Something will be happening in August 2007

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by Samson » Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:47 pm

Hi Michelle, can you explain what kind of feelings that you have been getting and in what direction it points to, like what area it's coming from. Your never to young to sense things that are going to happen, you'll find that animals sense things way before any of us can you always can tell if it's something close that way.


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something happening in august 2007

Post by stan-wells » Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:22 am

yeah, something is going to happen - probably - the I Ching readings have been fairly consistant in telling me Evil will happen in the 8th month.  with so many ups and downs it is hard to determine what.

A friend states he saw a "tectonic plate literally flip - like a coin" in a vision just a couple days ago and i felt a strong power fluctuation that lasted about four hours.  since the tectonic plate can't flip like a coin (hope not at least) - I would say probably an earthquake of some proportions, but probably not global influence.  the quickness of the power fluctuation would indicate some small amount of severity - maybe 4 or 5 on the scale - we are in Montana and that is a fairly common occurance, though.

regardless of the month or the year - you will have something that would be appropriately call a disaster - so unless we can get a bit more detailed as to what and when - the predictions are of no use.


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somethings happening

Post by stan-wells » Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:34 am

sorry, didn't read all the posts - my apologies - the ring of fire is the main tectonic plate for the pacific ocean - a flip in the plate (actually a slippage) would be a major concern as it would not only cause tsunamis in it's own right, but would cause violent underwater chasms to open up - the steam vents could be explosive and make most earthquakes look really minor.  It would only last a short time (per se) but the damage could be  tremendous.  this is something that needs to be watched - timing for this type of "visions" are quite non-linear so we could be seeing some time in the future -


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Post by L.e.b.r.a.s » Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:00 pm

I'm not sure if you've heard, but I'm part of a group (co-operated by Sarah/LunarCraft) and lately we've been doing a lot of Divination and all seven methods we used pointed that something was going to happen soon, and us, as people who believe in the Supernatural, we will be able to cope with it more than others, and must help people in need: maybe what you, Antiquis, were predicting has something to do with the Tsunami and Earthquake in Peru?


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Post by Danny » Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:55 pm

I planned for Y2K.  Generator , extra food etc., hot dogs for a couple of months.  I ended up looking like the weiner.  I don't predict the future,  I am at peace with the UNKNOWN and what will be will be.

Having said this (have not been the same since Y2K).  And this is a strech but there may be a joing of timelines coming or merging.  Some are seeing both as they are about to intersect.  Which one you go to after the crossing is anyones guess.  Get my drift.  So why get excited.

been there done that


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Post by MissEm » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:39 pm

Hi Samson

From Wikipedia:
The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions encircling the basin of the Pacific Ocean. In a 40,000 km horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. It is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt or the circum-Pacific seismic belt.

Ninety percent of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire. The next most seismic region (5–6% of earthquakes and 17% of the world's largest earthquakes) is the Alpide belt which extends from Java to Sumatra through the Himalayas, the Mediterranean, and out into the Atlantic. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the third most prominent earthquake belt.
If you Google 'Ring of Fire' you'll find lots of interesting information.

What it means for us Aussies.....well NZ is right in the middle and so is Indonesia ie Sumatra, Timor etc... Bali, Tonga, PNG.  We're not in any of the actual belts that make up the ring of fire, but the potential for impact to us is quite big, especially the coastal area of the Top End (WA/NT/QLD)

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if destruction is for new arrivals, it is for good only. Let lord sive plays it

Post by soundararajan » Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:35 am

why should we worry for what is determined already. Let it happens, we are here to witness only.

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:22 am

its all ready happen on the  Big lsland of hawaii ^^

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Worry just gives u gray hair

Post by Graceofthespirits » Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:16 pm

What will be or what will come, the month is almost over, maybe it was the lunar eclipse, and the 2 moon theary, If it was for us to know it think we would know by now.  Keep looking thought the month of Sept will be bringing  a few supprises to us all.
Blessings, Love and Lite

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August almost over

Post by stan-wells » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:10 am

When I realized what I was seeing was real - not dreams - then I had to deal with it.  Was I supposed to warn everyone - with what? normally no timetable was set so I could tell the happening without a timeframe, but not get much closer.  As it gets clearer i wonder if I am supposed to receive the information so that I can change history or save a life - even my own from the disasters.

No, you probably can't change the happenings - well not normally - what you may be able to do is change who gets hurt (for good or bad) or get out so you don't end up the one hurt.  My experience is that there are not very many people who listen about stuff like that - so my best bet is that I have a better chance at getting myself out.  I have never had the seeings for an area that I was in - so I can not verify that statement, though.

I guess I can look at them as signposts as to where not to go on vacation and by accepting the seeing I am accepting the idea that I might need the information some day.  How I will use it - I can't say.

If you have the dreams, visions, etc.  keep a log or diary of the dreams - not only to check your self, but this leads credence to the fact that you are seeing - not for others, for yourself.  


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Post by suzisco » Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:17 am

Today is the 1st of september.  Lots of things have happened in the month of August.  I am now locking this thread and september predictions need to go in a different thread.

Suzi (Moderator)


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