Worried about my second child, my wife is 7 weeks prego

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Mystic Cadet
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Worried about my second child, my wife is 7 weeks prego

Post by Mystic Cadet » Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:36 pm

Found out 2 weeks ago we are expecting,  She surprised me.
But now she's been spotting blood, enough for her to wear a pad. red in color.  Last night it was enough and stringy.
This is her second, and it's nothing compared to the first one.  Our first pregancy was text book.

She went to see the doctors yesterday and haven't heard anything yet.
She feels no pain at all....

I wish I had started developing mediumship & psychic abilitlies alot earlier in life , so at leats I can try to attune to the child  and feel if it's in danger.
maybe I'm asking too much...
Last edited by Mystic Cadet on Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Mandimedea » Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:12 pm

I do not have psychic abilities so I am afraid I can't help you that way.  I do know after having two children and several friends with mulitple pregnancies, every single one of them is different.   Spotting could mean anything, I suggest staying positive and putting good, hopeful thoughts out there until you know the test results.  You are in my thoughts and prayers and wish you and your family nothing but the best.

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:46 pm

Eventho, I need to develop/kickstart these abilities and disciplines, I tried my very best to commune with my spirit guide and conveyed my concerns.  NoW i don't know for sure if it has anything to do with that or it has to do with your prayers.  Turns out the Baby is fine..

What a relief..  For good mesure, I tried to commune with my spirit guide again, and thanked him/her.....  I know this will take time and lots of effort, but would like to have a good solid communication with my guide one day...

God bless

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Post by dangermama » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:11 pm

Two things:
1) I have known quite a few woman who bled heavily in their 1st trimester and the baby was just fine.  The doctors told my mother that she should have a DNC when she was pregnant with me because she bled a lot and they thought she was miscarrying, obviously I turned out ok.

2) This feels like a little boy spirit to me and whether or not he survives this pregnancy, his spirit will come through.  If you and a child have a spiritual agreement, a miscarriage will not keep you apart.  

I hope that everything works out for your family but please know that if you lose this baby there is a reason for it.  Timing, a lesson learned, spiritual growth, whatever.  And you will meet your child, one day.

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Post by taraprincess » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:12 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug...congrats every pregnancy is different...im sure everything will be alright think positive im sending u positive energy...im sending out my thoughts and prayers to u and your family...keep us posted...much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:22 pm

dangermama wrote:Two things:
1) I have known quite a few woman who bled heavily in their 1st trimester and the baby was just fine.  The doctors told my mother that she should have a DNC when she was pregnant with me because she bled a lot and they thought she was miscarrying, obviously I turned out ok.

2) This feels like a little boy spirit to me and whether or not he survives this pregnancy, his spirit will come through.  If you and a child have a spiritual agreement, a miscarriage will not keep you apart.  

I hope that everything works out for your family but please know that if you lose this baby there is a reason for it.  Timing, a lesson learned, spiritual growth, whatever.  And you will meet your child, one day.

dangermama I have a question..  How do I create this spiritual agreement?

I have tried to commune with my spirit guide and have asked to have someone watch over my son while he grows and take good care of him.  i will request to have a spiritual agreement with my child..  the very least I can do without training right ?

thanks for the hugs and positive Energy!!!

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Post by dangermama » Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:42 pm

As I understand it, you come into this life with prearranged agreements.  The child chooses it's parents and sometimes the spirit comes into the body and decides that the timing isn't right so it comes back later.  Not always.

I don't know that your guides can assist the baby, but perhaps you can request that the child's angels look out for him.  I find that even though my guides are helpful with giving me psychic information, when I am having a crisis I cannot hear their guidance as well.  Maybe that's just me?   I have a much easier time reading for others than for myself, like i'm too involved, have too many feelings and information about my own situation.

If I were you, i'd communicate directly with the child.  Have a conversation in your head with the baby, it can hear you!  And while you may think it's your imagination...you can hear it.  I have recently been "communicating" with my next child, she has made herself known and is very insistent on her name.  It sounds crazy but it's true and I wouldn't have believed it myself if she hadn't sent me so many signs.

Good luck and keep us updated!

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:33 am

I'm sorry for what you have to experienc here, but whatever the outcome, it is a life lesson.  I know that everything will turn out for the best, it always does.  It may not be what we 'want', but it will be what is in the greatest good.  Stay in the moment, stay empowered, and do not react in fear, attempting to control everything, fix everything, know everything.  The spiritual agreement with your children has always been arranged, there is nothing you can do, but allow it to unfold and happen in its own time.  Stay present, be in the moment, and be loving and supportive to your wife and other child.  Ask the angels of your unborn child, your wife and you to be present.  Then relax and allow it to play out.  It is all you can do.   Hugs and positive energy sent your way.

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Post by swetha » Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:46 am

a warm huggg and lots of prayers that everything turns out just fine :)

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:09 pm

Well dangermama

I tried to communicate with the child last night.
I didn't hear a voice at all,   but only a one word reply that popped up in my mind..

I had asked what name he/she would prefer, "Gabriel"
I had asked if he/she was going to be a boy or girl, got "Boy"

Now i don't know if it was my mind playing tricks on me, or it was the child talking to me..

I'd like to take this further,  I live in Toronto Ontario Canada, and would like to know if there's a Teacher/school/circle that I can attend to learn to develop these medium/psychic abilitles that I may have..

Still looking

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Post by dangermama » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:54 pm

Well that is how it happens for me, random thoughts that just pop into your head and you are aware that they aren't from you.  For many people, Clairaudience isn't actually hearing voices out loud in your head, but sounds like the inner dialogue one might hear when reading a book to yourself or the one you "hear" when you talk to yourself in your head.  It is difficult to tell the difference at first but the more you practice the better you'll be at distinguishing the difference.  It's how I communicate with guides and spirits and receive info.  It can be hard to trust at first but they will give you further confirmation if you ask for it, you'll likely start seeing the name Gabriel everywhere (well, it's sort of common, lol).

If you try again, i'd love to hear what happens...

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:45 pm

Well my wife got an internal ultrasound done, and seems the baby is doing fine 7 weeks and 4 days.  This was last Thursday or Friday..

Well over the weekend she keeped bleeding like a regular cycle.
No major pains at all, the slight cramps that last 20 mins, and that was it.

I communicated with Gabriel, and found out his name, he told me he was a boy, and that he's ok.  Also I mentioned to him that we would be communication in French from now on.  he said OK..

his communication is coming across like a thought..

She was worried that she had mis-carried.  But I had quickly told her, she would be in alot of pain and lot more bleeding more substance"big chunks" would be coming out.  I told here you would know..

Well my wife tried communicating this morning. She asked Gabriel a question and had put her hand on her stomach. She got a reply "I'm hear, I'm hear' I'm hear"  Like from the movie Horton hear's a who..

We have been watching this movie alot lately and my 1st son likes to watch it, so maybe my second child likes the movie as well  ...lol

I really hope I'm communicating with him and I'm not imaganing things,  this whole situation got me concerned...  That's why I want to find a teacher, someone that is local, maybe my spirit Guide can help me with these abilitlies, but I think he/she is waiting for me to do something, waiting for me to take the first step..but what?.  I haven't heard from him or her...

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Post by dangermama » Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:42 pm

Well, you have many guides. 3 or 4 probably.  I find that each of mine communicate with me in different ways, a couple converse with me if i'm meditating and one of them is really quiet but comes through electronically (music, ipods, computer stuff).  Then sometimes I have a hard time hearing any of them.  I'd do a "Meet a guide" meditation, they really help... Jeff Lilly has a great one on his site that is free

http://druidjournal.net/2007/06/05/meet ... editation/

I am so glad your baby is ok, and I sure hope you like the name Gabriel!  My future daughter has told me her name and thank God I like it, it was totally not the one I had picked out for her but I love it and now feel sort of obligated to give her that name, haha.  Kids!

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Post by firetopaz » Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:27 am

I miscarried my first son..and he was right to wait to be born. { I wouldn't have agreed at the time}  He waited a few years for me to grow up a little and is now 18 years old and a most amazing human being.  Not to say this is going to happen to you, just trust that what ever happens it is RIGHT!  He has been with me in other incarnations and could communicate with me telepathically from in the womb.  It always put a smile on my face when I would be debating what to feed him for lunch and he would look up at me with his chubby 3 year old face and say "but mommy I don't want spaghettios"  without me ever speaking a word.  

I will say a prayer for you, stay strong.

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:19 pm

thanks Everyone!!

dangermama...thanks for the link.  I will try this tonight and let you know how it went...

Thanks firetopaz for the prayer, much appreciated

God bless you all

I will keep you updated

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