Question about predictions.

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Question about predictions.

Post by looking_glass » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:31 pm

When is it ok to call someone a false prophet versus someone subject to the fact people have free-will and so predictions can't all be guaranteed?

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Post by TheAlchemist » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:20 pm

my opinion is...if one calls someone a false makes judgment against another...and in a sense says that person is of lower value...we should always rely on our own sense of true or false...without labeling what others believe to be true or false.....

predictions either come to pass or they don`t depending on many factors...including free will

a friend of mine had a reading and was told that she would have a heart I didn`t want my friend to sit around waiting for this heart attack to happen...or for her focus to be so much on this heart attack that she actually created one for herself...nor did I want to say that the prediction or the predictor was false the heart attack may or may not occur....I simply asked her to go within to find what she believes to be true about her health and well being....

I do realize there are some who intentionally deceive others for their own gain...but still I feel we should not label them nor judge...we haven`t walked in their shoes and they may have different lessons to learn on their journeys

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:23 pm

In my opinion is it very little that can be guaranteed here in life...but prophet is mostly used around Religion and here is what wiki says :)

The term false prophet is a label given to a person who is viewed as illegitimately claiming charismatic authority within a religious group. The individual may be seen as one who falsely claims the gift of prophecy, or who uses that gift for demagogy or evil ends. The label 'prophet' can be extremely subjective: Without exception, someone who is considered a 'true' prophet by some people, is simultaneously considered a 'false' prophet by some others.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:33 am

That is a good question. I feel that if we start calling out the false prophets we risk the chance for others to shy away.  Keeping in mind that while those with prophetic gifts are still learning...misinterpretations can happen.  To say this about anyone here might discourage others who are gathering the courage to come forward. They may not due to fear of being wrong in their interpretation and recieving a mark. Perhaps I misunderstood the question.  

False Prophet is a strong word, I would use it very carefully.  
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Post by looking_glass » Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:30 pm

Any other thoughts? I didn't want to define the words, because I want to see how others interpret the question. We all have different ideas about what the words mean. Psychic Chef, Prof, Spiritalk, any thoughts?

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:03 pm

I think the most important line is :

""""Without exception, someone who is considered a 'true' prophet by some people, is simultaneously considered a 'false' prophet by some others.""""

Because you will always find someone who believe the opposite of you, if a discussion goes on opinions or beliefs, and not on fact that is proved beyond any doubt. 2+2 :)

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Post by TheAlchemist » Tue Sep 23, 2008 5:31 pm

It is ultimately our choice to believe or disbelieve a prediction

there is no need to call someone a false prophet ...I think we only do ourselves injustice if we do...

we can accept or dismiss any spoken word...

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Post by dessa » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:16 pm

I suppose the question is what is a false prophet? Since once a prediction is made, the energy is then out there, and people can act accordingly to either change events to prevent something from happening, or to take actions that will ensure that it does happen.

I suppose one famous example, would be the one that says Nostradamus predicted the death of King Henry II when he said
                                    The young lion will defeat an old lion in a duel.
                                    The young lion's weapon will pierce the golden cage of the old lion.
                                    The weapon will strike the old lion's eyes.
                                    And he will die.

Now any number of things could have happened to prevent this prophecy, if it is in fact about Henry II such as he could have not worn golden armor, he could have not taken part in the tournament, etc,

So for example if say Henry did take steps to not participate and then the prediction didn't come true, does this make the prophecy false?

I know of a woman who has been told she is to have another child and is likely to do so during a specific time, so during that time, her use of birth control is abstenence, she just does not take chances since she knows she is not ready for another child.

Does this mean that the prediction is false? Or that once the prediction was known she took steps to change the outcome.

Same person predicted the birth of another child to another woman who insisted she would NOT have another child, had taken various steps and methods of birth control except abstenence, her youngest child was 7 years old, she had a great deal of difficulty concieving the first two child, [including 3 miscarriages prior to the birth of her two children] yet she did in the end have a third child.
She did not think she could get pregnant and felt her methods of birth control were enough, yet she conceived,

So I think the only time someone is truly a false prophet is if they knowingly make things up, they are not truly making predictions but rather have created a platform where they can make claims to precognitive skills they know they do not have, and do this to control and manipulate others.

The problem with this of course is that if someone is knowing making such false claims how do you prove it? They certainly are not going to say "oh yeah I made the whole thing up so I can controll and manipulate people and situations"

That such people are out there sure, that it discredits those who are trying to use their gifts or talents in a way to help others, is something that is unfortunate, that we will meet people whom we feel are false prophets, and wish to denouce them also very likely, however it is always going to remain a subjective thing.

How many felt that Jim Jones was a false prophet? How many did not? History shows that he was nothing but a cult leader, but it is something that individuals who listend to him had to decide for themselves.

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Post by womanofthecraft » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:17 pm

To me, the word prophet has a special definition: CHOSEN BY GOD.
Now this is the way various religions look at this word.  But honestly I feel we are all chosen by the GOD and GODDESS.  We are all special in many diverse ways.  We all may have a special ability.  This is where research, meditation and studies are required.  Most important of all is our intuition!  So we are all blessed.  All we have to do is aquire enlightenment.  You are the creator of your own destiny so it may change at any time.

Love and Light

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