A Question about the Predictions.

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by Samson » Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:16 pm

It's amazing where my question has taken this thread, you ask one thing and you get everything else.


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Post by Andypants » Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:44 pm

The original inspiration is the bible. Interpretation, prediction and research leads me to believe the microchips will play a significant part in this upcoming war on freedom.
For example lets look at the possibilities.

There apparently exists frequency's which quite possibly can be set off by these microchips into the brain which produce the following effect.
Extreme Sudden Anger
Complete Body Stun
Subliminal messages directly into the brain

Of course you wont hear about any of that on the news, you'll likely hear.
GPS, so your location is always known.
Personal information storage, keep everything about you in your chip.

I have seen recorded speeches that indicate before year 2012, these chips will be necessary by law for the |security| of the general public.

Okay lets say all this is true, both whats said and what isn't.
Let's say worse case, that everyone has to get it and it does all the listed things.

Then! with everyone chipped.
Let's give remotes to all the rich and upper class for "protection" against the general public.
and what about hackers? all they need to do is be near you and they could any scan ALL THE INFORMATION about you with a simple passing of you on the street.
Anyone with access to government facility can have access to your constant location.
wherever you are, anytime, anywhere, they know.

Okay so there might be a few good points to these chips.
But as enforced objects onto all general public.
This reads danger all over.

Then add in the fact all products have a bar code with the number 666 separate but hidden amongst the other numbers in the bar code.
The fact your sticking it in your arm. Lets think hypothetical.
If having a bar code makes it a product.
And having the number 666 is the devils claim of possession.
Then by having a bar code with 666 implanted into your skin makes you a product under  possession by another.
Does the bible not speak of such a mark to be forced upon all people?

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Post by luckytsa » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:13 am

I would agree with that point.

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Post by Angelsway » Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:34 am

I would agree that the mark is soon to come about........I thought the micro chip has already been implanted into pass ports and here in the U.S. some states drivers licenses.  There have been alot of video's out on the internet about this. There has also been alot said about a New World Order.  After doing alot of research I believe that the so called 911 hijackings were planned by our government as to scare the people into thinking they need the protection from the government, there fore they are all to happy to give up there constitutional rights. Which was already set into motion when the Patriot Act was set in place. Their are alot of people who are protesting against what the government is doing but until everyone can come together and take a stand nothing will happen. It may be to late already. I will be an outcast when it comes down to it because I will not be marked or chipped......what ever they want to call it.  I hate that the government is turning this once proud and free country into one that is scared and thinking it needs the government to protect them when it really needs to be protected from the government. If anyone really did some research they would find the government has been corrupt since the start it has just progressed to being what I call evil. I could go on and on about the evils of our government but I am but one voice.  When the time comes I guess I will have to depend on survival skills because I'll be heading to the mountains.  I guess I should have a better plan in motion. But I know one thing I will not have no chip put into me.  Around May 2008 The Real Id act is supposed to be set in place. Anyone without a card will not be allowed to board an airplane, Amtrak train, open a bank account or enter a Federal building. The bill mandates that all driver licenses contain "common readable technology" in which a Radio frequency identification chip (RFID) will be used. It is to much like the prophecy's of the bible to me   "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead: And that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark" ``revelation 13:16  Have we  become so controlled and so ignorant about our rights that big institutions and the government can do what they want with us? and without our approval I don't think this was the plan our fore fathers had in mind for us.  I for one will not except a national ID card and if nobody accepts these cards and can't board airplanes good let the Airlines go bankrupt, and if we can't open an account at a big bank chain then get a local bank account, and if I can't walk into a federal building so what. People need to stand up to these institutions and not let them dictate to us how to run our lives. I live in America and we the people have free choice, we the people have the power and the government gets its power from us...not the other way around. Just think of all the men and woman who have died in all our wars fighting for freedom. Do you think they sacrificed their lives so we could all be chipped like dogs? and have a homing device inside us? No I think not.  This ID card will be the last step before they implant us and so more so the reason to refuse the card.   If a person looks back President Bush announces the micro chip (mark of the beast it should be called) on 6/6/06   Oh my I didn't realize this had gotten so long I guess I am just so against what the government is doing to this country and wish that "We the People" Would take a Stand.......instead of being led by lies and deceit by a power hungry government.

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Post by FireRose » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:56 am

Angelsway ...

oh my what to add.. NOTHING! Your rant was, well, complete! Thanks...

I will also be refusing the chip. Perhaps I will begin planning the move to another country soon. I hear Iceland is beautiful with the highest rate of alcoholism AND longest life span. NEAT!  :smt007

only 1/2 joking ... peace :)

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Post by EmeraldWings » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:53 am

Samson wrote:It's amazing where my question has taken this thread, you ask one thing and you get everything else.

Ha ha! You ask or even post anything and your going to get maybe 1 or two posts on your topic then it fans out.:smt002

Anyway..  I think that the reason that most predictions are pointed at America, is that that's all people are focusing on.

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Post by luckytsa » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:40 pm

I think the world is very messed up and that America is becoming a Communist Country. I heard they are already doing these chips on rapists, pedophiles and such.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:11 pm

luckytsa wrote:I think the world is very messed up and that America is becoming a Communist Country. I heard they are already doing these chips on rapists, pedophiles and such.
and that is a bad thing why?

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Post by luckytsa » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:36 pm

The chips are good for people that are troubled and have no control of themselves, this will help to keep their location.

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Post by paul-of-birchbay » Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:02 pm

And what important facts does Biblical Christianity "smudge"?
Christinanity claims it's home. A false teaching of god which seeks to smudge the important facts but leave the overall framework intact.

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Post by Samson » Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:55 pm

Why are all these people worried about this chip that they want you to wear in your body, all you need to do is use that magic word, NO!
There is a such thing called freedom of choice, if you don't choose to have it then don't, you don't belong to them nobody dose.


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You ask yourself why?

Post by sunseeker4ever » Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:55 pm

Well because all we hear everyday about it is that is crooked and all the movies that are made somehow revolve around it. Don't wonder... Just stay away.

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Post by pirbid » Fri Jan 25, 2008 4:22 pm

:) Well, well, I love it when a thread awakes such an interest: you should be rightly proud, Samson.

The reason most people look towards the USA (sometimes with dread, I must confess) is that their leaders, while being just as deranged and dangerous as many others, have a lot more power behind them to stamp their will within and sometimes also without their frontiers.

Never believe for a moment that its citizens are viewed the same way: I would hate to be identified with the political leaders in my country. Yes, someone must have voted them, but what was the abstention rate? how accurate the information given to voters previous to elections? what were the alternatives to each government in each country? There is really very little choice given to any population when the time comes to chose their leaders, so it is unfair to blame people for the standing international and national politics. I believe that is the point that Rhuto was also making: paranoia is best avoided at all costs.

Also, it gives me great relief to see many Americans do not feel represented by their political leaders: if that is the population's real feeling, sooner or later it will be known.

But remember governments usually make the most of people who have no access to good information sources or who are just too busy trying to survive and can vote them and give no thought to why. They cannot be blamed, either: most governments need a high rate of uneducated population in order to ensure their political survival. And this happens in nearly every country I can think of, so we are all in the same boat, after all: in the hands of very unscrupulous politicians who can think no further than the next few years of their mandate.  :smt011

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Post by Andypants » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:51 am

paul-of-birchbay wrote:And what important facts does Biblical Christianity "smudge"?
Christinanity claims it's home. A false teaching of god which seeks to smudge the important facts but leave the overall framework intact.

The most important facts of all.
There is more literature from god and in inspiration of god then simply the bible. Other books exist and indeed just look around you for gods signs, physical signs and events will present themselves for those who truly seek.
The greatest importance of gods word existing is not just as a list of rules and regulations to live by. God is a living and live being that surrounds and and is with us always. The greatest importance in life is to have a relationship with god, not just as someone you turn to in your most desperate times. But as the one you speak to when in contemplation of all things. As people we have to learn to surrender the idea of ourselves that limits us to ourselves. We are part of a whole that is god and we should seek gods word and knowledge in all thoughts. Christianity has moved away from what is a true relationship with god and taught god as more of a "Big guy at the end of the tunnel."
By them you should do all things good now so that at the end you may experience god and be granted eternal life.
This is false so much.
Eternal life is offered to you now on earth, it is the eternal life of your spirit, relationship with god is offered now on earth, he is with us always.
There is no need to fear death, as it need not be the end, only a change of what you know to be real, the end of the great illusion and the beginning of truth.
The only death necessary is the death of the ego so that the spirit, the active force of god, may make itself present in your soul.
Christianity speaks as though it is of god and Christianity's will is gods will.
This is false teaching. Gods will is found in yourself and is truth, not the words spoken by the false preachers who claim home in Christianity and spread lies to those who are unaware of the true truth of god which exists in the self and who is in a continuing relationship with all people. Whether they acknowledge his word as his or indeed deny him and take claim to the thoughts of goodness as there own.

I wish not to get into a religious argument and i apologize if i offend.
But i ask from any person who seeks to speak against me. That they do not seek to protect the opinion of Christianity, but instead find the truths that exist in themselves.

The problem i have with Christianity, is that it has completely missed the point. In the eyes of many Christens spirituality is false and forms of spiritual growth are denounced. Spirituality and religion are greatly linked as the wonders that a sense of spirituality presents are true testimony the the active existence of supreme order that exists in all things. An order that can only be established by a supreme being which is god. Spirituality offers a path of learning that one may become closer to god and more familiar with his works and wonders and he himself. If the aim of Christianity is to bring people closer to god, then why i ask does it condemn many of the forms of spiritual growth available to us that may bring us closer to a true relationship with god. I see Christianity as an organization which seeks to smudge the truth of gods existence by claiming itself as doing gods will but infact spreading ignorance of the glory of god and the many ways that one might truly experience him.

The ideals of Christianity do not grow and expand as our wisdom of god does, instead they are limited in there beliefs to a set standard based off but one source of gods word. We as people are the awareness of god. That is our purpose that we may ponder and wonder and create through ourselves for god a greater realization of god. That is the point of our existence yet i see no teaching of these facts in Christianity.

For me my religion is my belief in god and truth can come only from god as god speaks only truth and only truth is truly real and everlasting.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:46 pm

Dear Andypants,

I have read your posts carefully and wish to say that most of the religions are twisted by vested interests for true religion is love for humanity. Do unto others as you would want others to do to you. Try to understand an argument from others viewpoint and then only it can be solved easily. There are so many ways of approaching your ultimate Goal which is rising up in the eyes of God and getting eternal happiness and bliss.

Power breeds corruption and also makes a person more inhuman. It increases the ego in a person and such a person is always far far away from God. We have to find HIM within us and we are always protected by HIM at if we listen to HIS voice within our heart. Critising any country or politicians does not take us anywhere. The truth of God will dawn on all sooner or later. The sooner the better.

I always feel protected by HIM and that gives me great satisfaction for I have been saved on 4 certain occaions from  Certain Death and this is what increases the faith in HIM and surrender to HIM.

Rather than make any predictions I would just say follow your conscience and do good and let the rest follow as HE surely looks after us all.

Pravin Kumar

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