she World is Ending

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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she World is Ending

Post by firetopaz » Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:34 pm

Since the  beginning of time there have been people claiming the world will be no more.  There  have been floods, earthquakes, etc., and there will be more to come.  I do not see  it happening in  my life time, nor my children's  children's lifetime.  I do see a major natural disaster affecting several continents simultaneously with most of the population and much of our technology being lost.   The survivors will have to live simple and off the land once again.  I feel this will happen because of selfish ignorance of certain key people high up in the government of several countries.  

There will be a few chosen survivors to begin the new age but it will be very difficult.  Would you want to be left to survive when all you know and love has been destroyed?

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Post by landofshadows » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:09 am


Have you foreseen this event ?

Is it based around the new dawn of the sign of Aquarious ?

Sorry I have given questions to your question.

I don't wish to die, so surving at any cost and in any state of termoil or aftermath is perffered.  Life is the biggest of all gifts we hold, and time the most pressious, yet each hour of every working day comes with a price tag... Wage slaves... Perhaps a life to live each day as it comes will free of from the shirt and tie of today.

I will be up for living !!


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Post by firetopaz » Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:30 am

Yes, I agree life is precious...but are you afraid to die?  Do you believe in reincarnation?  HA!  More questions.  I have seen it and it causes me no fear.  I am bad with time lines so I can not give specific dates but your name will be forgotten when this happens.  It always feels like the natural progression of what the world evolves to be.  People will be so far removed from nature and the way God/Godess intended for us to live it will be a blessing.  Thank Goodness their are some strong souls like you who are willing to sacrifice comfort and are willing to forge through the unknown to make way for us lazy ones who will hang around in the afterlife until the world is fit for us to be reborn.  

I am never happier when it is just me in! the woods, but all that are welcome to it!  LOL!

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Post by landofshadows » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:37 am


I have drowned once before (The trigger to my awakening), I was more concerned for those I was leaving behind, I found a comfort right towards the last moment along side the stabbing pain of breathing in water.

Death doesn't scare me, my real fear is lossing my marbles and reaching my death bed surrounded by those who love me and me only seeing strangers.


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Post by firetopaz » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:16 am

Okay don't get me started on this...  I will look for a thread on near death experiences...I don't want to get too far off the original post.

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Post by 3xcharm » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:02 pm

Many have seen the future, but only today is real.  The future can be changed by our conscious actions of today, and raising our awareness.  I do not believe that our world will be destroyed as we know it.  I believe it will grow and humanity will mature.   We have a lot of young souls on the planet right now, they are learning what the old souls have learned long time ago.  We have a lot of angels and spirits and beings watching over us, and guiding us that we will not destroy ourselves and our planet Earth.
And to answer your question: No I would not want to be here without my loved ones.  
Love and Light.

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Post by NAAANEE » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:30 am

We need not panic about the things going on! In Hindu system there are two types of karma-one is individual karma & the other one is mass karma.By individual karma one is affected only by one's own actions.By mass karma one's whole community is affected by the actions of all the people in that group.If the community is bad then they will get bad results otherwise good results.Because of mass karma the natural forces gets disturbed thereby resulting in earthquakes,floods,volcanoes etc thereby devastating many people.To avoid or at least minimise this,there should be at least one great soul present in that community.In Bible we heard that God has saved some places because there have been some good people in that place.If our actions are directed for everybody's good then God will definitely protects us from all calamities.Why don't we be those good people and save the whole community!

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:23 am

I have been blessed to meet a few people who believe change starts at home.  I just noticed the other day when I walked into work how a few employees always stop to hug me and smile.  I don't think this is the accepted  way to greet fellow co-workers, but I do feel it is the proper way.  I am not being too articulate tonight...but what I think I am trying to say is change starts with just one person...what a beautiful world this could be! If we could get more people involved in prayer groups and spiritual circles {or whatever your religion does to put out good energy] the positive forces would be prominent and positive changes will happen.

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:28 pm

yes ,people stopping for a while & remembering us with a gesture of love is a nice experience.It removes the anger & animosity between people & we too feel that the day looks bright & feels to do more productive work,again leading the way to world's prosperity!

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Post by natabela » Fri Mar 20, 2009 2:26 pm

hey,there is no such thing as end of the world.change is normal,it happens every day.should think how to help the world to be a better place for everyone.and anyone could lose  dear ones without the end of the world-do you ever ask yourself who are those people on CNN news in some war zone,and where are their dear ones?and they are human beings,persons with story and family.
think about it and get a life!

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