Worried over 2012 Predictions

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Worried over 2012 Predictions

Post by magician2012 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:06 pm

Recently I have received some emails and viewed websites regarding potential catastrophic circumstances for 2012. There was a Norwegian politician saying there was the approach of Planet X/Nibiru which would trigger tidal waves etc in its 'fly by'.

Other comments relate to the collapse of West Coast USA sending a tidal wave along East Coast Australia. One 'channelled' message claimed an asteroid would hit 100 miles north of Bermuda in November 2008. That's not far away.

Some of this may be pure speculation based on 'channelling' received from ETs or Spirit Guides. Perhaps some is true 'leaked' information from higher up the chain of command. Very confusing scenario.

Any reliable comments or feedback out there?

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Post by starsign20002000 » Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:32 pm

Welcome to the forum.  Have you googled Planet X/Nibiru there is lots of information on this planet.  Hugs to you.

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:37 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Those pesky 2012 predictions...

Post by espries » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:43 pm

I have a co-worker who so fully believes in the 2012 predictions that she demands everyone in our office move out of town, stock pile food and learn how to make medicines and remedies from local flora.  

The problem with those predictions, and I've heard all, I mean ALL about them, is that they are the same "earth changes" predictions I've been hearing since the mid-late 80s.  I have a MS in Resource management.  I've seen the scientific studies and I've seen the metaphysical predictions.  They are basically the same.  In other words, there will be massive earth changes in time, just as has been going on since the earth was created.  However, there is no, I repeat NO, evidence that changes such as those being predicted for 2012 have ever happened on such a massive scale ever in 16 billion years of existence.

That said...there's always the first time for things to go crazy...

However, learn what people are saying, yes.  Take some precautions so you can keep your sanity, yes.  But don't live and plan your life around the words of other people like my co-worker.  Make your own choices for your own best interests.  Ultimately, you have to live the life you choose, not something someone else says you have to.

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Post by apoi » Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:41 pm

(((insert name here for generic hug)))

Don't be a sheep, because it's all bull/sheep.

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Post by Psychic Chef » Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:25 am

Hi never let predictions stop you from living in the now rather than worring on what might never happen.
predictions are always 90% bull and 10% truth.
Cheers Pete

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Post by gurujames5 » Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:55 am

There will be turmoil as there already is, only bigger, more frequent, and certainly on a global scale. In the meantime enjoy your life as best you can and listen to your inner guidance as to what you need to do to prepare, if anything. As it has been said, we all have our own lives to live, so live your life but be internally aware of anything you feel you need to do, which includes warning others. No sense getting panicked or upset if nothing has happened yet, however you can stay aware of what you feel you need to do in your own interests.


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all the sooner you get to heaven

Post by Milliondollarwoman » Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:40 am

I remember when they predicted the earthquake in the bay area. I was in fifth grade and scared to death to go to school on the day a man predicted we would fall into the ocean. No one knows our last days. So enjoy your life while your here. Worrying about the fate of the world does no good. But being the best person and loving and cherishing your life and those around you is what really makes life worth living. God bless. And try not to worry.
I watched the clock and the earthquake never happened. All that worrying for nothing.

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Post by severdsoul » Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:22 pm

Well there is quite a bit of trouth to all of it,  but as far as "dooms day"  i'm not so sure, but 'change'
i belive its coming and they may be right.

The earth has a frequency that it hums at. which is 7.4mhz  has been that since the begining of
science as we know it.     The past few years it has jumped,  the last reading taken it was just over 12mhz.
Which no scientist knows why or what it means yet, except that things are diffrent all of a sudden for some reason.

They have also recorded a second pulse or hum, that has never been before, which is along the equator...
their best guess is that its a sound of the earth twisting under pressure.

Why is the earth twisting under pressure... our magnetic poles are shifting,  Right now, what most think of as
"true north" is totaly wrong...  True north is no longer the north pole, it has been moving and changing and at last
measurement, it is some where in russia.

as far as the Myan predictions of 2012.  If you do the research, that is not the day the 'doom' will happen, but the day the
'new world' will start.   Technicaly the time of the 'doom' was to start 8-8-08 at 12:00PM

all the predictions are to happen before that date.   After that date according to the writings we will have 1000 years of

as far as  just the Myian  Predictions...  there are some where around 13 ancient cultures that all have that as a specific date
of the 5th world.

Scientist are saying that the magnetic poles will switch. Many say so what, only the toylets will go backwards..
well thats not quite right, there are a lot of things that are effected by the polarity of the earths magnet.

As far as Planet X ,  it is quite possible that they are right.. but only time will tell.   We are due for  a close pass,
since instead of a circle orbit, Planet X is a elipitical orbit, So when we line up we will be close enough to it, that it can cause
problems. But thats all if it gets that close.

One scientist is saying that the sun will have major solar flairs going on around then due to the planet being close and causing
extra magnetic pull on both the earth and the sun.

There are many things to consider when thinking about predictions of a culture so old.  Although i have to admit, the myans are prity close so far. But everything is up to variable and options.

Its not a bad idea to be prepared, if not for the upcoming problems predicted. Then for the nuts out there
going crazy cause the end of the world is coming..   remeber Y2K  as well as others..

I would do as much research as you can, then pay atention to what is going on in the world and go ffrom there.
I would not panic or be to worried until or if  things start to happend as predicted.

oh just a FYI  if you read Genises and actualy pay atention to what its saying, it goes along with the myain
prediction as well.

But in the end, we can only do what we can do... Worry and upset will not help you.  Just relax and let things what
ever they are happen.   and plan from what you see and know.

till then.  *hugs*

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Post by fisk_82 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:00 pm

give you a big hug ^__^
no one really knows what will happen in 2012 :)
just live your days with the best

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Post by surinder » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:29 am

Only he up there knows when our journey to this earth will end so why worry about 2112 ? Why ruin our present worrieng about such predictions . So many people are dying in some terorist affected contries , in wars,  in bomb blasts , in earthquakes ext ....
so i think we should pray to God for world peace rather than woryieng over situations which are not in our hand ..........and try to create a healthy  anvironment around us so that our children will grow in a peacefull and healthy world .......and leave other things to the nature .

Many hugs and positive energy for you .

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:02 am

This is the way I see it and understand it. Whatever is meant to happen will with no effort on my part to make it happen or to stop it from happening. I cannot control shifts in the earth, but I can control myself and how I am dealing with this sort of information. I have chosen to stay in a positive frame of mind with the knowledge that if, or when something of that magnatude does occur, it will be by divine design, not my own and I could not stop it if I tried, so....... I choose to expend my energy in ways that bring joy and peace to myself and others. As someone who used to suffer major panic attacks, I can honestly tell you that I've come a long way and yes, it helps very much to stay positive while everyone is a bit crazy. I believe the root of all of the fear this is causing is dependant upon the one fear that everyone has had at one time or another.....their own mortality. Once we understand that we do not truely die, but go on, it makes it much easier to remain calm, even in the face of the 2012 predictions. Clear your aura of the negativity and your chakra's and your mind too will clear. I know I am new here but I do hope my post will help here. May angels embrace us all.

Gentle Hugs and peace to you always,


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Post by gurujames5 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:21 pm

Hi Julie,

If I were to quote the parts of your post which I believe to be clear, concise and accurate, I would have to quote it all. Very well said!!
I have also had agoraphobia, of which panic attacks were a large part, and they have shown me to be calm and at peace whatever happens. You can't change what's out of your control, and it is already written anyway.
It's a matter of finding your place in the world and doing whatever it is you are here to do. Worrying about what might or is going to happen will only detract from your live and the lives of others you may be able to help in the meantime. After all, our imaginations almost always over dramatize our fears.

Gentle Hugs and peace to you always (also),


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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:33 am

Hi James,

I'm glad to meet you! I felt I should say something to everyone on this subject because I know how upset people can get. I've been there and so have you. My mission in part is to keep people calm and focused on the here and now. To advise them to meditate, clean their aura's and to align their chakra's and to ground. They WILL be needed, but they can be of no true benefit if they are out of touch because of things that they cannot change. Positive light energy is always the answer no matter what we must face. Nothing is written in stone and people make mistakes. So, as I said, if this does happen, it will be divine desihn and what can you do about that? Absolutely nothing. I realize it gives a sense of helplessness and futility, but I also understand that a positive outlook and centering yourself will bring harmony even in the worst conditions. I believe we are energy entities encased in physical housings. The fear of our own mortality for those of us that are awake comes with the thought we have not completed our mission. If this does occur, we would have completed what we came to do.

Gentle Hugs, Light And Peace Always,


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Post by set_raj » Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:24 am

Here is big hug...
Nothing will happen tht sort..the world is not gong to end...so be positive and pray to God...i had seen on somenews channel...but tht is not correct.
God bless you.

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