The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Post by Crow » Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:54 am

Okay so I have another thing that I have been seeing.

Keep out plenty of petty cash. Not that the banks are going to fail but there is going to be a tie up in funds. This will not be like the great depression.  But there will be some panic going on.  If you still are able to pay ahead on the bills. This is going to last for about a couple of months until the fog lifts and they can get plans into action.  Keep hope and faith everything is as it should be.

I am not a really religious person. But that phrase keeps on popping up in my head. And the meek shall inherit the Earth.

We are getting sick and tired of all the wars.  All the death that comes along with it.  People are starting to evolve mentality.  This I do believe.

Like dear Danny kept on writing about justice. is being served up.  Look at the news and you will see.  The people are crying out for peace and harmony.

Soon my beloved whom I serve will see this come to pass.  Known by many names, in various lands.  So you see...I love all people, all religions...I walk the line so to speak.  Agua is water. We all have different names and beliefs. Just like we do with water and how we use it.  But really one needs it to stay alive right?  Wonder if this applies to spirit as well. Just another thing I ponder this morning as I drink my coffee.

Light those candles is another message comming through. Not meaning literal, just the spirit.  Passing on the joy and inner peace that comes along when our spirit is a living flame.

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Post by Crow » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:15 pm

Came back to add that the thing to invest in is the cheaper things that are necesities. Like Aldi's is a good store, Family Dollar, Etc.  These are the things people are going to be using during the rough economic times.  Remember in history there were those who got ahead during the depression.  It was that they still invested what they could scrape up. They came ahead.  Wouldn't suggest pulling out all your funds. That is not what I was getting, just petty cash while we sort through this time.  Feel like there is going to be a real panic once it hits. Remember my partner said back in October five it should be around in March or April that it starts to bottom out.  Then you buy when it is cheap right?  Not sure since I do not play the market.  I just know that it is going to be okay. That this is the way it was suppose to be, leveled out so to speak. So that those who wished for their American Dream can finally see it. For so long the Big Dogs have run the show.  Now it is time for all who wish for it to have it.  Study your history and you will see the pattern.  

We will be okay.  We are protected and loved.  Please keep hope while this is going down. And if you are in need of some help there is help out there.  If you can give, please donate.  Together we are going to weather this storm.  And if you have a psych break like I did due to all the stress and visions please feel free to email me.  I will try to cheer you up and point you in the right direction. I have been researching for years on all the resources out here in the United States.  And that therapy has done wonders for me.  Feel like there are going to be more like me joining that club. ;)  It is sooo stressful, but we are going to make it. Have faith in yourself.  Believe in self. And most of all courage.

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Post by WLUSensfan » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:09 pm


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Re: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

Post by Unfallen » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:03 am

Crow wrote:Okay so I have another thing that I have been seeing.

Keep out plenty of petty cash. Not that the banks are going to fail but there is going to be a tie up in funds.
The entire thing was designed from the get go.  Now Tax Payers dollars are paying for this 'failure'.
This will not be like the great depression.  But there will be some panic going on.  
Of course not.  Even during the great depression - there was virtually no crime.  With the present day abudance of a trash population who is wholly dependant on the Government.  Expect there to be a very high, and violent rise in many sorts of crime, should the government get too tight.  The Government is even passing mandates on the 'tent cities' which are communities of people who have had their houses foreclosed on living in tents.  It will result in the privately owned Federal Reserve, flattening out the dollar even more so.  I will also add it's neither federal, nor a reserve.
If you still are able to pay ahead on the bills. This is going to last for about a couple of months until the fog lifts and they can get plans into action.  
The plans will not work. The plans are just for show. If anyone watched this conference with the Senate/Congress drilling AIG, and CEOs of Banks.  It was all for show.  All these politicians were fully aware of the 'bailouts' they signed for, then proceeded to act clueless.  This is nothing more than betrayl of the people.  
Keep hope and faith everything is as it should be.
Without a doubt.  A designed world crash.  Right now the 'bad guys' are winning. Whatever you want to call them. New World Order, Zionists, Illuminati, etc.  They are winning.  Even though those who support them are in the minority.  I'd say the handful of people that regularly read this message board have thousands of clients, should we combine them all.  We need to start educating them, and preparing them.   To those of us who haven't started already. That's when everything will be as it should be. Right now it is not even close.  
I am not a really religious person. But that phrase keeps on popping up in my head. And the meek shall inherit the Earth.
I am not religious either.  That biblical phrase couldn't be more false, and more retroactive than anything in the judeo-christian bible other than maybe, "Don't judge anything!!!"

You know what they say, "The victors write history." and history as skewed, and damaging as it is.  Some of us will have to make a stand, and go out on a limb to open the eyes of others.  Things are going to get much much worse before they begin to get better.
We are getting sick and tired of all the wars.  All the death that comes along with it.  People are starting to evolve mentality.  This I do believe.
That part I will agree with - To an extent.  All the wars that have been fought in the last 150 years or so if not LONGER have been fought in the interest of the new world order. Soldiers that are clueless for what they are fighting for, are signing up to fight because they feel that's the only way to be considered the 'alpha male'. Even when we see these talkings heads on TV, and some are in favor of wars, and some are against them. Neither side tell the true idea behind the wars.  How much oil did America get from the Iraq war? Not a drop.  Sure. America went there for invalid reasons.  Oil had nothing to do with it. Iraq was a threat to Israel, not America.  The Cradle of civilization is in Iraq and Iran.  As you all can see Iran is next on Obama and Bush's list.  Anyone who thinks Obama will not go to war with Iran is jaded. He will do whatever he is told.
Like dear Danny kept on writing about justice. is being served up.  Look at the news and you will see.  The people are crying out for peace and harmony.
Again.  I agree. The politicians are betraying their constituents by getting involved in these wars that benefit their nation in no way what so ever.
Soon my beloved whom I serve will see this come to pass.  Known by many names, in various lands.  So you see...I love all people, all religions...I walk the line so to speak.  Agua is water. We all have different names and beliefs. Just like we do with water and how we use it.  But really one needs it to stay alive right?  Wonder if this applies to spirit as well. Just another thing I ponder this morning as I drink my coffee.

Light those candles is another message comming through. Not meaning literal, just the spirit.  Passing on the joy and inner peace that comes along when our spirit is a living flame.

Safe Journey
Soul and Spirit are seperate, depending on what Philosphers you have read, and prefer.  The most successful leaders of nations have always been those that trusted the advice of mystic advisors.  Right now the USA has another leader that doesn't. Despite the negative portrayl by the media.  I have to say that Ahmadinejad does seem to have his head on straight. I give this warning from the bottom of my heart. Whatever nation helps with an attack on Iran, will befall an atrocious curse. They have just as much right to be a self-sufficient nation as anyone else.

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Post by Crow » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:47 am


All good points. But I am fallen. Ahem. Anywho, I agree with much that you brought up just gets to be so darn depressing and makes one wish to slit their writs ya know.  I mean what is the point of living if it is all doom and gloom. Yes I see the dark underside of the beast, the bailouts were a joke.  I am here to bring hope when there is no more hope left.  To be a light so to speak.  I fear for the psychological impact this is going to have on struggling families. When they loose hope and see the darkness that has been behind the curtain. We were lied to so many times, but I seen this too.  Not that I live in la la land, I'm here in reality, more grounded than before the awakening. Which by the way was like it said...the fog lifts and you see and hear differently.  So hard to explain, but I am more calm in many aspects while I am pacing back and forth reguarding the economy.  Feel like there is a trap being laid before us.  What I am  not so sure.  So the more self sufficiant one can become from the government, forgo all those loans the better off one will weather this storm.  Also to keep a job when it feels like there are no jobs to be had.  The governement is buying too much into the public aspect which worries me.  And then they have the private contractors, whom I do not trust.  There is alot going on. But I believe that the people are alot smarter than we give them credit for. That there is still alot of goodness left here on this plane.  I'm not totally blinded, just choose to be more optimistic and hopes that by my example I can light the candles, the other living spirits to do the same.  That we can have more peace rather than war. That our Earth will once again balance herself which will not be an easy time, but afterwords will be really fruitful. That I have seen.  So I am just trying to remain possitive like the law of attraction and recieve all the joyous gifts that are given to me each and every day.  I feel for those living in tent cities, expecially when we have so many empty buildings. How greed has corupted our nature. Sigh...I could go on and on with this rant. But I do not wish to bum people out.  We all have our problems, our own lessons to learn.  I just wish that it could be a little bit easier for more people. I hate to see so many in pain, scared, and alone in this.  That is why I write everyday in my blog.  It kinda helps.  Thank you for your responce and I will think about it some more.  Good points, I like when there is sharing going on reguarding our different views.  Take care

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Post by Unfallen » Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:20 am

Crow wrote:Unfallen,

All good points. But I am fallen. Ahem. Anywho, I agree with much that you brought up just gets to be so darn depressing and makes one wish to slit their writs ya know.  I mean what is the point of living if it is all doom and gloom. Yes I see the dark underside of the beast, the bailouts were a joke.  I am here to bring hope when there is no more hope left.  To be a light so to speak.  I fear for the psychological impact this is going to have on struggling families. When they loose hope and see the darkness that has been behind the curtain. We were lied to so many times, but I seen this too.  Not that I live in la la land, I'm here in reality, more grounded than before the awakening. Which by the way was like it said...the fog lifts and you see and hear differently.  So hard to explain, but I am more calm in many aspects while I am pacing back and forth reguarding the economy.  Feel like there is a trap being laid before us.  What I am  not so sure.  So the more self sufficiant one can become from the government, forgo all those loans the better off one will weather this storm.  Also to keep a job when it feels like there are no jobs to be had.  The governement is buying too much into the public aspect which worries me.  And then they have the private contractors, whom I do not trust.  There is alot going on. But I believe that the people are alot smarter than we give them credit for. That there is still alot of goodness left here on this plane.  

I'm not totally blinded, just choose to be more optimistic and hopes that by my example I can light the candles, the other living spirits to do the same.  That we can have more peace rather than war. That our Earth will once again balance herself which will not be an easy time, but afterwords will be really fruitful. That I have seen.  

So I am just trying to remain possitive like the law of attraction and recieve all the joyous gifts that are given to me each and every day.  I feel for those living in tent cities, expecially when we have so many empty buildings. How greed has corupted our nature. Sigh...I could go on and on with this rant. But I do not wish to bum people out.  We all have our problems, our own lessons to learn.  I just wish that it could be a little bit easier for more people. I hate to see so many in pain, scared, and alone in this.  That is why I write everyday in my blog.  It kinda helps.  Thank you for your responce and I will think about it some more.  Good points, I like when there is sharing going on reguarding our different views.  Take care

Safe Journey
I suppose we are all fallen depending on how you look at it. Many people believe that at some point or another, as higher beings we made the choice to reassume consciousness in these inferior shells, with inferior minds.  

It doesn't have to be depressing though. With the masses sharing the same goals, enlightenment and knowledge it is very possible to build a new heaven and a new earth.  It's not about sitting back and waiting for what the powers to be decide.  You and I, as everyday people can help to open the eyes of the regular working man and woman.  It's a world-wide, and blatantly designed crisis. It's not just in America though America is getting most of the media coverage. Ontop of that many businesses in America are still prospering - one of those the mystical/psychic business.  Many media outlets have failed us, and they are going bankrupt too.  Our Government has failed us.  We can only hope it's the next to lose it's stock, and with it, it's power.  

I know this may seem grim.  Don't worry about the psychological impact this will have on families.  We are a very crafty, and industrious people.  We will survive, regardless.  If anything we are just too used to a life of comfort and that's why it's become so easy to turn a blind eye to these atrocities our Governments are greeting.  Once the everyday man is pushed around a little.  That's what it will take for them to reawaken.  That's the moment that has to come, not just for you and I, but for everyone.  When the fog lifts.  It's so important for us to help people see clearly once that fog lifts too.  
So the more self sufficiant one can become from the government, forgo all those loans the better off one will weather this storm.
Actually over the last 20 years or so, the US Government has gone out of their way to attack communities that are self sufficient and not dependant on the system.  The Branch Dividians, Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, etc etc.

That's the whole idea of the New World Order. Keep getting bigger and bigger, and taking control of what should be the affairs of the public, and private business.  

I agree people are smarter, they are just blind so to speak.  They're not well versed, and the current system as a cirriculum that inspires the stupification of up and coming generations.  Dumbed down to history, human nature, metaphysics, etc etc.

Also, the people in the tent cities...  They are experiencing a sense of brotherhood, and comradery that is likely foreign to them and most others in our nation.  It is not a total a completely negative aspect. It is something that we have lost as a people, and need to regain. Our sense of kinsmenship.  

Thank you for your points too.

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