
Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by Doe » Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:52 am

I can be tricked at times, but, just in case, I thought I'd post this.  Tonight I was talking to spirits about Hurricane Gustav, and I was told something like, "Last safe place" (which I finally figured out must mean that New Orleans is the last place one would want to be in order to be safe).  "Wall of water," I was told.  I gather (again, if I got it right and I'm not being tricked) that one of the levees won't hold.  I prayed that I got the wrong info., or that people will at least be safe.  Often I'm told things that MIGHT happen, but I've learned that they are just possibilities, and that things can change and not play out exactly as I was told (but close).  I hope that's the case.

Just sayin', as my friend Molissa would say!  I'm sure you're all already praying for things to go as well as possible, as I am.  It doesn't seem fair that they're being hit so hard again so soon.  Hell, I haven't even had a chance to see New Orleans yet!


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Post by FireRose » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:38 pm

Me either, Doe! I've always wanted to go to Mardi Gras. Oh well...???

As I've said before, this country (Hell, this planet) is going to be hit with so many horrible natural disasters in this year and the next few to follow.
All I/we can do is voice our concerns and try to convince people to leave certain areas at the right time. We can't make them listen or believe us...
I'm always praying for everyone's soul.

So far waters have spilled over flood walls, but the storm has weakened to a category 2 ... but they're not out of the woods yet... I believe there's another one right behind it. ::sigh::  :smt120

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Post by Doe » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:17 pm

Well, no one on the news is sounding too confident about the levees, and I'm still being told the same thing (and something about "misery").  But I could still be wrong.

I really can't blame the people who don't evacuate.  I have a funny feeling that I'd be one of those types--thinking that I'm somehow invincible and not being able to take it seriously enough (until it was too late).  And a lot of people have nowhere decent to go (after Katrina, I'm not surprised that people aren't too keen on the idea of shelters).  They did have a story on the news today about children and infants who are too sick to be evacuated from the hospitals.  That made me cry (just thinking about how I'd feel if my son were in that dangerous a position--I'm sure you can relate, FireRose!).


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Post by FireRose » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:56 pm

Doe wrote:They did have a story on the news today about children and infants who are too sick to be evacuated from the hospitals.  That made me cry (just thinking about how I'd feel if my son were in that dangerous a position--I'm sure you can relate, FireRose!).

I'd get her the Hell out of there myself and kill anyone who got in my way... no question. You know me so well!!  :smt011 That's so heartbreaking.

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Post by Doe » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:38 pm

Well, to quote Humphrey Bogart in "Casablanca", it appears that I was misinformed.  There is one levee (Plaquemines) that they're still kind of worried about, but it doesn't seem to be a big worry.

There is a lesson to be learned in these things.  The trick is in figuring out what the lesson is!


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Post by Doe » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:47 pm

Hm...I think I may have figured out what the lesson was in the above.  What I was told at the time was something about a "wall of water" (the idea that they must mean a levee wouldn't hold was my own).  I just came across this on the CNN website, referring to Hurricane Ike:
The weather service painted a vivid picture in its warning of the destruction it expects: a towering wall of water, possibly up to 22 feet high, crashing over the Galveston Bay shoreline as the brunt of Ike comes ashore. That wall of water could send floodwaters surging into Houston, more than 20 miles inland.
I should add that shortly after I wrote that original post I was told something about how things would be worst at something like "Vessy Street"--I couldn't find one in New Orleans, and I thought maybe it had something to do with Vesey Street in NYC (very close to where the WTC was).  I kind of forgot about that, thinking that I must have gotten it wrong.  But I just looked and saw Galveston--I dunno, there's that "VES"...but maybe I'm just pushing things here too much.

Just after reading that this morning, I talked to my guide about it.  "So," I said, "you see things that MIGHT happen, but you don't know exactly where or when?" (I'd been thinking that maybe they just relay worst-case scenarios out of a number of different related options).

"List of things," was the answer.

"You see a 'list' of things that might happen, but you don't get all the details?"


So maybe I'm figuring this out.  Or maybe it's a coincidence?  I guess it could be, but just the phrase "wall of water", and "Vessy Street/Galveston" seem kind of specific.


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Post by Doe » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:31 pm

Hey--since I might be on a roll here, I thought I'd give SOME of you some hope for the future by sharing what I was told this morning (last night I watched the interview with Sarah Palin on ABC).  What I saw was, "Sarah Palin loser."

"Do you mean that literally--as in, she might make them lose the election?" I asked hopefully.

"Too soon to tell," was the answer.

"Are the chances good, at least?"


Tee hee...

Fingers crossed,


P.S.  I did say a major prayer for the people in Texas.  I'm especially worried about Molissa...

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Post by Molissa » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:50 pm

thanks, Doe.
Unless Ike hiccups and turns southward, I'm out of his path.  But my Mother wouldn't leave and is right in it.  Just inland from Galveston Island.  damn, she is hardheaded.
I'm praying and sending protection globes for the whole area of people there.
Over a million were evacuated.
gonna be a long day.....
just sayin'

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