MORE ABOUT 4th Dimension ( 2012)

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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MORE ABOUT 4th Dimension ( 2012)

Post by hit1710 » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:13 pm


I feel everything is a dream. It's all light. And it is what we think it is, whether we're conscious of it or unconscious of it. If we come together in our hearts enough, we can change that dream and lessen the violence and pain that could happen during the transition. If we were completely together as a planet in love, this transition would be one of great beauty. It would be the most beautiful thing one could ever imagine

What's happening now is souls are moving all around the universe into the geographical area most attuned to where they're at vibrationally. So, when they make the transition it will be more comfortable for them, and it will be more understandable.

If  3D continues the way it's going, if it doesn't change, is not going to be habitable. There's something happening in the third dimension that's forcing light to move up (in dimension). The Earth has many dimensional levels. There are many worlds here. There is not just one.

What's going to happen is that consciousness is going to be forced into moving into higher levels. Who is doing this? It's God. God is forcing us to make a change for whatever the reason. The shift is coming from outside the (solar) system, and that's God, from our point of view.


You may end up in different overtones of the fourth dimension, but only for a while. Eventually, everybody will move into the twelfth overtone, and from there we will make another huge leap of consciousness. From that point, according to the Ascended Masters, we will move very fast, and we'll never be the same again.


It isn't anything at all like the third dimension. Every dimensional level is completely different. Every time we take a step it's different

It's even more different than that. Everything...the whole way that spirit relates is different. In 4-D you do have bodies, but you can fly. You don't need food. There are many differences. The colors are completely different. The way that you interact is not as an individual but as a unit, like a cell within a body. So, everything that you're doing is being done in sychronicity with other life. Although, some of the lower realms of the fourth dimension are not healthy. They are rather distorted, like this one is, where you've got a lot of weird thoughtforms. But the higher realms are very evolved. The seventh, eighth and ninth overtones are where your angelic realms are. The tenth, eleventh and twelfth, right next to them, is where the higher levels of human consciousness are. Other levels of consciousness move through there also, not just humans.

It's a thousand times more interesting than here. Every breath is like an eternity; it's so special. We have lost our connection to God here and we don't remember what it's like to have God in and around us, moving through us, and to be intimately connected with God, so that, whatever you're thinking and whatever you're feeling is directly created. You could go into the fourth dimension and actually recreate the third dimension. That is a child-like thing from their (the beings in 4-D) point of view. We are considered babies there. So, as a baby we will create a more-or-less third-dimensional world, but it won't last long because you quickly realize that whatever you're thinking starts happening, and the whole idea that we are separate becomes meaningless very quickly.


I can't really say except that we will move into formlessness. We won't have bodies, and we won't have too much of a localized expression. We will be much more expanded, but the understanding of "expanded" will keep growing. Every time we go into another dimension, the understanding gets higher and higher. It keeps growing


It's all potential. It's all light. It's a thought in the mind of God. What happens will be that our memory of our previous Earth 3-D will be like it happened a long time ago. You could go into the fourth dimension for hundreds of thousands of years and come back to Earth and only a few seconds have gone by,. It's very different in 4-D. We are now slowly beginning to interface with the fourth dimension. A lot of people think we're already there. We're not. But 4-D's effects are beginning to effect time. Time is speeding up. Things are beginning to go really fast.

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Post by Samson » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:55 pm

I would like it if you could explain this a little further Dave, have you anymore information on this particular subject?


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Hi samson

Post by hit1710 » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:00 pm

I guess you wish to know more about 4D and others dimensions rights ?

If its true then I will post some more information soon as a new topic under Everyday predictions.


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Post by Samson » Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:25 pm

I'm interested in this one, but there is no rush so take your time.

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Thats interesting

Post by nvg281 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 11:30 pm

Maybe you should read about string theory. It also suggests a universe with 12 dimensions.

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Post by dreamer2010 » Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:51 pm

I have read the string theory I don't remember when it was but it seems like forever since I last heard about the dimensions but the string theory is interesting!

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string theory is not really new

Post by drmeals » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:16 pm

string theory is a modern contemporary science theory that actually is the same as the arcane indigenous peoples teachings that were taught as the Sacred Web

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Post by Andypants » Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:27 am

Intesting articles hit1710.

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