What do you do when you feel worthless in life?

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What do you do when you feel worthless in life?

Post by PinkyRani » Tue May 22, 2012 11:27 pm

When you feel as if you are not good at anything?
When you have no friends and your academic marks are horrible as well?
When a happy future does not seem possible?
And when reality is too painful to continue?

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Post by Donkey » Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:15 pm

You remind yourself that regardless of hard you are judging yourself, you are always priceless to someone. I don't know if you are a believer in God or Gods by any name, but I believe that the Great Creator does not make mistakes, and no matter how much of a failure, how worthless and unloved you feel, I promise you that there are spirits / entities / souls / etc. in the Universe which love you, care for and about you and wish you only love and happiness in your life; sometimes we are given tests / tasks which feel like too big of a burden for us to carry, but remember that God does not give us bigger tasks that we can handle.

If you think I am telling only clichés, I apologize however I believe the above to be true, and I can tell you that I know it's really hard and difficult to remember the above in rough times, but that only makes it more true.

Also, you always have a choice to stay in the black hole you feel you are currently living in or to fight = take the battle that it is to crawl back up to the light, smiles, laughter, joy, happiness, sunshine, rainbows etc. etc.

The choice it entirely yours - and you are always loved!

All the best to you, and if you ever need a shoulder or an ear just let me know and I'll be around :)

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What do you do when you feel worthless in life ... ?

Post by jdezola » Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:20 am

I had many of those moments ( days, months too ), and it's horrible. It happens every time when life is not unfolding fairly ( in my modest opinion), and then
I blame it on myself making long list of what's wrong with me. After I'm done with terrorizing myself then I go after first person who can tell something is not
right. That person is usually my mother :) Sometimes she can read my thoughts and just say it out loud which would confirm my own fears and that long list I told you about.One thing is when I feel down and I make myself feel even worse but when someone like your own mother tells you things you 'allow to you from you'... there is nothing worse.
So after I'm done defending myself and going against the list I just made ... I sit down and make another list.
That one is quite the opposite and it's hard to start but as you go on it gets longer than the 'bad' one.
This is the best part ... Then I call my friend and tell her how I feel and what I'm going thru ... she tells me I'm being silly and starts to talk about my real values, kindness, stuff I did and helped, how I overcame certain tragic events  and so on. She actually reminds me of who I really am whenever I feel worthless, hopeless or lifeless. See I should probably call her one of these days because I need to hear something good about myself :)
We all have 'worth', if you wish to put it out there like that.
I kind of know how to deal with such feelings because I decided to Talk about it . I use to keep all of my problems, issues, feelings to myself not letting anybody know because I was afraid of being  misunderstood. I'm big on being honest and stuff I went thru were not really common so I was afraid people would think I'm a liar... but all of them knew better once they were around me long enough to see ...
Intentionally ignoring negative thoughts is really helping me. As soon as I feel them coming I turn on 'ignore' button and surround myself with positive people.
By feeding such feelings and emotions we go nowhere but down / depression. It's hard to snap out of it, but I'm sure you will find many techniques on this website that will help you.
Help and let others help you.
Love and light.

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Post by Cyrenius » Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:26 pm

I use to have those feelings too but I managed to overcome them. I use to pray, meditate and practice yoga to regain my balance and with time those feelings came less often.
It's also important to evaluate your life, to see what you are doing wrong, what do you need to change in your life, habits and especialy mind sets.
Every one is meant for something, when you are doing that particular thing you are happy, when you are not doing it you feel unhappy.

And I'm finishing with a quote from Tolstoy:

“If you want to be happy, be.”


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Post by symulhaque » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:43 am

I keep you in my prayer to overcome all the drawbacks in life.

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