Bad situation -- need hugs.

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Bad situation -- need hugs.

Post by PrettySiren » Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:18 am

For the past several months, I feel as though my life is severely out of my control. I know I can't control what others do in their own lives, and I wouldn't want to, but what am I to do when it intimately affects my life in negative ways?

I have recently realized two of my best friends have mental illnesses (or something -- I'm not a doctor) which makes them extremely odd and off-putting to any other friends I might make. I completely cut one of them loose, because she essentially treated me in a subhuman manner and guilted me into everything (which I don't think a real friend would do). She was just an all-around bad person to be around with extremely negative energy (she almost seems like an energy vampire) and she was bringing me down, which was sad, because we've been friends for fifteen years, but I guess people change.

The other friend, I had a falling out with last night. She's one of those people who won't take no for an answer and is extremely pushy. She always wants to hang out and be around me to the point where she keeps me up all hours of the night and wakes me up early in the morning. I've tried telling her in nice ways that I would like to be alone and even that she is wearing me out, but she just wouldn't listen.

Last night, I had to take my mother to the ER and myself was very ill (and am facing the prospect of surgery soon). I did not feel like going to the party she wanted me to go to and she wouldn't take no for an answer. In my distraction with everything and my complete and utter lack of care over the entire situation, I just blurted a lie before I could stop myself. I told her I was going to hang out with my ex later.

I know it was wrong to lie and I am by no means a big liar. Frankly, I really don't have anything to lie about and even if I did, I think I'm brave enough to tell the truth. I just did it out of recklessness and exasperation.

So, my friend, being extremely pushy, looked up my ex's work number in the phone book, called him at work, and asked him if what I said was true. He told her it was a lie. Fair enough -- it was. Then she went on to tell him that he was leading me on and that I think we're getting back together, which is a major lie on her part and I think there is a drastic difference to the lie I told and the one she did, because now my ex thinks that I'm still in love with him, which is awkward because we decided to just be friends.   :smt012

So, now he has it in his head that we should be more distant to make sure I'm over him (which...I am for various reasons, though I do wish more than anything to be his friend, as he is the person I am closest to in this world). I don't know what to do, because she has further strained our relationship and apparently has him thinking that any time I wanted to spend time with him after we broke up and anytime I told him I valued his friendship were just ploys to get back together. So, now he feels betrayed and so do I.

I feel very alone, because I can't be close with my three best friends (two of them being my choice -- my ex being his). I feel so lost, especially since my ex is one of the most important people to me in this world and I love him dearly in the platonic sense. He is usually the one who guides me through times of trouble and now my friend, out of her pushiness, has pushed him away from me.

And I suppose it was my own fault for lying. I feel stupid for doing it. But at the same time, I shouldn't have been pushed to my wit's end by her, especially after all of the times that I have tried telling her in a nice way to calm down and give me peaceful time.

But what she did? I am finding it hard to forgive her. Mainly because it's hard maintaining a friendship with exes for many reasons, but he and I had an amicable one because of the general understanding that we could be friends after the romantic relationship was over. And now all of it is just smashed. I feel very hurt and betrayed and stupid. And very much alone.

So, I really do need a hug. I'm sorry it's so long. It's just such a long ridiculous story, I just had to get it out there somehow. Hopefully just getting it out will help! And so would any advice from someone to help me through this. I have to wonder if I'm outgrowing certain friends in the maturity department.

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Post by taraprincess » Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:36 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....that was very wrong on your friends part....first off she should understand that u do need alone time once in awhile....and i understand why u had to lie but it wasnt as bad as what she did to u....she shouldnt have gone to the exreme and called your ex she sounds very selfish...maybe it was a sign that u should not be friends with her anymore she is a bad negative person...i hope everything works out with your ex u should explain to him what happened and im sure he will be your close friend luck sweetie and hope everything works out im sending u positive energy...stay positive and dont let anyone bring u down...keep your head up high...keep us updated and let us know how everything goes with your ex....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by PrettySiren » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:19 pm


Thank you so much for your kind words and positive energy! It really means a lot and I do feel all the kind energy that has been sent this way from the kind souls on this forum. All of you guys are truly amazing!

Sometimes I feel as though my friend cares about me but is very immature. She has done a lot of good things for me throughout my life, but at the same time, things like this make me so angry, it's very hard to forgive her. I have thought about not being her friend, but I've had to cut a lot of negative people out of my life recently, and I feel as though I will be pretty alone if I do that.

As for my ex, I tried sending him a text explaining what had happened. He had originally told my friend that he was going to call me and let me know once and for all how things really are between us. But the call never came. So, I assume that he got my text. Also, I called his roommate apologizing profusely for what my friend had done. The roommate knows my friend and knows why I lied and said that if my ex is smart, he'll know it too. So, I hope things have calmed down on that front. But I think now that I've tried to explain, I'm just going to give my ex some space.

Thanks again for some kind words. I will be sure to update any new developments. This is a wonderful place for support on all matters, I've come to realize.


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Post by taraprincess » Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:47 am

u are so welcome sure your ex will call u and everything will be back to normal....and i  hope everything works out and u are not alone we are always here for u and we are all your friends....u are a great person and keep us posted....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by PrettySiren » Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:11 am

Thank you again for your support! It really is nice to feel not so alone. :)

Love and best wishes,

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Post by grrrlriot » Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:31 pm

*gives you a great big bear hug*

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Post by PrettySiren » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:03 am

Awws, thank you so much! *hugs back*

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Location: Tennessee, USA

Post by grrrlriot » Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:17 am

Thank you for the hug too, PrettySiren! :)

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