Lonely and just need a hug

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Lonely and just need a hug

Post by MagicalMoonshadow » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:28 am

My fiance leaves me home alone quit a bit.  We have been together for over a year and it seems like lately he pays more attention to other women and not to me.  He constantly goes out to bars with his brother and I have caught him talking to other women. He doesn't do the little small things anymore that makes me feel loved.  It is almost as if he takes it for granted that I will always be there.  I have given up alot of my friends in the past just to be with him and now I don't have anyone to talk to...just the ones professionally that I perform Tarot readings for and it usually isn't about me...it's about how they feel. I just feel lonely and don't have very many friends...I desperately need a hug, please, and just want to have friends in the cyber world that I can talk to and feel comfortable with.

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Re: Lonely and just need a hug

Post by agata » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:16 am

MagicalMoonshadow wrote:I have given up alot of my friends in the past just to be with him and now I don't have anyone to talk to...
Why have you done this? I can't understand why should someone choose between their partner and friends? I know that people generally devote more time to their partners than to friends but does it mean that they have to say to their friends "Oh sorry I have a boyfriend, goodbye"? Maybe your partner has just realized that he wants sometimes to meet with other people but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you anymore. And I think that it isn't a "sin" just to talk to other women. I have two male friends and my boyfriend isn't jealous because he knows that they are just friends. As far as " the little small things" are considered I regret to say that unfortunately it often happens that people are more involved at the beginning of the relationship. Try to think about your attitude towards him. Do you give him enough of those little things? Or maybe you give him too much of them? If it's this second case, he probably thinks that he doesn't have to seek to be still as fantastic as before because he always gets what he wants . There must be a balance. If you see that something is not okay then you shoudn't pretend that everything is okay. And what is most impottant TALK TO HIM about it. You must know what each other feels! You must know each other's perspective, because it's the basis of a relationship.
I'm giving you a HUG! Don't worry just talk to him and stay relaxed! :)

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Post by taraprincess » Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:04 pm

sweetie here is a huge hug....much love and huggies :smt007

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:50 pm

Here are blessing and positive thoughts that you are able to move quickly thru this life lesson, and find your joy.

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Medical Astrology
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Post by Medical Astrology » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:51 am

You must be a very good natured and trusting person, to have given up your friends for your fiancee. Friends are an essential part of one's life and are a bulwark against family problems, because they are ones who support us in times of stress with our family!

I can understand your need for friends on the internet, and I think you might find a few who would be real friends, too. However, one needs to proceed with caution on the net, because of the possibility of fraud!
I thought I would just remind you of this, as I feel you are a person giving to trusting others easily!

Other than this drawback, friends in the virtual world are just fine and enlarge one's own vision of the world!

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Post by PrettySiren » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:53 am

I'm very sorry for what's going on with you. Here's hugs and healing from one lonely person to another!

I can really sympathize with your situation. I isolated myself from my friends when I was with my ex because I was outgrowing them anyway and he and his friends were better friends to me than they were. Now that we're broken up, I don't have any friends here in person (all the true ones have moved off somewhere).

One thing that might help you with your fiance is to insist on going out with him. Couples do things together. Not necessarily ALL the time, but he should take the time to be around you in public in a social setting. It's fun to go out with your partner to a bar (even though most people think it's for singles to do). You can make some friends and hang out with him in the same process.

Also, I feel that if you do this, you will know what his intentions are, in the process. It's not always wise to test people, but sometimes it's better to know the truth -- especially when you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with him! If he is happy about you wanting to go out with him to the bars/pubs, then all he wanted to do was just have some fun outside the home and he's probably very happy that you want to go along with him.

I know it sounds pessimistic, but his friends can be your best friends or your worst enemies. They could be encouraging him to do stuff that he normally wouldn't do otherwise (everyone has moments of weakness, after all). This could be why he talks to other women. If I were you, I'd just go right to the source (where he's hanging out) and see what the deal is yourself for your peace of mind and so you will feel better about your relationship.

Again, much hugs and healing to you. It's no fun being left out like that (and believe me, I know).

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