21 December 2012 - Not just the end of the world

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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21 December 2012 - Not just the end of the world

Post by Divapixie » Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:03 am

Ok...this topic has already been discussed but I saw that not much information was exchanged and that everybody started dwelling from the topic ( :smt002 it happens)

Before I start I would just like to say: Don't believe me, do your own research.
There are so many different things happening in 2012... even before...Yesterday someone told me that the rapture might even happen before then...hmmm...interesting thought.

Like it has been said before, one of the things happening is the reversing of the magnetic poles...so Southpole become the Northpole and vice versa...No big deal, it has happened before and the worst that went down is that America's communication systems went down...repairable.

Probably the most significant thing happening around that time is that Nibiru is coming...(Nibi - what?)

Nibiru is a moon of some huge-ass planet 8 times the size of earth. It comes around every 66000 odd years. The Mayans saw that one orbit of this planet takes this long...in 2012 we will see it as a second sun coming.

The significance of Nibiru? Well, it could knock into earth, (it has been predicted that in 2012 the earth will be destroyed by comet and meteorite showers and tidal waves) but the real reason for it's significance is this:

(Are you ready for this?) The tale goes like this: Long, long ago on a planet called Nibiru reptilian people lived under the rule of a king. (By the way this all comes from the Tablets of Creation by king Enki found by scientists written in the first language ever by a people claiming to be from Nibiru) There was a war between the descendants of the king because their planet was dying.

Why? The main planet (forgive me, I do not remember it's name) imploded to form a sun but because it's gas volume is not as big as ours, for instance, it does not always create enough heat for Nibiru. Because of Nibirus eliptical orbit around our sun, some periods it is very hot (when it is close to us) and some periods it is very cold (when it is at it furthest reaches from us) Attached is a little diagram to explain.
Luckily Nibiru has had a very thick atmosphere surrounding it fueled by volcanic eruptions...these eruptions also produced heat during the cold periods. Then, as time progressed these eruptions became less and less frequent. The planet grew cold, the rains were withheld the people grew hungry.

So the descendents of the king warred with each other, each believing that they could save their planet. One of these became the king and proposed that they should grind gold to a very fine dust and release that into the atmosphere...it is light enough to stay in the air and it would create the density needed to sustain more heat.

The problem was that gold is very rare on Nibiru. Then it was found on earth by one of the kings sons who escaped from Nibiru after the war. They needed a work force to extract the gold from the earths surface...

So, through gene manipulation by taking our biggest primate and mixing it's genes with theirs they created the first 2 humans Adam (Adhum) and Eve (both e's pronounced like in "bet")... these two people are the ancestors of the rest of us.

[ Another thing I just remembered: There are an ancient people that has been guarding some stone for thousands of generations...on this stone is a load of hyroglyphic information that these people were told to translate to the world when the time is right and to protect it with their lives before...they have now started translating it and it all concerns 2012 - love to speak to those guys]

Anyways, I never really cared about UFO's and crap since I never thought that it would concern me...Remeber that symbol rich circle that some government sent out saying what humans are what we do and some pics of us? And then the reply (in the form of a crop circle) saying who they were and then later " Speak to us again! We do not tolerate cunning and insolence" or something to that effect.

What the scariest thing is about their returning is that some of them will try to claim that they are Jesus Christ and we have so many fanatics who would believe that. But they are not the Creator...they too have a creator like we do.

I know I know, I sound like some hippy chick on a mission to evangelize the end of the world but I am far from it. I have read alot about this and I have made logical deductions to come to this conclusion. 2012, or as soon as people will be able to see Nibiru in our sky, will spark alot of fear...when that happens remember this post know that you have nothing to fear....oh I forgot to say this: The Arkanians (I think) has always felt compassion for humans.

I don't believe it will be the end of the world. I believe in very significant changes then, but not the end...I can't wait to see

I say again: Do not believe me, do your own research.

And tell me: What do you guys think? Miscommunicated information over the years? A tale written by a neanderthal that people has started to believe? Does it make you afraid? Do you think it is crazy? Impossible?
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Post by suzisco » Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:33 pm

alot has been discussed about 2012, its all here in the predictions forum.

I have brought your post here to share with like minded people.


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Post by FireRose » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:02 am

I first heard of Nibiru when I posted in this forum a while back about a dream (nightmare really) I had a few times as a child that a planet crashed into ours. It was horrific and the first time kept me awake for days. I am still interested and researching.... thanks for bringing up the topic again, I'd love to hear new thoughts.

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Post by ravenfield » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:11 am

:smt039 Hi Diva....It sounds almost like scientology...   :smt115

I really didn 't know about the 2012 being a sort of end or a new beginning..I stopped to the millenium when everybody was terrified that everything will shout down...   :smt083

I think is possible that there is another superior race wondering behind the solar system..who knows? I just hope that like you say are good and compassionate andthey  do like us very much   :smt058  so the'yre gonna get rid of the ones who are killing our people and those who  are making of  our planet a trash can!!!!  :smt023

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reply from prasanna

Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:02 pm

thanks mr DIVAPIXIE and others ,

a nice thought provoking discussion about 21 st dec 2012 , really 3 days back i heard some one referring this on tv chanel , that day i wanted  to get more informations on that , today i found u answering this , i really like it

 In our mysticboard , ifind more no of scorpions answering posting , i know scorpions think of others than themselves , i too always think of universe , society etc , and worry more about some matters , i thought iam the person who thinks more of others , after joining this site i see many like minded people here , thanks to all

My special thanks to moderator for bringing this here again.

 THis aspect of 2012 , makes me recollect the fear which all we underwent on  the day  1 1th july 1979 , the day on which we were scared that some unwanted incident is going to happen on earth , that time i was not child , but a small girl , that day nothing happened and   a skylab went wrong

that day  my  mothers 'younger  sister's wedding took place , we all made fun of the bride and bridegroom  and told  them , let us wait and see the fate of y ours tomorow  , if we were alive , but in true sense , i still remember the fear and anxiety of everyone there .

  Again recently we were all taking more and more about Y2K problem , that too ended in simple manner , as such i wish and pray nothing should happen to our earth on 21dec 2012 , AS OSHOJI quotes , there will be some  sort of  change  and it is  iinevitable  in the  universe  every 11 years . time span ,  SO i think we need not worry much about this .

 I am really interested in numbers ,  and dates , just for fun i thought if the date is 20-12-2012 , it would be nice as it will sound rhythmic   to pronounce

with love and regards


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2012 Predictions

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:35 am


There was another serious predictions during 1980 or thereabouts that whole of North East India would collapse in the total Solar Eclipse. Many people fled from Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland to their hometowns fearing disaster. This was discussed in the various State Assemblies of North East and also declared in the paper to take safety measures. Nothing absolutely nothing happened.

I want people to predict nice things and not the end of the world.

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Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:58 am

Hi prasanna, since you said that you liked numbers I thought Id post an extract from an article I have read some time ago. Here it is:

The ancient Mayans had many advanced abilities and most importantly ancient knowledge, probably originating from sources that are not immediately apparent at this time. Among these abilities were mathematics, astronomy, and prophecy based upon past world and astronomical events.
The Mayans knew that nothing ever happens by "chance" in the Universe, even though it often seems like it from a narrow human, temporal experiential perspective. The Mayans knew that everything happens in cycles of varying lengths, cycles that correspond precisely to past and future cosmic and world events.
Many of these events are the result of the one factor common to everything in the Universe without exception; Energy, which can manifest at any level from the Universal to the individual.
This is why Astrology, and I do not mean the "horoscopes" of the tabloids, I mean genuine astrology, is so significant, charting as it does the effects of a confluence of Energy being prevalent at the time of arrival on Earth, and which has so much influence over our physical life. Energy is everything!
The ancient Maya knew this, and were able to observe the effects of these confluences and events, and thus, with their seemingly amazing mathematical abilities, track future events.
The Maya had several calendars of varying lengths, the most significant of which were the "Short Count" and the "Long Count".
The Short Count is compiled by combining the "tzolkin cycle" with the solar year and the Venus cycle of 584 days, thus generating short periods of 13, 52 and 104 years.
It is however the "Long Count" cycle that is of the most interest, the end of which is also the end of all Mayan calendars.
The Long Count is derived from nested cycles of days multiplied at each level by the key Mayan number, 20, resulting in the following periods:
1 Kin which is a day 20 Uinal 360 Tun 7200 Katun 144000 Baktun
The only deviation to multiplying by 20 is the tun level where the uinal period is instead multiplied by 18 for the 360 day tun.
The Maya used this counting system to track an unbroken sequence of days from the time it was inaugurated.
Long Count dates are separated by dots. For example: equals 6 baktuns, 19 katuns, 19 tuns, 0 uinals and 0 days. Each baktun has 144000 days, each katun has 7200 days, and so on.
If we add up all the values, indicates a total of 1007640 days have elapsed since the Zero Date of The much discussed 13-baktun cycle is completed 1872000 days, 13 baktuns, after This period of time is the Mayan "Great Cycle" of the Long Count.
Each Baktun has corresponded with a major cycle on Earth, which are too extensive and complex to go into here. Suffice it to say that The 13 baktuns and 20 katuns collectively represent a perfect fractal of the 260 unit 4th dimensional timing matrix spread out as a chronotopology that we simply call "history".
Each katun represents one of 260 kin. The baktuns represent a set of morphogenetic fields, each with 20 lesser waves rising in a pitch of climax during the 13th and final baktun 1620 CE to 2012 CE.
This final baktun represents the time where, driven my the ego, materialism and money, "history" and therefore mankind has reached a saturation point, where "history" simply has nowhere else to go. And it is this event that was always charted precisely by the Mayan Long Count calendar to coincide with the end of this great cycle.
Historically it can be demonstrated that every quarter of the long cycle, approximately every 6400 years, there has been a major catastrophic Earth event for the last three such quarters. These include great floods, earthquakes, and other global events. Such events are documented as the "great flood", the destruction of Atlantis, etc.. The final quarter is December 21, 2012.
It should also be mentioned that other mathematical systems, notably the Chinese I-Ching, which was also once used as a calendrical system, also point to the year 2012, as do other lesser known systems it seems.
So these are the calendrical and mathematical considerations, but there are other considerations.
On December 21, 2012 there will be a galactic alignment of the "galactic equator", and what the Mayans refer to as "The Sacred Tree", with our star, the Sun, at the very centre of this alignment.
This in itself is no coincidence. This alignment has on our solar system astrological, astronomical and Universal considerations, and in particular the corresponding Energy effects both on Earth and indeed the entire solar system.
So that, in extremely basic terms in the interest of keeping it simple for now is the basics of the math and associated events from a historical and chronological perspective relative to the Earth space-time continium.

And then to you, Pravin Kumar, this prediction is not necesarily a bad one at all. I am quite looking forward to it. The Earth should undergo so many changes on a physical level and, I believe, also on a spiritual level. Hopefully thousands of people will be inspired to rise above greed, hatred, selfishness etc. I can't wait.

There is absolutely no evidence that the world will end or that anybody would even die...it was just a prediction by an ancient people with unimaginable amounts of wisdom....but their prediction may have been an analagy...don't worry about it...

(By the way, I'm not a Mr... I am a girl) :smt002


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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:14 am

I agree with u mr Pravin , and i do remember that incident , but y day i forgot to mention that , thanks for making   me  recollect .

I too want people to predict good about our UNIVERSE , but we cant avoid listening to bad predictions , we should think , the possibilities to overcome such bad happenings , i f  there is  any ... I was listening the other day , of sri shiv yog Babaji speaking over this predictions , and i raised my doubts about this to our   favorite   mr RANJAN , he assured me he will clarify my doubts ones' he understands the concept  fully .

 I see this in another way , predictions are some times good , we can escape if there is any posibilty , as we know the danger before hand , NEGLIgence is also bad to some extent , just like whether forecast , it should also to be treated , in my view nothing is wrong , if u take in rite sense , nothing will bother u . One should not be afraid of death or bad  etc, i like people to be bold enough to face even death , we know one day or other every one must die , so why fear....

    FEAR about death makes man coward , i like facing death with smile , if the world comes to an end on 2012 , then  we all will die , we r not the individual surviver  to face the world again, we read the evolution theories , we find earth underwent changes at various ways and various   methods , but nature didnt stop , it again again started its work , so why u worry this much ?

      YOu have the right to see world happy , you say u always think only good things , that is good , but think of scientists, astronemers , if they are like u , then we would not have got anything what all we enjoy now , I really feel pity for those people who fears about death , one should live with courage , while living one must do good and useful things to society , there is danger in every walk of life , can we stop walking  fearing some thing bad ? sitting inside the house  also proves fatal at times we read   in news papers   about falling of roof over the people at home .

, so i request people not to fear about these predictions , i find them very much interesting to read t these kinds of predictions , let us enjoy reading them. YOU can call me SADIST , but i wont mind , but at the same time , i think good for the world and pray for its welfare always . I say iam practical .


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Post by prasanna » Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:36 am

hai diva

     iam very much happy to know you are from my side ,  thank GOD at last i have found an individual who takes anything in rite sense as me , thank u very much diva for your nice informations , this is the second time iam reading them., i read them already , as i said in my previous post, these kinds of articles impress me   more , from my child hood i like to collect such informations.

        One must read the great OSHOJI's articles and books on astrology , earth etc, he is a real treasure house , i call him human encyclopedia , i always curse myself for missing him, though i lived in his age , i started reading his books only 4 years back .

thanks once again for your valuable post , please write more on this subject .


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My bad...

Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:00 am

Sorry guys, remember I posted : The Arkanians (I think) has always felt compassion for humans. I said I think because i was not sure what they were called...their REAL name is the ANUNNAKI...really sorry about that...

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Post by Divapixie » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:02 am

Acc to Wikipedia: The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunnaku, Ananaki) are a group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the 'Fifty Great Gods') and the Igigi (minor gods).

Akkadian...so thats where I got Arkadian from! As I said: My bad.

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Post by MrPhatLips » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:16 pm

ravenfield wrote::smt039  

I think is possible that there is another superior race wondering behind the solar system..who knows? I just hope that like you say are good and compassionate andthey  do like us very much   :smt058  so the'yre gonna get rid of the ones who are killing our people and those who  are making of  our planet a trash can!!!!  :smt023
I hope that instead of getting rid of the ones that are "broken" that they have a way to "fix" them instead.  I would hate to see any loss of life, even of those we think need to be exterminated.  

Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.

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Post by prasanna » Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:00 pm


For the fictional Anunnaki from Demon:

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunnaku, Ananaki is an ancient Sumerian word for ‘those who came from Heaven to Earth’) are a group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the 'Fifty Great Gods') and the Igigi (minor gods).

The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of 'those of royal blood'[1]. It is thought that the title originally came from the Sumerian (Anu=heaven, na=and, Ki=Earth), described as the fifth generation of Gods in the Babylonian creation epic, the Enuma Elish. The term Anunnaki in this context would be identical to "hashamayim ve'et ha'arets", the heaven and earth used in the opening verse of Genesis 1:1.

According to later Babylonian myth, the Anunaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles). Anshar and Kishar were the children of Lahm and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu temple at Eridu, the site at which the Creation was thought to have occurred.

The head of the Anunnaki council was the Great Anu, (rather than being just a sky god, Anu in Sumerian actually means "sky"), of Uruk and the other members were his offspring. His place was taken by Enlil, (En=lord, lil=wind,air), who at some time was thought to have separated heaven and earth. This resulted in an ongoing dispute between Enlil of Nippur and his half brother Enki of Eridu regarding the legitimacy of Enlil's assumption of leadership.

Enki, (En=lord, Ki=Earth), in addition to being the God of fresh water, was also God of wisdom and magic, regarded by some as an alchemist. When the Igigi went on strike and refused to continue to work maintaining the universe, on the Shappatu (Hebrew. shabbat, Eng. sabbath) Enki created humankind to assume responsibility for the tasks the Gods no longer performed.

Ancient astronaut theory

Though it is discounted by authentic scholars, some ancient astronaut theorists such as Zecharia Sitchin (q.v.), Sherry Shriner, Laurence Gardner and David Icke claim that the Anunnaki were in fact extra-terrestrials who came to Earth in antiquity and created or tampered with the genetic makeup of primitive mankind. They propose various readings of the word, two of which are "anu-na-ki" and "an-unnak-ki", both translated something like 'those who came from heaven to Earth'.[2] (Very similar to the Raëlian translation of Elohim.)

In 2004 the ancient astronaut idea was presented in a seven issue storyline of the Silver Surfer character by Marvel Comics. Initially presented as aliens who gave humanity consciousness, it is implied in the last issue of the story that the Annunaki were nothing more than gods in stories told by the Sumerians.

vise informacija na wikipedia stranici

http://www.mythfolklore.net/3043mythfol ... shseal.jpg

interesantna lektira je i
Epos o Gilgamesu

knjige i teorije od pokojnoga gospodina Zecharia Sitchin

a isto tako i teorije i knjige gospodina Erich von Däniken


    Hai DIVA , just like u i thought i could also post some useful informations regarding sumerians about anunaki , thanks for making me read this website


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Post by MrPhatLips » Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:47 pm

We all know that there are countless stories about the origin of man, from all different cultures.  They range from paganism, to greek mythology, to Christian religion, to Muslim religion.

This outer space story sounds a lot like Christian lore about the angels descension from Heaven before humans were created.

They are all very different but all very similar.  Most seem to imply that humans were created by something higher than themselves.  As an ex-Baptist, I know that the culture I grew up in would frown upon any notion that any beings that are not God (a man in our image who sits up in the clouds) had some hand in our creation.  My culture wants to believe that humans are from the direct hand of God beginning with Adam and Eve and no other life exist but us on Earth.

Now, as a believer of the Christ consciousness, I personally think that's the most egostical thing ever LOL but me personally I don't really care who made me.  I'm just glad IT did.  :)  

I do believe that there were beings in Heaven before Earth.  Heaven, I reckon, could be somewhere in outer space or another level (dimension) of creation.  There's really no difference in between the two to me because no humans have really been able to really explore either one in mastery.  It really doesn't matter to me either way.  I'll find out all about it in detail when it's my time to.  I don't think we should really get caught up in trying to find a definite position or story to pick as the most likely to be the right one to follow.  History has proven time and time again that Truth very often is a mix and middle ground of everything.  

But I got to admit, this story about Annunaki is very interesting.  It would seem that the problems that plague our humanity also plague extra-terrestrial and Heaven originated colonies as well.  It's a small World afterall!!!  :smt005

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Post by velvetraven » Fri May 23, 2008 11:14 pm

this is very interesting and scarry that the world could end in such a way

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