Different Dimensions ( 2012)

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Different Dimensions ( 2012)

Post by hit1710 » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:11 pm


Your physical body exists in the 3rd dimension - it is matter-based. The 4th dimension is the astral plane - it is emotion-based. Together these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these dimensions can the illusion of good and evil be maintained -and can You feel separated from Spirit and from each other. You've all became quite good at doing that. Its been a very successful game of separation but it is time for it to end. So, this planet is in a state of ascension. It is now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension. As part of the ascension process, these dimensions will be 'rolled up into the higher dimensions and will cease to exist.

The 5th through the 9th dimensions make up the Mid-Creation Realm.

The 5th is the Lightbody dimension in which you are aware of yourself as a Master and a multidimensional being. In the 5th dimension, you are completely spiritually oriented. Many of You have came in from this plane to be Lightworkers.

6th dimension holds the templates for the DNA patterns of all types of species' creation, including humankind. It is also where the Light languages are stored and is made up mostly of colour and tone.. It is the dimension where consciousness creates through thought and one of the places where you work during sleep. It can be difficult to get a bead on this because 1 you are not in a body unless you choose to create one. Men you are operating 6th-dimensionally, you are more of an alive thought. You create through your. consciousness, but you don't necessarily have a vehicle for that consciousness.

The 7th dimension is that of pure creativity, pure light, pure tone. pure geometry, and pure expression. It is a plane of infinite refinement.

The 8th dimension is of group mind or group soul and where you would touch base with the vaster part of who you are. It is characterized by loss of sense of the "I". When You travel multi-dimensionally, it is this plane where you have most trouble keeping Your consciouness together because you are pure "we" operating with group goals. So, it may seem as though you have gone to sleep or, blanked out., (Ah-ha!)

The 9th dimension in the model that we use is the plane of the collective consciousness of planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions. Once again, it is very difficult to get a sense of "I" because you are so vast that everything is "you". Imagine being the consciousness of a galaxy. Every life-form, every star, - planet, and group mind of every species in it is you. If you visit this dimension, it can be difficult to remain conscious.

The 10th through 12th dimensions make up the Upper Creation Realm.

The 10th dimension is the source of the Rays, home of what are called the Elohim. This is where Light is differentiated and is the source of plans of creation which are sent to the MidCreation levels. You can have a sense of "I" at this level but it won't be what you are used to here.

The llth dimension is that of pre-formed Light, the point before creation and a state of exquisite expectancy just like the moment before a sneeze or an orgasm. It is the realm of the being known as Metatron, and of Archangels and the Higher Akashic for this Source-system. There are planetary Akashic records and galactic Akashics as well as the Akashic for an entire Source-system. You are in one Source-system of many. So, we are giving you a description of one Source-system only - this one. If you go to another Source-system, what you will experience will be different. As an Archangel, my home base is the 11th dimension. We come to you as messengers, that is what "Archangel" mans. It is one of my functions, I have many. I have an Elohim function which is not very verbal. We have many, many jobs.

The 12th dimension is the One Point where all consciousness knows itself to be utterly one with All That Is. There is no separation of any kind. If you tap into this level, you know yourself to be completely one with All That Is, with the creator force. If you tap in there, you will never be the same again because you cannot sustain the same degree of separation if you have experienced complete unity.

Spirit creates the illusion of separation up to the 7th dimension. At higher frequencies, distinctions become completely meaningless, and all is Spirit. A definite frequency band exists in all these levels which acts as a unifying medium, a common frequency. Just like the public channel on CB radio, except that you don't just talk on it, but you are part of it. If you match your consciousness to the frequency of this Unity Band, you experience complete unity with all that is. It is also known as the Christed Band and emanates from the Christed level. It throws off sub-harmonics into all the lower frequency planes. The energy in the Christed level is your energy. It is the level at which you existed as a Christed Being, above all separateness.

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Post by Samson » Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:49 am

These dimensions that you talk about seem to go beyond anyones thought, I believe that we are going to go into a different dimension but I don't think we to know about all the others as of yet. People need to learn about the first step which is this next dimension that they will be going to, that to them will be the hardest to understand. You have to understand that there are a lot people who don't believe in this change from body to light and in some cases back again, so it's going make it a little less easy for them as the change takes effect. Lets work with the first step and then see where we go from there. See if you can find a way to help people understand what is about to take hold of them.


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Post by firejakc » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:16 pm

i dun know that there are so many dimemsion in this world. i only heard about 3th dimemsions

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Post by MuchachaMagica » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:16 am

Samson wrote:These dimensions that you talk about seem to go beyond anyones thought, I believe that we are going to go into a different dimension but I don't think we to know about all the others as of yet. People need to learn about the first step which is this next dimension that they will be going to, that to them will be the hardest to understand. You have to understand that there are a lot people who don't believe in this change from body to light and in some cases back again, so it's going make it a little less easy for them as the change takes effect. Lets work with the first step and then see where we go from there. See if you can find a way to help people understand what is about to take hold of them.

Hi Samson,
I don't know if you're still reading this thread, but I was wondering what is it you consider the first step. I'm finding it very difficult to make people understand something they don't believe in... even when they ARE feeling all the changes in their own bodies and lives.
I know more than one thinks I'm just a crazy woman...  :smt002


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Post by Vance_Pants » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:52 am

You understand very well, but I must correct you. There are no ends, only revivals and renewals...

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Post by MuchachaMagica » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:28 am

Vance_Pants wrote:You understand very well, but I must correct you. There are no ends, only revivals and renewals...
Hi Vance_Pants, welcome to the board... But I don't think anybody here is talking about ends...  :smt017

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Post by Vance_Pants » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:33 am

And there are INFANITE dimentions to tell the truth...because everything exists somewhere.

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Post by Vance_Pants » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:35 am

MuchachaMagica wrote:
Vance_Pants wrote:You understand very well, but I must correct you. There are no ends, only revivals and renewals...
Hi Vance_Pants, welcome to the board... But I don't think anybody here is talking about ends...  :smt017
I thought they were with the part : "So, this planet is in a state of ascension. It is now vibrating at the very top Of the astral plane, right on the dividing line with the 5th dimension - the Lightbody dimension"

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Post by Andypants » Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:22 am

So in thoery when you are accessing a different state of awareness, you are actually entering a higher dimesion.
On which dimension does one communicate with god in the temple of god?

If at lets say..the 12th dimension, is it then safe to state you are also activily aware of all the lower dimensions?
So if you are vibrating in the 12th dimension, are you then also living in all the other dimensions simultaniously?
Or can one be in a higher dimension without transeding through the other levels of awareness.
Could you be acting differently on all these dimensions simultaneous? Or would it be best to concentrate all dimensions selves on the one purpose of this single dimension.

Would that then indicate by the measure of which dimension you live in as an indication of how far along you are on your spiritual journey to god?

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