Good crystal healing guides/tutorials

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Good crystal healing guides/tutorials

Post by Tyrinaniel » Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:37 pm

I've been very interested in crystal healing and the properties each crystal and gemstone contains.  The problem is, while trying to research, I don't find much.  I find lists with pictures and descriptions of their powers, but I want more than that.  I don't have access to classes, and I don't have the money to pay for classes, and I'm also busy with working full time.  I just wanted to know if anyone had good links to sites that won't pull me down the wrong path or teach me incorrectly.  

Basically, what I need is a site, or sites, that describe each stone or crystal's power, how to prepare the crystal/stone for use, how to use these crystals/stones properly, storing them, cleaning, etc.  I catch bits and pieces everywhere, but I'm not sure what's correct.  

I've read in some places where stones were enchanted by powerful witches, and things like that, but I've always thought that if anyone could do crystal healing, then why need that?  From what I've learned, everyone has a psychic ability, but few have true gifts.  I would think crystal healing is all access.. But I am a newbie at this info.

I also want these resources to help a friend out also.  A while back she had a clairvoyant friend tell her she had healing hands, and in a sense finally understood her connection with amethysts (She's always been drawn to amethyst).  Her friend let her hold an amethyst, and while holding it felt it tingle.  I was able to help her do some research in order to understand how it helps in healing others, but I know she needs more also.  

I hope I don't sound confusing.  It was a bit hard trying to explain myself clearly..  Thank you for you time :)

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Post by Gem » Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:11 pm

The best thing to do is to forget about websites and reading about other people's interpretations, instead get some crystals and sit with them and attune to them and meditate on them and that way youwill get to know each individual crystal. :)

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Post by Violetgems » Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:31 am

I'm with Gem on that one.  Stones are so very generous.  Enjoy your journey!


Post by Tyrinaniel » Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:40 pm

That's the problem.  When I try that.. I'm not getting anything..

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The use of the Stone People

Post by richardredhawk » Fri Aug 31, 2007 4:28 pm

To understand the Stone People is not a instants thing.
If you look at it like you and the stone are in partnership in a given task you ask for help or guidance from the stone, much like you would from a human. But don't expect a clear and concise Yes to your question. In a class I was holding some years back a student was to  return from a Crystal dig in Arkansas and was very disappointed that she had not found anything yet as was due to leave for home the next morning. While hiking through the woods she stopped to take a break and sat down on what she thought was a leaf covered log. While sitting there she was questioning her ability to hear the stone as I had been teaching in class and (yes they have a since of humor) she heard a voice or so she thought. It was saying look at me but she could not see anything around her so the crystal told her If you would get off me you could see me clearly and lo and behold she had found one of the most prettiest crystals points I have seen to come from a non quarry dig area ever brought back from Arkansas. The point here is that you may be trying to hard to hear them. It is much like meditation you have to practice and it will come to you when you least expect it so do not give up.

On cleansing your stones in my people we use smudge and Gem did a post on Smuding that is excellent ... hp?t=29401
and a must read for those who do not know how to use smudge. This post will help you be able to cleanse not only you stones but your entire area.

I always tell my students wether it is on stone or drumming, meditation or any thing you do use your instinct to wether it is right or wrong.  Once you have become at peace with the self and allow the doubts to disappear you are just one step closer to the understanding you are seeking.

The tingling you refered to is just one way that a stone has to let you know they will work with you but a cold feeling is not a stone for you.
Some would say a warm fuzzy feeling is what you are looking for.

Here is an exercise that I have all my students do.
I randomly pick a stone that I want each one to work with for one week to allow them to understand the stone and its ablilties.
I wish you to go to your local shop that you gets stones from and go pick out the citrine stones it does not need to be a jewelry piece a tumble piece will work.
Start by selecting a citrine by picking it up with your right hand (now just one stone at a time) and place it in your left hand and note the feeling you get, now place this one down and pick another do this several times and when you feel satisfied you have tried  enough then look at the ones and mentally remember which had the best feeling then get this one and work with on a daily basis for 7 days.
During your working with this stone carry it everywhere you go no matter what.
Do not research the stone as to its properties.
During this time make phyiscal (yes write them down) notes as to what you feel when working with the stone (do to force yourself just allow the energie to flow)
When the 7 days are up you may do research to find out just what it is this stone is capeable of.

I hope this will help you understand the Stone People


Post by Tyrinaniel » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:05 pm

Thank you very much for that.  That's pretty much what I was looking for.  I own a raw emerald that a friend gave to me a long time ago, but I'm not sure it's the right one for me right now.  I've always been drawn to my birth stone, Garnet, Aquamarine, Sapphire, and Black Onyx.  Lately I've been very drawn to Onyx.  I'm not sure there are any shops where I live for stones specifically.  What type of shops should I visit?

Also, what if I do not have a place to smudge properly?  If I bought one of these stones, what would be another way of cleansing it?

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Post by richardredhawk » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:35 pm

Smudging can be done anywhere in your home or even outdoors. If you cannot smudge to cleanse the stone place it under running water and visualive the dirt and bad energie being washed from your stone. A word of caution if cleansing opals or any of the fire type stones such as fire agate never use hot water or ice water as this will crack the interior of the stone you will not see it but you will notice a color change within the stone and no it will not return to normal as the color is refractions of light off trapped particles water within the stone.

I am not sure where you live but in most any major or medium size city there will be a metaphysic shop or book store that deals with metaphysic (new age as well) or if you have a Discover Channel store in your local mall. Any where there is a rock shop as where you shop it is not important  just that you have a place to select stones, you might even see if your area has a rock and mineral club because someone there is always willing to help out a new rock hound.

Now I cannot tell you now why citrine was chosen let me put it a different way they wonl't let me tell you but I can tell you why you are being drawn to Onyx.

Onyx comes in a variety of colors, this stone is a memeber of the Chalcedony family and works with self-control, as well as your decision making process, and helps the intuitive process and is a cleansing maintainer for that process. This stone helps you under the moment.

As far as the other stones they are all great stones for you to work with and each of them work in great harmony with each other.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:07 pm

Well, where I live, our mall is pretty limited. I'll have to look up some local shops.  I may get my other friend to come with me.  

Also, the emerald that I have, I've felt more drawn to lately, and I kept feeling that I should run it under cold water.  It's an uncut emerald, and I literally felt it calling me to do so.  I don't know anything about emeralds, so I'm trying to go by my gut feelings.  Normally I'm correct when I follow those feelings.  I've learned the hard way when I haven't followed them.

What you say about the Onyx makes more sense to me now as far as why I've felt called to it.  I've been feeling the need for that extra boost of self confidence as far as self control goes.  Not in all areas, but in certain, more personal areas.

Thank you for your help!  It's really made me understand what I need to do, and why I've had certain feelings when with stones and crystals.

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Post by richardredhawk » Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:51 pm

Your emerald is also helping in those areas as well, as it works with our emotions and in the heart chakra also.

SO you see you understand more than you thought you did so just keep listening to them.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:24 pm

Yay! I guess I'm not as dumb as I thought, lol.

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Crystal Healing tutorials

Post by Stella Luna » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:56 am

Like all energy healing, the healing power is really within us.  The technique, whether it be crystals, reiki, or whatever, is a way to channel that universal healing energy.  So don't worry about "what's correct."  If your intention is good, then what you are doing will be correct and for the greater good.

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