World will not be destroyed in 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by whiteheart » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:38 am

I've seen and read a lot, from the coming of the tenth planet to a global war, Read early transcripts from Assyrian , Mayan, Aztec  to Chemtrails by the Governments on the people, looked into the Bilinberg Club and The Freemasons, ( there were only two Presidents of the U.S. that were not masons and they were both assonated)
The bad seeds are the wealth holders of the World and are trying to hold on to that power over every thing at any cost because of the Awakening, Is it not sad that thousands die in a money profiting war financed by the privately own banks, why one chemical company owns all the seeds stocks and has the market on food and even tries to have control over water.
There will be a war, but it is already happening.
Look at South Africa something that the news does not report on 22.000.00 people have died there over a corrupt Government but because money or oil is not the issue nothing is said, who really owns the News you get. I know who they are and they are very frightened right now of what is coming, when the people turn on them and say no more to there greed and high prices, The World is Awakening  and there will be no more lies or deception to its people. For the people will share and care for the World not destroy it This solar system is moving out of the dark zone and once again into the 5th Sun and already things are changing but in to the positive and spiritual, I have seen the Ufo’s there are many, from all over the galaxy from all types of worlds . Orbs that can move from one dimention to the next ( this sound familier to that of the otherworld)  

The World will not be distroyed but it will be changed it is The New Begining
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Post by starlife » Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:10 pm

I have been hearing alot about the Freemasons and the Bilenberg Club lately.  I read that the "power elite"  are being influenced by 4th dimentional Reptilian beings.  Not sure if I really buy into that theory but I do believe that the major power players are working for one world super power.

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I do not believe

Post by d_vampyra » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:54 am

I do not believe that there will be a nuclear war in 2012.  but i would be looking for more of a planetry change, coming from within us, and causing great chaos.  We will not be destroyed but like the 4 ages that have come before us, we will end and have to begin again.

There is nothing that can be done to stop this change, though the date that i give comes from reading, but my instincts tell me that it will be within 20 yrs.

Fire will be the destroyer, but not through nuclear weapon, the world has her own forces of destruction.

Look to the heavens to tell you

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Post by FireRose » Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:17 pm

whiteheart wrote:I've seen and read a lot, from the coming of the tenth planet to a global war, Read early transcripts from Assyrian , Mayan, Aztec  to Chemtrails by the Governments on the people, looked into the Bilinberg Club and The Freemasons, ( there were only two Presidents of the U.S. that were not masons and they were both assonated)
The bad seeds are the wealth holders of the World and are trying to hold on to that power over every thing at any cost because of the Awakening, Is it not sad that thousands die in a money profiting war financed by the privately own banks, why one chemical company owns all the seeds stocks and has the market on food and even tries to have control over water.
There will be a war, but it is already happening.
Look at South Africa something that the news does not report on 22.000.00 people have died there over a corrupt Government but because money or oil is not the issue nothing is said, who really owns the News you get. I know who they are and they are very frightened right now of what is coming, when the people turn on them and say no more to there greed and high prices, The World is Awakening  and there will be no more lies or deception to its people. For the people will share and care for the World not destroy it This solar system is moving out of the dark zone and once again into the 5th Sun and already things are changing but in to the positive and spiritual, I have seen the Ufo’s there are many, from all over the galaxy from all types of worlds . Orbs that can move from one dimention to the next ( this sound familier to that of the otherworld)  

The World will not be distroyed but it will be changed it is The New Begining

Well said! I agree. There are alternative media out there to get news you don't hear on TV or in the papers. Google them ... some have been up a while and some come and go (as they get shut down). Thanks for the input. :)

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Do you all know about a plant that is headed into our system

Post by cdbeso » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:34 am

It will cause our natural weather to high extreme weather, It will last close to a year, some people will be picked to be save to help repopulate to world, the rest of the people will find away to stay alive with the radiation, polar shifting, solar storms, temperature change, harsh storms that will cause flooding, Massive earthquakes, massive disease spread. there is alot that the government is not telling the people. Like in Antarctica there is a storage building built miles into the ground and what does it hold, it hold millions of different types of seed of every plant to all the food. Why would they do that? Just encase of this disaster kills everything on the plant! Now there are going to people who are going to survive it and they will learn more about what is going on around them more, the government will tell the people up to certain extent what they been hiding and why? The most part is cause if any information goes out about something that is suppose to be kept tight it could cause us to self destruct before the disaster gets here!  So about the wars??? um they already put a law out stating that all country's must disable the weapons. Huhh wounder why??? The government doesn't want to cause more of  disaster then what heading toward us. Think n do more research. before you say ne thing.

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World will not be destroyed in 2012 . . .

Post by vjm530 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 8:55 pm

In the past few months I realize that I have been reading about this subject in pieces for many years but never put it all together. (still working on that)

There are so many theories but the truth is no one can agree about what exactly will happen if anything. I think one of the things we have to look at is the fact that by scientific calculations from i.e. NASA that say that the Sun will be exactly in the middle of our Milky Way on the same date that the Mayan Long Calender ends on 21 December 2012 at 11:11 pm. Coincidence? And not only the Mayans predicted this alignment. What does this mean? It seems that this alignment 'should' create havoc with regard to our gravitational pull toward the Sun and other planets enough to cause the Polar Shift that is constantly mentioned. What does that mean? North now becomes South and vise versa. Look outside and we are hearing more and more about changes in climate, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes that are rare in certain areas and a sudden decrease in Solar flares which supposedly indicate an increase is imminent.

Enter into the equation that there is suppose to be a planet just beyond Pluto that is 6-8 times the size of Earth and is heading for our galaxy. The path of this planet is suppose to disrupt existence as we know it. I guess sort of like throwing a rock in a body of water and watching the ripples it causes extending outward.

I have read that there is a secret plan being organized by several global governments to reduce the population from 6+ billion to 500 million. Again, look outside and you will hear more about oil prices going through the roof with no relief in sight, food and water shortages, cost of rice has increased 70% in the last 2 months and flour is next. These are basic needed food staples in 3rd world poor countries. It is also said that because of this that governments will topple because of the civil unrest that will be a result.

Another factor is a possible nuclear war. The 2 biggest threats in this area is North Korea and Iran. Iran would love to expedite the termination of man especially westerners as it would make Allah very happy. North Korea's leader is crazy but doesn't want to die. He just wants to sell their nuclear power for stature and money at any cost without thinking out the consequences. He's a very lonely man and wants to make friends.

As for the possible UFO link, I think that they are here and have been for a long time. Maybe they have been trying to give us messages through the 'real' crop circles of our impending dangers and they will help us if we let them. Problem with that is that we are a vane society and fear the looks of 'something' not common to our eyes.

As I stated above these are 'things' that I have read and viewed in video form. As a result I feel I have to have an open mind with 2 key questions. 1. What if it is true? and 2. Why couldn't this happen? My answers to both are . . . keep reading and researching and we shall see.

I do not agree when people say, " Well, where's the scientific proof?". First, since when does all answers come from Science and second, name one thing that ALL scientists agree on. We should rely more on instinct which we are born with rather than take for granted something a scientist states. Believe it or not but Scientists are human and can make the same mistakes that we mortals are capable of. Because they are Scientists doesn't mean they are special 'godlike' creatures incapable or infallible to errors.

Take the time to research your questions and not rely on a 'statement' to conclude your answers. Draw your own conclusions.

Oh yeah . . . I don't think the world will be destroyed in 2012 but I do think something VERY BIG is going to happen that our civilization has never experienced before or imagined but the end result will be very positive.

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Post by velvetraven » Fri May 23, 2008 11:09 pm

hum strange but i will not say not possilbe

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Post by yehweh » Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:53 pm

just a question but doesnt the i chinge end on that date 2012?pease b with u

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:03 pm

since this is a cosmic occurrence i would imagine that it can be found in many cultures and believe systems

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Post by hit1710 » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:52 pm

I really appreciate the comments for this article. But one imp thing should be noted concerning prophecies. Its never fixed and can be changed by making right choices and actions. Prayers can also change the future. Prophecies and future visions are given as a warnings to the people so that future can be changed. If horrible prophecies proven wrong when times comes then it means people are making right choices and the purpose of prophecy is fulfilled.

The prayers of ten people can save a city. The prayers of twenty-five can save a nation as the prayers of one person can. But there is strength in numbers.

Recently I have posted new article. It is also about future visions and the source is  

Love & Peace to you all.

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