The Upcoming Big Event ( DEC 2007)

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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The Upcoming Big Event ( DEC 2007)

Post by galacticman » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:27 pm

The Big Event ( Dec 2007)

If you have only just found out about the astounding news of Jupiter becoming a second sun , you will now  be reading about more incredible events expected to follow in 2007 & Onwards.

The likely collapse of a large portion of California, and the Earth changes brought about by the ignition of Jupiter on December 23, 2007, will bring about coastal damage worldwide, and particularly around the Pacific rim. Instead of moving into fear or dismissing this information, we can do positive things through meditation/prayer and visualising calming of shifting waters and land so that all activity in the future is for the highest good of all people.

There is more detailed information to come from higher realms, and also governments, on what to expect and what actions we should all take. Meanwhile, try planning what you need to do if it is necessary to move home temporarily or permanently. Lightworkers will likely have access to funds to move. It will probably be difficult to sell properties once news of pending events becomes well known and accepted. Some people of course won’t accept the situation.

A lot of information is circulating the Internet on possible sizes of tsunamis to come. The average height in past times has been about 10 metres. Suggestions of a mega-tsunami of over 1000 metres high from a California collapse seems far too high to me. This would take out the Dividing Range in Australia and about three-quarters of the population, over 15 million people. I don’t think the higher realms would allow for that. Perhaps there could be tsunamis up to 100 or 200 metres high. Who knows? We need more information. Tsunamis grow in height as they enter shallow water. On coastal strips under 200 metres high they could likely penetrate from 10 to 100 kilometres or more inland.

“You are rapidly headed towards a time of great shifting and forward movement. This forward movement will be marked as a great historic period in your history of days and it will become the most heralded story of Earth’s history. The upcoming and soon to be distributed financial programs have great bearing on the united way of global thinking and relating. This globalisation process is the first step towards dignified foreign relations and the most important of all, relations of the heart. In addition to these financial programs and the distribution of fair wealth, there is also coming a great deal of technology which will suit your higher needs. The distribution of this technology will impart great ease among many areas in modern living. There will be many alternatives never considered before that will become commonplace. The currency of money exchange, for instance, will become mostly digitised and will have the opportunity of freeing up many previously blocked transactions worldwide. This is of great importance to the people of a rising nation for it will have ramifications in all areas of your lives.

We wish to include in this transmission that those of you who are to be the first level recipients of great wealth should take every measure possible to ensure that the Lightworkers of faith are duly gifted and given every opportunity to succeed in their ventures of the heart. It will be of more benefit to these funders to see to it that all Light workers are provided for, then to go out and feed the poor. This is planning in action and those who have roles to play as gift givers, shall ensure the distribution can accommodate all those with visions of great giving and restoration. We wish you much joy in your endeavours of the soul and the true expression of Heaven in your hearts. Your tears of joy will be abundant as you give of yourself to others, for all of your needs will truly be met. You will soon find that having is not nearly as joyous as giving, but that giving bestows upon you abundantly. When you need nothing, you truly have it all. Blessings bestowed upon all co-creators of divine action.”

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Post by indreams » Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:24 pm

where did you get the information for the date of this new change, is this something that can be verified , or is it still in hidden stage

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Post by Samson » Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:04 pm

I have read this somewhere before, the trouble with this person who posts this stuff can't back any of it up, he just copies it from somewhere and post it here. His last post read like a Television commercial like this one does, so how creditable is this person, that is my question.

I'd rather give my comments to someone who I believe is worthy, I really don't get a kick out of reading stuff that I've already seen.


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Big Event 2007

Post by whitetiger0000 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:13 pm

I read that there will be a earthquake in Bagdad that will change the shape of the Mediterranean basin in November 2008.

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Post by whitetiger0000 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 2:14 pm

But then again, California is overdue by far.  The 1989 earthquake did not wipe the State (thank God)!

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Post by Sommerstars8o8 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:29 am

So is the state of Hawaii    The  Hawaii  island  aka Big Island  has  volcanic eurpitions since 1983

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Nothing will happen

Post by califajoy » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:44 am

Sleep tight,  tomorrow will be the same.

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big date

Post by spunspinner » Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:24 pm

there are some things i believe will come true in this post,but this is the first time i've hear anything on getting a new sun and i would like to know more about it.I also think that if we get a new sun that close to earth then we are in for more problems than you think.I also see a shift in the magnetic poles soon and that could be where a lot of the desturction fortold in the near future. :smt006

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Re: Nothing will happen

Post by Casey » Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:43 pm

califajoy wrote:Sleep tight,  tomorrow will be the same.

This truth trumps everything.

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Post by gurujames5 » Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:55 am

I don't believe Jupiter is dense enough to ignite (perhaps briefly at best) but there is a large body entering our solar system known as planet X, or Nibiru. It is a planet in orbit around a very dim brown dwarf star which orbits within our solar system every so many thousands of years, bringing about most of these major Earth events.

We speak of global warming being caused by greenhouse gasses but if that is so how come ALL of our planets are experiencing this warming trend? (just look it up on the net) It is because our entire solar system gravity is being pulled and affected by an external force, which is in turn causing many natural disasters here.

We are entering a tough time of major natural disasters, and we are only making it worse with wars and the worlds biggest killer, greed, instead of preparing ourselves as best we can for what is now a period of escalating disasters and diminishing critical resources such as water (yes, drought is a major unprecedented problem which is so underreported).


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