It's not me who needs the hug, but...

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It's not me who needs the hug, but...

Post by FaceValue » Sat Jul 31, 2010 7:03 am

Let me first say this. I don't drink. Maybe 3-4 times out of the year I will indulge if there are people who wish me to, and constantly enforce that I        -must-. Yesterday I was promoted, and my old co-workers convinced me to go out drinking with them. (Truth be told, I'm a bit inebriated at the moment still) I did, and had much more than I'd ever had to drink before. (5-6 jello shots, 2 long island iced teas, 2 guiness...just for the record) and I felt at the point of being sick for a few minutes, then late subsided and was alright again. We went out, bringing with us a friend who's wife I talked to the same day  (after not talking to each other for over 3 months. Maybe 4.) while going to get a haircut. It happened that she didn't want to see him getting drunk (again) and went home. He keeps blaming himself for being such a crappy person, friend, and husband, as well as being a slave to the booze. I've always been this (special) friend to him who, even though he's completely unreliable, always somehow gets to say just the right thing to get him to live on with his life just that much longer.

Tonight wasn't a good night at all for him...
I don't really know what happened, but after about an hour of my sitting at a table contemplating, moping, and stewing about my own problems, dilemmas, and coincidences, he and the co-worker I came with were escorted outside. He passed out, got a ton of police attention, but eventually woke up before the ambulance got there and got off scott-free in a friend's car with me in the back, making sure he (and the baby that was back there as well)  was ok for the ride back home.

He needs help from someone. It's not going to be a docter. He's far too proud. It's not going to be his wife. They are too different. It's going to be me, and I don't know if I'm going to end up making it better or worse.
One more time fate intervened to show me a path I must take in my road of life. I don't know exactly how to proceed with this one, though..

Hugs, please?
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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:15 am

a hug on my part. and, all the very bests.
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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:42 am

A big Grandpa hug from me too....and a cry at the same time.

When we are complaining about thing...then we surround our self with negativity, and it many times escalate, because we all have something that is worse then others.

Our Brain swamp up our talk, and it fasten itself as something that downgrades our life, that is why you have so hard time by letting your "love" are hurting yourself....but as an Martyr you carry it, and talk about it to all who want to listen.

I am not saying this is the reason for your friends collapse, but if he was in a bad state of mind, on beforehand, then a negative atmosphere might have put his own thoughts into a spin.

Many times a negative approach to life lead to booze in order to escape problems, in order to make a fantasy world, where everything is easy to solve, I know it..because I have been there myself.
It only bring us further down, it only makes us loose the things we love, if we go on in the same a turnaround is mandatory...and can only be done by building oneself back up with positive thoughts and clear goal and mind.

The best way to help any person is to surround oneself with positivity, and that seems to be the best way you can help him.

That gives energies to those you interact with, and it gives energies to yourself...

If one manage to suppress negative thoughts, then it will soon become natural to waste them, and this will attract other people to you, which also increase the chance to find the real love of your life, the one you have now is just a dream, something to cling too.

Another big Huuuggg to you both....

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Post by FaceValue » Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:27 am

I understand what you're saying, grandpa.
We were at a bar, though. I didn't talk or think very much about her at all that night, and our talks were mostly just us 'making up' for the time we'd spent not talking to each other. He was the one complaining about his life. Before he was kicked out of the bar I hadn't seen him for a while.
You can't save the world, but maybe you can save the one person who means the world to you.

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Post by Elgina » Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:08 am

A hug from my side as well...

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Post by Philipa » Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:42 am

You can be a friend who helps when you can, but he will eventually have to deal what is eating away inside him, alcoholics struggle to get off the booze - only a few succeed.  Body cells retain the memories of how alcohol can lift their spirits, even if only temporary.   Years can go by, and then one drink and the cravings put them right back where they were with the drink habits out of control.

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Post by misty sur » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:04 am

here's a bear hug.
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Post by Brenton » Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:46 am

a warm hug from my side :)

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