My Husband and I Are Adult Indigos In Need of Hugs, Angels, and Prayers, our crisis!

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My Husband and I Are Adult Indigos In Need of Hugs, Angels, and Prayers, our crisis!

Post by earthwriter » Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:00 am

My Husband and I Are In Need of Hugs, Angels, and Prayers, our crisis!  I posted about our crisis a few months ago, but I didn't explain or elaborate.  Now, I'm going to.  I'm sorry I was quiet about our crisis, but I was afraid that we would receive inappropriate harsh responses.  The sands in the hourglass are running out and I'm going to have to go out on a limb and take a chance, take a risk!  We are highly sensitive Indigo adults.  In Ayurveda, we have what is considered to be vata body types.  We are being assaulted in every manner possible in a den of vipers in a very toxic dense rough region in the South in the Continental USA.    We are in a Spiritual War and it's draining the life energy out of us!  

We're being assaulted by petro-chemical synthetic fragrances, hunting noises, horrible powerful obscene vrooms, and the worst evil heinous overpowering obscene extremely low frequency infrasound sonic shockwave assault from sub-woofers from boom cars and boom houses that rattle the windows and shake the house floor!  This goes way beyond noise!  The obscene powerful infrasound attacks our immune system and attacks our cells!  Our nerves have been ripped to shreds!  OMG!!!  We are organic, holistic, non-smoking, non-drinking, drug-free, including big pharma, herbalist herbivores.  I am severely asthmatic and chemically sensitive.  My husband is also chemically sensitive.

We are meditators and we do everything we can to treat bodies as temples with loving care and this place that we're residing in is beating us up day and night!  We urgently must relocate yesterday to a region in the Northern parts of the Continental USA.  We have reached out to many non-profit organizations for financial help to relocate and we've had doors slammed in our face!  We don't have children and charitable organizations don't help couples without children! :-(  We pray and visualize and affirm and we're in the process of putting together a mind movie and I do Fairy and Goddess readings from card decks that Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., the "Angel Therapy" lady sent me for my Birthday gift.  

We believe in the Unseen Spirit and Elementals and we believe in Magickal Miracles, but we need help to increase our Faith and Believe!  And we need Divine Help from the Unseen Spiritual Elementals!  It's extremely difficult to keep your thoughts positive when you're being consistently beaten up!  We need to relocate yesterday in less than 30 days!  Our health cannot tolerate any more!  We're dying on the vine here!  We have so much potential to make a positive contribution to greening Mother Earth and helping to make the world a healthier place and that's only going to come to fruition when we relocate to a safe, comfortable, healthy, sane healing sanctuary with peace and quiet.  Please help!  We need a major Magickal Miracle!

Thank you,
Lots of Love, Hugs, and Blessings,

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Post by Crow » Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:45 pm


Many of these things I am unfamilar with.  But the first thing popping into my mind is if you had relocated.  I am not an advanced student of any certain group yet.  But in my experience certain localities within the US I would have better growth and stabilities then when I was in another part of the country.  One state I could recharge and heal...but it was really stale.  In another state I was always sick and down on my luck.  I began to look at those grids they talk about.  It seems that where I have come back was my best choice for now.  My birth town.  I rarely get sick now, and my energies are steady.  However I am drained at the moment, so I can not send energies at this time.  So that feel you have to relocate isn't a crazy notion. Please do listen to it.  Many of us are returning home or relocating.  Like a timer in my head I knew it was time to go home to my old town.

Have you been trying to sell your personal belongings to build in the monetary while keeping the travel light?  This might help you in your move.  Craigslist is a good free classified ad.  Flea markets/swapmeets are another good venue.  Where I live we still have jobs.  But there is going to be many I think who will begin to flock to these places, as the need for employment rises.  Best to trust your feelings, get out now...while you still are able to.  Find your power grid, one that complements your energies.  Giving you the best chance to hold your ground.  Others may see this as silly, or crazy what I say.  But there really is something to this power grid that I have been noticing. Those invisible lines all throughout the planet.  Why or how...these I am unsure of.  Perhaps since I am hypersensitive to energy.  Getting shocked when I shouldn't. Or locking up electronics when I get frustrated.  Something I have always noted but never understood.  There is just something about the grids.  

How are you charging up?  Sometimes this helps when my battery starts to get too low in charge.  I let the moon or sun charge me.  Sit there and absorb the energies.  Just a quick fix, if I am in a place I am not suppose to be.  

What kind of perimeter or barrier have you placed around your home?  Common table salt will work, sea salt is what I perfer. I have even come across that copper will work, how? not sure, or if copper does.  

I also limit who can enter my home.  People would be surprised on how much negative can enter even with barriers in place when certain people come to visit.  And when we get too busy and forget to cleanse the area of those negativities they can and often do linger.  Even I can bring it in, by what I have around me when I return from going out.  

You can make many cleaning solutions that are safe for the environment, and add those essential oils that are known to help with spiritual cleansing.  Such as lavender.  By doing this everyday to wipe things you are doing it by routine.  You start to notice a change in energies.  Reinforced with the added cleansing of the home, by more traditional old school methods.  Be it oils, or incense to clear the inside.  Scott Cunningham is my favorite author in this, must have Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs.  For those thinking he was fluff they would only need to look at the bibliography part of this book.  The gentleman dedicated his life to put into this book all that knowledge so we could continue to study whatever path we wished, while being able to have something to turn to for the essentials.  I really appriciate all that hard work he put in to write this book.  Sharing with us all that knowledge in a simple to understand way. I love his style of writing. From what you described about who you are, gathering you two might be interested in his knowledge of herbs, if you haven't already read it. :)  

These are simple things that you may try to help you both recharge.  Wish I knew more on how you could recieve money, besides selling things and working two jobs.  And if you are on a low energy cycle or grid, it can be very difficult to do.  Wish I had more energy to spare, I done tapped myself out while hunting for something.  So I offer a hug.  I hope all goes for the better soon for you and your husband.  Take Care

Safe Journey

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:34 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug to u and your husband...and gd luck to both of u stay positive... im sending u both positive and healing energy....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by kybunker » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:41 pm

Sometimes we are placed in the worse setting where we can do the most healing for the earth,
We had neighbors when we first moved in here, that were street racers, they'd build the cars with no mufflers, extreme noise at 1am in the morning!
We weren't happy, The birds weren't happy, Due to the noise we had an excessive amount of babies falling from their nests,, I took in the babies we could find on the ground, Only a few days to weeks old,, Hand raised them to be released when they were old enough and knew how to find their own food, I began laying food out everyday for the birds, feeders and fountains,
After 6 months of this, the neighbor moved out, along with his band of men,, The birds stopped falling out of the nests. The trees stopped dying off, It's been a much healthier enviroment,
When others can't see what they are killing or destroying, it takes a fairy to help heal and secure a place for the earth,
Maybe that's why you are there?
Much hope and Peace to you and your area

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Post by surinder » Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:48 am

A huge hug and positive energy for both of you

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Post by ammo » Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:32 pm

I am so sorry to hear you are going through so much. Sending you all the positive energy I can. Keep in mind that you need to do what is right for you first. If you really feel that your health is being seriously threatened there are various programs that can help you, depending on your circumstances. Remember to focus on your health first. xoxo wishing you all the best

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:34 am

If this "safe, comfortable, healthy, sane healing sanctuary with peace and quiet" truly exists, please let me know, as I'd like to move there myself.  

If you attune to Doreen Virtue, then you know all the panic, despair, despiration and negativity you are currently exhibiting, feeling and experiencing, means you are manifesting and welcoming more of it into your life/world.  Peace, health & happiness don't come from outside..but inside.  There is a lot in your post to think about and address..but ultimately it is never about 'them'..the ones we perceive to be causing the is, in some form or fashion, about us, and how we deal with it.  After all, it is very easy to be nice to people when they are being nice to us.

Look for the positive, bloom where we are planted, show gratitude for what we do have, enjoy, allow and grow.  Be open, non-junmentally, to all opportunities that cross your path to name a few.  There are numerous lessons that can be learned.

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:37 am

I was feeling bombarded in my last residence and just moved to a wonderful old farm surrounded by state forests...and it fell into my lap.  Never doubt the power of prayer.  Add mine to the list.  I had all but resigned myself to being stuck in that environment for who knows how long...I believe that god always gives you what you need.  Hold on a little longer and remember angels walk among us in many guises.

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Post by Medical Astrology » Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:05 am

I am astonished to read that there could be problems like the ones you have written about, in the Developed World.
I know everyone there is not super rich but it surprises me to learn that you wouldn't be able to move to a better and more suitable place for you to live in.

I live in India and thought of anwering because you wrote about Ayurveda in your post.
Have you considered doing Pranayam along with Yoga?

I'm new on this forum and on MB and I haven't found my war around properly yet, so I may or may not come back to this post. In which case, I'd like to urge you again to do Pranayam..... it clears the repiratory system as nothing else possibly can, and without havign to spend a dime, too!

Yoga is a bit time consuming and needs to be done under proper guidance, but you may do pranayam by yourself... just google and read about it and you may start!

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