World will not be destroyed in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by FireRose » Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:02 am

in my humble honest opinion ...

I don't think the world will "end" in 2012, but something extremely altering will happen. Growing up as a child, I'd have vivid dreams about hectic events  happening in a blur all around me until everything was just still. In my dreams I always knew I was 27years old (and I will be in 2012). The number 27 stayed with me my whole life and I'm just now finally looking into what it all means. What I do know is that in my dreams I wasn't dead, though it seemed that way.
Maybe it's all nothing... but that's just what I belive. Life will go on, but nothing like it used to be.
I'm bracing myself for a war like the world has never seen. It's coming for sure.  :smt020

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Post by KimSullivan » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:48 pm

thanks for this post. Although I do not have any powers of predicting the future, I just dont believe that the world will end in 2012. What you said about us being saved from hazrads every day makes sense!  

I do however believe in the law of attraction. Why not get rid of all these negative thoughts and replace them with pwerful ones, spread the message to others and see how that works?

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Post by FireRose » Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:01 pm

Hey Kim,

That's a great attitude. I do believe our energies and attitudes influence those around us. I hope more people agree. :)

Either way, 2012 doesn't strike a cord of fear in me. It's a date I've always felt connected to, but not afraid of. Good luck to us all!!

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Post by Samson » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:21 pm

2012 is going to be very interesting......very interesting indeed.

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Post by thirdeye » Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:39 am

If you believe it, then I can at least ponder it. Your message is that of hope. If your heart believes what you are saying, then your belief becomes a needed possibility in a world filled with despair. We all have a need to believe in something. In a universe that compels us to believe beyond, Your belief is very needed. Columbus believed that the world was round. Galliealo believed the earth revolved around the sun. Da Vinci believed that science could explain many backwards beliefs that held us prisoner to the Dark Ages. Tesla believed he understood some of the unknown forces of electrical power. Your belief is much needed in this new age of enlightment. Believe my friend. From belief  great accomplishments have been realized. All mankind has used and nurtured belief until we could shape and mold our realities into what we believed. Prosperity and Good Health.  


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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 22, 2008 4:36 am

2065 maby

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Post by UltimateMystic » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:30 am

:smt006 I think the UFO's are GHOSTS... sorry

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Post by Andypants » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:02 am

ufo's exist primarily as forth dimensional bodies, and in the past they have shared technical information with the government.
The government is going to do a  "fake invasion" in order to bring together the people in the one world government world for total domination of them, using the fear of an alien invader. I believe they will do this coming up to year 2012.
They will create links between the bible and the "invaders" as leverage to kill those who believe in the word of god.
You will see the beginning of public prosecution in the name of prosperity for the people.
Realize though, you are not the people they are referring too.
These are the people you work for, the ones at the top, to them you are there legal slaves, although you have yet to accept that.
The aliens are very similar to the greys in appearance, they have the ability to come into our universe, although such actions are forbidden. However agreements can be broken. There must be some aware to stand and say NO for such agreements to stand.
They can however communicate with our minds if we allow them, using images and speech via thoughts to do so.
If there is anything to fear it is those already in power.
But by preference choose not to fear, as to do is so to play the game on there terms, a fight you will surely lose.

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Post by SteadyHills » Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:34 am

When writing about the "World Super Powers" and "World Leaders", are these terms in reference to the "World's Power Elite" aka "The Bilderberg Group" ???

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Post by Andypants » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:48 am

writing specific names makes for specific enemies.
i like the term "the powerful elite of evil doers"

understand, it is not a good men who gather much wealth to themselves.
good men share wealth they do not hoard it.

it is these men who gather to themselves who run our world behind the scenes.

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Post by UltimateMystic » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:52 pm

I said ghosts because i've been reading those web pages with ghosts (ghost investigators),
and saw some stuff on you tube. I don't won't to go too far from the subject, but I believe it's got to do something
with the UFO sightings  and Tibetan Prophecy. Maybe this subject is in another thread.

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to Hit1710

Post by Lycona » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:55 pm


I liked your post on this topic, and I've done some reading on the events leading up to 2012, though I'm far from being an expert on it.  It is of some interest to me.

Regarding you post, when I get on this forum (and I just arrived yesterday), I really don't want to read come college paper.  If I did, I can go on another site.  You and I have gone to many different web sites and have read many different theories on this topic, so we may not always remember or keep track of where we get every single scrap of information.  College papers have a list of sources, but do we need to start doing that here?  I don't think so.  This is an informal forum, full of typos and errors, but it is more like conversation.  So far, I prefer that over a college term paper.

Regarding 2012, no one knows for sure what will happen, though those Buddhist monks are pretty savvy guys and probably have a better idea of what is going on and what is likely to happen than us simple mortals.  I'm not Buddhist myself, but I have a huge respect for anyone following that path.  

My own theory, again after having read through the various theories all ranging from one extreme to another, is that the date of December 21, 2012 is significant, and something very important is likely to happen.  I'm not sure if it is because the Mayans decided to end their calendar on this date or not.  Either way, it is not a random date.

I have an oracle called the 2013 Oracle, which I plan to use more the closer we get to THE date.  It is an exciting time to be living in, and I'm honored to be a part of the world that we live in today.  I'll be, um, 36 when the date comes.  Where did my 20s go?

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Post by himanshu_hari » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:39 am

is it really so......even i think it so..bcoz on 17th march 2008.....the sun was covered from four negative planets...which will ruin the world in nxt four years

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Post by Pakrat » Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:27 am

It seems through out my life, at every turn, there is a new prophecy of human self destruction and or the annihilation of everything living.

And there are people who like to interpret things they dont fully understand as the end of mankind.

Comming from a chistian background, with what i would consider a very open mind, I can not believe the creator of all things would give us the satisfaction of destroying his creation. Sure we have abused it, and we are beginning to pay for it now and will continue to in the future.

I would place merit on the monks prophecy, as i would see it the same way.

Why is the human race so vain, that a lot of them believe that we will destroy ourselves to the point of extinction. It is a tough time we are living in , and such a divine intervention would be a true blessing.

I will watch and wait as everyone else, there is no real way to prepare physically for it. But we should emotionaly, spiritually, and mentally prepare and be ready to accept what is handed, whether it be punishment or deliverance.

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Hi, New to the forum.

Post by revintl » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:53 am

I have heard, seen, felt,...ect.   A lot about the year 2012. I do not know if its being over-rated at this point, but I do have stronger feelings about the year 2013. I do not know if anyone else has encountered the visions of 2013, but I have all intentions of "going off the grid" by the year 2011.  I believe the governments are going to be the biggest problem in 2012 as well.  I do not want to be on the grid and easily found.  My family survived Katrina in New Orleans, and were very lucky with little damage to the house.  One thing that troubled me was what my dad said when he went to FEMA for help.  He remarked, "I'm not sure their purpose or place here is for the best, it seems there is another agenda going on".

I'm not sure I'm posting in the proper forum area, but I would like to hear other's views on the year 2013. What is the government's real agenda? I wonder if this will be the beginning steps of the new world order?  I don't want to stir any weird controvercy, but race, places, and catastrophies seem very off balanced. I'm caucasion.

I wish everyone well.

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