Hurricane Ike

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:04 am

This is going to go national and then world wide. You are right, it's going to hit our econmy and much, much more! I wish those that stayed behind had not of done that! They should have at least sent their children away. There are area's it will hit that don't expect, no fault lies there for the children, but our energy is needed as much as we can do. I'm with you.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by Danny » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:36 am


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Post by Crow » Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:54 am

I was checking in to see how the others with family members who were in the path were.  If you had contact with them are they okay?

Yesterday was nerve wrecking trying to see any news about what happened.  I had seen many good stories.  So many lives were spared!  The death toll is still very low and I hope it stays that way.  In my heart though I am still disheartened.  The destruction was massive and I hear in some places it can take up to 6 weeks for them to get their power restored.  Doing the math it could be November before there is power.  What about running water and sewage?  This was so wide spread.  That was a strange storm!

I take away from it all the good news that is comming out.  From people who were stubborn but were spared.  Hearing their stories about what they thought was a good idea only later changed their minds. Story after story about how during the storm they started to panic but they survived.  Still holding my breathe since I do not know how many are still trapped inside their homes.

Even that old crazy man who was the only one not to leave that one  town. Many may have seen him on a news cast.  When autorities arrived they found him drunk and waving to them.  I was worried about that guy too when I seen him on the news.  Yesterday I was happy to hear that he made it okay.  Although I disagree with his choice to stay.  When I heard about him making it I smiled ear to ear.  Crazy old fool!  I was even worried about that man whom I never met.  It was good to hear something nice like that.

For those with vision we know the possibilities.  We see the pictures play out.  But we also know that sometimes for reasons unkown to us, that there are change of plans.  This was a happy day yesterday. Marked with bittersweet joy since so many are without a home.  I was thrilled, but also weary.  We still don't know what the total will be.  In that part I am still a bit worried.  But I am so happy that there are 2,000 lives that were rescued and not recovered!!!  It could have been worse.

For those with news please update us.  I am worried since someone mentioned they had a daughter there and another a brother.  I hope you have some good news to share soon.  That they all made it through this storm okay.

Safe Journey

And to answer that other question. No I don't think that all these hurricanes are normal.  It is hurricane season but this was really strange.  Look at how Ike kept a good formation all the way up the midwest.  All though not a hurricane anymore it flooded many towns.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Sep 15, 2008 6:27 am

I just found this out. My brother had come home from Afghanistan, only to choose 1 day before the storm to go back. He sent his wife and child away 2 days prior, and she went back home after he left! We still know nothing. My mother has called and there of course is no answer. I'll let everyone know if I reach my brother. It depends on comms and his location.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by Crow » Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:20 am


I was confussed. Did your sister in law leave before the storm or after it hit?  I hope you get news soon.  Right now it could be the case that your brother is helping where he can.  From the way you had described him it sounds like he is one of those hands on people who like to get in there and get it done.  Doesn't make it easier for you and the family.  Just offering another perspective to give a little light.  Take care.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:19 am

My brother went back to Afghanistan 1 day before the storm hit. He sent his wife and son away 2 days before that. She came home as soon as he was on his way back to Afghanistan. In other words she did not stay put. She rode out the storm at home after my brother had her and his son in a safe place before he left. We have not had news yet from her. I cannot reach my brother. So, that is my news. I hope everyone who was caught in the storm is well.

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Post by MaggieRose » Wed Sep 17, 2008 3:41 pm

Oh dear,

I do hope everything is alright with your loved ones!  

I think the ocean is angry with us.  We have ignored the ecosystem for so long that these storms have been whipping up stronger and stronger.

I don't know how much more abuse our planet can take before the whole ecosystem collapses and it looks bad for all of us!

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:09 pm


It's been a week and I am still worried to know if you made contact with your sister in law.  Please update when you get the chance for all who read this thead. You might be under the weather, but I wasn't sure if it was your health or some news.  I have read that many are still without power, and the situation is not good.  My thoughts are with the families still affected by this.  Wondering how they are really holding up.  With last weeks dip in the stock market we really didn't hear any updates.  When you get the chance please let us know.  Take care.

Safe Journey

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