Something Big Is Coming Soon...

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by master4 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:51 pm

Hi Christianevanessa,

I am sorry to inform you that what you dream is the truth and very real.

What the people in your dream is seeing in the sky, Is an ALIEN INVASION.

                                          And you know what is strangest thing?    

Most of the World Governments know these aliens are coming and they are keeping it a big secret from there people
all in the name of power.    

Yes  Christianevanessa  we all have been sold not so much as slaves but mostly as FOOD!!!!!!

But what these foolish aliens and Governments leaders don't know Is there will be two invasions.

Let us all give praises to the wisdom of the Most High and the angels.

Blessing to all

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Post by Samson » Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:20 pm

Master4 what you have stated is only partly right, yes there will be Alien contact but not for the sake of taking us as food, they will be here at the time when the governments of this world decide to go to war, what those people are seeing in the sky are not Aliens but rockets of destruction and as far as I believe the Aliens are coming here to try and prevent a total obliteration of this planet that we call home. You have to understand we are not alone in the universe and they can see everything that takes place here including the fighting.


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Re: Whats in this date.

Post by witchling » Fri Jun 22, 2007 8:13 pm

Yrriki wrote:7/7/2007 can any one shed some light on it,your thoughts please,I'm not very good with numbers but I feel there is some importance attached to this date.
Five (5) is the number of Mankind.

Six (6) is the number of "the Devil" (Or if you prefer, a power higher than humankind, but not quite Deity.)

Seven (7) is the number of God or Divinity.

Perhaps it is the official beginning of humanity's rise to the next stage of Enlightenment. The Age of Aquarius IS close at hand, after all...

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Post by Nick234 » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:14 am

Samson, why don't you post your thoughts on the whole matter? You seem to know more than the rest? I'm sorry if you already did, but this thread is so long and I'm so lazy lol =)

Oh is there any advice you could give us to prepare for this event or transition?

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Post by lunarcraft » Sat Jun 23, 2007 8:56 am

thursday wrote:Samson, why don't you post your thoughts on the whole matter? You seem to know more than the rest? I'm sorry if you already did, but this thread is so long and I'm so lazy lol =)

Oh is there any advice you could give us to prepare for this event or transition?
Hi from England - I help to run an Esoteric Support Group for young people in the town where I live and all indications are that there is something really powerful happening.  We feel that the group has come together for a specific purpose but it is not yet clear what that is.  One of our members is a focus for what is to happen - she is naturally a VERY powerful psychic and is aware of what is to come but she is not allowed to share this knowledge.  

Three weeks ago, we had four of us using different divination tools and asking questions about the role of the group and the answers that we all got was that Balance was the key, along with change, rebirth, power and leadership

Additionally, there have been reports of a great deal of psychic activity around the area and from people that would normally not subscribe to psychism or similar.

I would be really interested to learn people's views.

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Post by Samson » Sat Jun 23, 2007 10:37 am

Hi lunarcraft, I have known about the up coming events for some time now, the information that I have comes directly from my guides but they never give me that much all at once, interesting enough though, what I have learnt so far has me seeing what really is taking place in this world. We will all be free from all this devastation that the leaders of this world have put us through, there will be freedom in the end once the change has taken place.


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Post by lunarcraft » Sat Jun 23, 2007 11:44 am

I am still intrigued but feel that whatever will happen will be positive and for the good of all.  I also agree with you that there is a role for us to play in helping those with less enlightenment to cope with the changes.  Do you have any idea of when this will happen?



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Post by Nick234 » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:45 pm

Lunarcraft, interesting that group you've founded! However, I'm not from England, nor have any psychic abilities.. but please tell us more!

I'm really looking forward to this big change that's supposed to come, the world really has become f*cked up. I hope there will be a lot of positive change for everyone on the planet, but I'm afraid it's not going to be that simple.

You people are definately making me curious, wish I was psychic too hehe

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Post by Samson » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:49 pm

Hi Sarah, all I can say about the change that we will experience will be soon, now I don't know what that means but this is what I was told to say. It sometimes does bug me when I write something that has some importance to others and only get bits and pieces given to me so that I can express it to all, but at least in the end I still get to share what I know.

Last edited by Samson on Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by suzisco » Sat Jun 23, 2007 2:52 pm

I am very glad that people are sharing their knowledge, if we all do it then perhaps we will manage to get the full picture from the bits of the jigsaw that people are contributing.

Thank you everyone.


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Post by lunarcraft » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:08 am

Thursday - thanks for asking about the group.  I opened a "new age" shop in the town where I live about a year ago and have made some wonderful friends during that time.  More recently, an increasing number of young people have started to come into the shop and one of them stated that he was finding it difficult to connect with like-minded people of his own age and that he would like to know if there was a non-secular group that he could join so he could explore his feelings ... we couldn't find one.  Hence the idea of a group was born.

The group is open to anyone aged 21 or under who has an interest in anything esoteric (paganism, witchcraft, occult, herbs, crystals, divination etc etc).  The membership of the group is just small (5/6 members) but it is extremely vibrant, as you would expect from people aged 14 - 21.  The young people run the group but look to me as a facilitator.

It looks as if the group is going to serve a dual purpose and this is something that we have to discuss at our next meeting.  One will be as described above and that is likely to have an "open" membership.  The other purpose appears to be centering around something powerful that is happening and this is attracting particular membership and those members are the ones with particular skills.

As the group is still in its infancy, it is still evolving and developing so it is difficult to state anything with any great certainty.  However, the feeling is very strong that we have all been drawn together for a purpose.

I have worked with young people for over 30 years and seem to be able to relate to them in a positive manner.  I ensure that I give them respect as individuals and respect their views.  However, I find that I can also reason with them to keep their focus realistic.

For example, as you could probably imagine, their enthusiasm around the "big event" could be all embracing so I see my role as being that of the "Voice of Reason" to ensure that they do not do anything rash, without thinking it through rationally.

Sorry for rambling on, but hope this helps to explain the group to you.



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Post by suzisco » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:37 am

Your group sounds fantastic.  I wish you lots of luck with it.  You are doing a great Job!


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