Best gemstone for healing root chakra?

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Best gemstone for healing root chakra?

Post by forbidforgot » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:39 pm

I posted this in the gemstone section, as well as the chakra section. I was wondering what the best gemstone would be for healing or helping with root chakra dysfunction?

Any help with this would be wonderful!

Thanks and blessings!


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root chakra problems

Post by alee » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:13 am

hi there, i used to work with crystals and i would like to recommend red garnet.

get 5mm beads and string them up and wear as a belt. wear during the day and cleanse them daily with water.


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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:46 pm

Garnet, Red Jasper, Hematite, Pyrite,  all work well to get the root chakra functioning.

Rather than a belt I would go for an anklet too ;)

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Post by forbidforgot » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:08 pm

I never thought of an anklet. that would be wonderful for grounding. thank you both so much!

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Post by starmaster » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:11 pm


The numbers in brackets refer to the corresponding chakra for that stone:
0 = Can be applied to any chakra

1 = Root chakra

2 = Navel chakra
3 = Solar-plexus chakra
4 = Heart chakra
5 = Throat chakra
6 = Third-eye chakra
7 = Crown chakra
X = Chakra application depends on  stone’s color

• Aegirine: self-quest; revitalizes the mind; increases the healing energy of other stones [1].
• African Mystic Quartz:  cleansing; accelerates spiritual growth; focuses healing energy [X].
• Agate:  discerns truth; accepts circumstances; powerful emotional healer. [X]
• Ajoite:  activates and energizes the heart chakra; aligns with the universal spirit [0].
• Alexandrite:  enhances the rebirth of inner and outer self; promotes awareness. [7]
• Amazonite:  aligns astral bodies; unity with life; enhances creative expression. [5]
• Amber:  calming for hyperactivity and stressed nerves; helps find humor and joy. [2]
• Amethyst:  encourages inner peace; fights addictive behavior; transforms energy. [6.7]
• Ametrine:  dispels negativity; aids decision-making and meditation; relieves stress. [3,6,7]
• Andalusite:  stimulates past memories; realignment and centering of self. [4,5,6]
• Angelite:  protects; strengthens degenerate organs; excellent for creative people. [4]
• Apache Tear:  grants forgiveness; aids understanding in distress. [4]
• Apatite:  good for communications; highly psychic; controls weight gain. [X]
• Apophyllite:  loving attunement to body and spirit; stimulates intuition. [7]
• Aquamarine:  banishes fears; calms nerves; imparts strength and control. [5]
• Aragonite:  calms and centers; allows for insight; aids self-discipline. [1,2,3,4]
• Aventurine:  independence; strong legs and joints; helps in career change. [4]
• Azurite:  guidance to psychic self; cuts through illusion; enhances communication. [6]
• Azurite-Malachite:  initiates transformation; aids clarity and understanding in vision. [6]
• Barite:  loyalty; harmony; aids intuition and relationships; motivates to follow dreams. [5]
• Blizzard Stone:  protects the body's magnetic field (from computers, etc.). [1]
• Blue-lace Agate:  expands consciousness; soothing; wise; aids public speaking. [5]
• Bloodstone:  prevents high blood pressure; cleanser of body; aids decision-making. [1]
• Brazilianite:  trust in self; refreshes pre-birth memories; gently clears blockages. [0]
• Calcite:  aids memory; balances the mental and the emotional. [X]
• Candle quartz:  aids in accessing ancient knowledge and putting it to use. [0]
• Carnelian:  releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy and rage; past-life work. [2]
• Celestite:  aids clear speech and personal expression; highly spiritual. [5]
• Chalcedony:  expression of emotional needs; honesty; alleviates regret. [2]
• Charoite: accelerates spiritual growth; enhances self-esteem and ability to love. [6]
• Chrysocolla:  communication; female energy; creativity; relieves ulcers and arthritis. [4,5,6]
• Chrysoprase: prevents depression; increases grace and equilibrium; balances energy. [4]
• Citrine:  cleans auras; detoxifies the body; aids tissue regeneration. [2]
• Copper:  soothes arthritis; releases restrictions; stimulates initiative and optimism. [0]
• Coral:  protection from evil; increases imagination; resolves conflicts. [X]
• Danburite:  stimulates intellect; enhances psychic ability and self-assuredness. [7]
• Diopside:  brings necessary tears; heals trauma; aids regression; scrying stone. [X]
• Dioptase:  attracts love, abundance, prosperity and health. [4]
• Dioptase with Dolomite:  reduces body aches, stress, and sorrow; helps growth of muscles, hair, nails, etc. [4]
• Dravite:  a protective stone that brings the peace of the earth to the higher self. [1]
• Emerald:  secures love; attracts wealth and profitable dreaming. [4]
• Ferro-actinolite:  assists past-life recall; shields the heart; increases life force; brotherhood. [4]
• Fluorite:  aids comprehension; strengthens teeth and bones; stabilizing and calming. [X]
• Fossil:  aids past-life exploration; protection from spells. [0]
• Galena:  harmony; healthy hair; promotes holistic studies. [1]
• Garnet:  increases health, fidelity, and imagination; balances energy flow. [1,4]
• Hematite:  grounding; promotes common sense and level-headedness. [1]
• Herkimer Diamond:  stimulates psychic abilities; soothes tension; aids sleep. [0]
• Hessonite:  clears negativity; eliminates feelings of inferiority; promotes positive change. [3]
• Heulandite:  assists past-life recall; weight loss; open-mindedness; promotes positive change. [3]
• Hiddenite:  stimulates intellect and insight; universal love. [4]
• Holly blue agate:  spiritual and psychic actualization; as one teaches, one also learns. [7]
• Howlite:  combines reasoning, observation, and patience, providing for discernment. [6,7]
• Infinite:  helps one deal with one’s past, present, and future at once; a very loving angelic stone. [4]
• Iolite:  gives accurate visions; releases discord; strengthens liver; soul connector. [7]
• Jade:  reduces eyestrain and negativity; promotes longevity; helps dream recall and interpretation. [4]
• Jasper:  powerful physical healer; protects against negativity. [X]
• Jet:  dispels migraines, illness, violence and deep depression; protects finances. [1]
• Kundalini Quartz:  primal energy; raises kundalini; grounding. [1]
• Kunzite:  reduces insecurity and addictiveness; a loving stone; gives maturity. [4]
• Kyanite:  promotes clarity and understanding in dreamwork; enhances creativity. [5,6,7]
• Labradorite:  brings recognition of destiny; increases telepathic ability. [6,7]
• Lapis Lazuli:  strengthens total awareness and ESP; creativity. [6]
• Larimar: confidence builder; good for sales; reduces depression; builds serenity. [5]
• Lepidolite:  promotes self-love; alleviates stress, anger, and tension. [4]
• Malachite:  lucky money stone; helpful for sleep, asthma, and labor. [4]
• Moldavite:  helps channel interdimensional sources; catalyst for important life changes. [4]
• Mookaite:  protective; brings one into the “here and now”; helps in acceptance of change. [1,2,3]
• Moonstone:  luck love stone; calming; introspective; assists with emotional release. [2]
• Morganite:  sisterhood; balances emotions; heals pain of separation; love energy. [4]
• Obsidian:  eliminates gullibility; offers detachment; very protective. [1]
• Onyx:  relieves stress and grief; strengthens self-control and morality. [1]
• Opal:  helps recall of past lives; aids inner beauty, faithfulness and eyesight. [7]
• Peridot:  opens new doors; removes stress, fear, and guilt; activates personal growth. [4]
• Petalite:  enhances ability to feel energy; dissolves negative energy and black magic; the stone of angels. [0]
• Petrified wood:  connection to earth and nature; removes petty annoyances. [1]
• Phenacite:  inner knowing; spiritual travel; increases energy of other stones. [7]
• Pietersite:  dignified power and loving guidance; helps access Akashic records. [6,7]
• Pop Rocks:  sense of joy; highly energetic; draws pain out of body. [2]
• Prase:  resolves sexuality issues; sense of oneness with universe; Earth-mother stone. [4]
• Prehnite:  balances charkas; enhances personal relationships. [3,4]
• Purpurite:  helps break away from limiting patterns; finances; increases spirituality. [7]
• Pyrite: increases memory, concentration, and spiritual and psychic ability. [1]
• Quartz:  programmable stone; breaks bad habits; relieves headaches; channeling stone; enhances life force. [0]
• Rhodizite:  “the master crystal”; unlocks blockages; activates charkas; positive stone. [0]
• Rhodochrosite:  strengthens mental power; helps find new love. [4]
• Rhodonite:  assuredness; helps one achieve the greatest potential. [4]
• Rose Quartz:  self-assuredness; love stone; reduces weight and wrinkles. [4]
• Ruby:  mental balance; improves circulation; protects sensitive natures. [4]
• Rutilated Quartz:  excellent for birthing process; enhances communication. [0]
• Sapphire:  goal motivator; strengthens loyalty; highly evolved spiritual stone. [6,7]
• Selenite:  flexibility; clarity in decision-making;  strengthens spinal column. [7]
• Seraphinite:  cleanses aura and charkas; helps contact angels; energy of cooperation. [4,7]
• Smoky Quartz:  relieves depression and tension; balances sexual energies. [1]
• Sodalite:  prophetic dreaming; good for endocrine system; eliminates confusion. [6]
• Staurolite: tears of fairies; good luck; helps transitions; makes one at ease. [1]
• Stichtite: encourages truthfulness, gentleness, and an open mind; eases kundalini through heart chakra. [4]
• Strawberry Quartz:  aids recall of past lives; eases tension in relationships. [4]
• Sugilite:  aids physical healing; reduces stress; strengthens heart; an emotional balancer. [6,7]
• Sugilite with Manganese:  increases psychic and spiritual awareness; grounding [1,6,7]
• Sunstone:  dissipates fear; increases vitality; fosters spiritual growth; a stone of luck. [3]
• Tanzanite:  a stone of magic; facilitates spiritual awareness; stimulates insight. [6]
• Tektite:  fosters wisdom through life experience; prevents emotional scars. [1]
• Tiger iron:  enhances creativity through meditation; good for motivation on all levels. [1,2,3]
• Tiger’s Eye:  psychic protector; great for business success; encourages clarity. [X]
• Topaz:  good for tissue regeneration, kidneys, and bladder; enhances understanding. [X]
• Tourmaline:  good for anemia; increases success and love; relieves fatigue. [X]
• Turquoise:  friendship stone; fosters mental relaxation; supports respiratory system. [5]
• Turritella:  eases domestic relations and group interactions. [1]
• Unakite:  enhances sense of personal power; converts the negative into the positive. [4]
• Vesuvianite:  creative and intuitive aid; helps fight depression, fear, and negativity. [X]
• Victorite:  peacefulness; encourages awareness of higher energies, emotional release, and clarity of speech. [5]
• Zincite: cathartic; removes energy blockages; brings together similar minds. [1,2,3]

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Crystals for root chakra

Post by satyamani » Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:01 am

Dear One,
You can use red jasper, agate and phantom crystals for Root chakra. You will find miracles. :smt020

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This may help.

Post by agianto » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:40 am

First Chakra which is also known as Root, Base, Muladhara, Kundalini (Sanskrit), is situated at the base of spine and the pubic bone (but encompasses genitals and reproductive organs). It has associated color of red, thus its corresponding crystals are red garnet, ruby, red jasper, carnelian, rhodochrosite, etc. Bloodstone is included due to its red spots while black hematite is also included because it has a red color streak.

Please read my posted "Chakra in Crystal Healing" :smt002

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Healing Stones for the Root Chakra -

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:37 pm

The following is a list of common stones which are typically used for healing imbalances in the root chakra.

BLOODSTONE: (Also known as Heliotrope) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra) or at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for cleansing the blood, for general healing of the physical body, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to aid in receiving guidance from the inner self, for grounding, for protection, to encourage dreaming, to increase vitality, to promote feelings of courage and confidence, to aid in trusting one's intuition and acting upon it, to stimulate the immune system, to detoxify the physical body, & to aid in the proper blood circulation.

Carnelian: (Also known as Carnelian Agate) Use at the 1st Chakra (Base/Root Chakra), 2nd Chakra (Sacral/Spleenic Chakra), or 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for grounding, to increase motivation, to increase vitality, to cleanse other stones, for protection of those who are crossing over, to stimulate success in business endeavors, to aid in overcoming negative thought patterns, to help improve concentration, for peace and calming, to banish negativity, to help heal lower back problems and remove pain, to boost creative energy, to enhance healthy sexuality, to quicken the healing of bones, and to increase blood circulation.

HEMATITE: Use at the 1st Chakra (Base Chakra/Root Chakra) for grounding, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, for astral travel and shamanic journeying, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage confidence, to aid in removing addictions, to aid in acceptance of one's life, to increase concentration, to stimulate memory, to encourage creativity, to aid in studying, to maintain proper blood circulation, to help the body assimilate iron, to relieve insomnia, & to reduce fever.

JASPER, FANCY: (Also known as Rainbow Jasper) Use at the lower chakras; 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra), 2nd Chakra (Sacral/Spleenic Chakra), 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra); 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging peace and calming, promoting group cooperation, to aid in grounding, to assist with shamanic journeying and dreaming exercises, for balance in the mind, body, and spirit, to promote emotional strength, to activate creativity, to aid in circulation of the blood, & to increase positive thinking.

JASPER, LEOPARD SKIN: (Also known as Rhyolite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) for manifesting healing energies, to increase energy in the etheric body, to maintain proper health in the systems of the body, to increase your personal strengths, to bring balance to mind, body, and sprit, to banish negative energies, to aid in the assimilation of nutrients, to bring peace and calming, to encourage a helping hand both to and from others, to stimulate shamanic journeying and astral travel, for protection, to cleanse the etheric body, to banish electromagnetic pollution, to facilitate accurate pendulum dowsing sessions, to bring will power, to stimulate courage, to increase organization of one's environment, to bring support during times of illness, & to stimulate cognition.

JASPER, RED: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for grounding, to encourage justice, to stimulate intuitive insight to one's problems and life challenges, to aid in remembering one's dreams, to aid in the process of reincarnation-providing a more favorable rebirth, to aid in asserting one's personal boundaries, to detoxify the blood, to regulate circulation, to bring peace and calming, to encourage a helping hand both to and from others, to stimulate shamanic journeying and astral travel, for protection, to cleanse the etheric body, to banish electromagnetic pollution, to facilitate accurate pendulum dowsing sessions, to bring will power, to stimulate courage, to increase organization of one's environment, to bring support during times of illness, & to stimulate cognition.

OBSIDIAN, BLACK: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for protection, to reveal the truth in any situation, to expose areas of oneself that need growth and development, to facilitate past life ascension and regression, to block negative energies from entering one's auric field, for grounding, to shield one fom electromagnetic pollution, to banish negative energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage living in a virtuous manner, to encourage personal growth, to increase courage, to facilitate compassion, to reduce arthritis pain, to detoxify the physical body, to maintain proper circulation, for use in scrying divination, to balance the mind, body, and spirit, to aid in acceptance of one's weaknesses and to begin to heal and correct them, to address issues of control and power struggles, for use in shamanic ceremonies and rituals, & to remove negative thought patterns and conditioning.

OBSIDIAN, SNOWFLAKE: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for protection, to reveal the truth in any situation, to expose areas of oneself that need growth and development, to facilitate past life ascension and regression, to block negative energies from entering one's auric field, for grounding, to shield one fom electromagnetic pollution, to banish negative energy, to bring peace and calming, to encourage living in a virtuous manner, to encourage personal growth, to increase courage, to facilitate compassion, to reduce arthritis pain, to detoxify the physical body, to maintain proper circulation, to balance mind, body, and spirit, to encourage independence, & to improve circulation.

QUARTZ, SMOKY: Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) for grounding, protection from negative energy, to increase energy during meditation, to encourage environmental concern & ecological consciousness, to relieve stress and promote peace and calming, to block electromagnetic pollution, to aid in detoxifying the physical body, to remove fear, to enhance passion, to dispel bad dreams, to use in scrying divination to promote insight, to stimulate concentration, to promote communication, to aid in stilling the mind for successful meditation, for use with people undergoing chemotherapy, to relieve physical pain, to treat problems associated with the lower half of the physical body, to remove headache pain, & to aid in the assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

QUARTZ, TOURMALINATED: (Also known as Tourmaline Quartz and Tourmalated Quartz) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root Chakra/Base Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for grounding, to protect one against negative energies, to release stress and promote peace and calming, to balance mind, body, and spirit, to aid in self-acceptance, & to balance the energies of the subtle body.  This stone will also take on the properties of the type of Tourmaline that it includes (i.e. Black, Green, etc.).

TOURMALINE, BLACK: (Also known as Schorl or Aphrizite) Use at the 1st Chakra (Root/Base Chakra) for protection against electromagnetic pollution and negative energy, grounding, increased physical energy, to banish negative thoughts, to enhance positive thinking and creativity, to strengthen the immune system, and to aid in decreasing arthritis pain.

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