know i have now to... sort my life, perhaps i will remain alone as long as i live....but i must stop the rot with things i can control

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Post by Doe » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:21 pm

There's no way you'll remain alone--of that I'm sure!  You will find someone to love, and who loves you the way you deserve to be loved.  In the meantime, learn to love yourself (if you feel that you don't--it sounds as if you might be having trouble doing that right now--it's something we all have to work on, myself included!), take very good care of your health and your spirit, get help with managing the day-to-day things until you're more on your feet again, and always feel free to write here if you need help, advice, or just someone to talk to!


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Post by pahoblue » Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:27 pm

thanks.....hope things for you arent too bad?

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