A massive eruption in the pacific..

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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A massive eruption in the pacific..

Post by thomasanthony83 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:00 pm

All of yesterday, I had this really hot feeling (besides the fact that it was 92* outside) a hot like open the 400* oven and stick your face over the door hot. It didn't mean much to me until 1:30-am this morning. I woke in a horrible sweat and vividly remembered a precognitive dream that I just had.

It started with being in a populated city, almost like LA or Tokyo, but all the people were not asian decent. Cars moving, people walking & talking, and then I noticed that the sky turned dark and ashy. I also saw that the population was trying to move in a general direction past me and in the opposite direction that I was walking. I looked off into the distance and saw that an orange ominous glow was lightening the skyline off in the distance. So, I lifted off the ground and flew (yes, flew like hovering and then flying) over to the glow and then I saw how the orange glow was actually lava flowing from a crater. I didn't see the mountain like you normally would, I just saw a crater and lava flowing from it. I also felt that there would be mass casualties and nothing inside me was drawn to try and help the people, almost as if this was suppose to happen. I then flew away and woke up to me landing on the ground in another country, but the sky was still dark and ashy like it would have affected a large area, not just the city it happened in. VERY vivid, and usually my VERY vivid dreams happen shortly after having them. I hope it's not the case, but something in side me keeps telling me to talk about this..

I hope it was just a dream.


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