I need a little help please

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Pink Lady Hawk
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Cleansing your Crystal

Post by Pink Lady Hawk » Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:20 am

HI DoeZ,

The best way I find to cleanse my crystals is to place them on the grass For 7 days, this allows for the elements to cleanse it . (sun , wind,  dew etc).  To charge my crystals i love to leave them out on the full moon. I hope this helps .

                         Life is the journey,let love be your compass.

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Post by luna32 » Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:07 pm

Hola :) There are several ways to cleanse a crystal, like others have said Intention is important :) and what feels the most resonate to you will always work best :) Here are some of the different ways I cleanse crystals LOL, it depends on how I feel :)  I hope these ways provide clarity. It was nice chatting with y'all.     1. Placing stones in dry sea salt ( buried) for 24 hours.  2. Running them under water  and visualizing the negative vibes being carried away from the crystal ( there are some crystals that cannot be placed in H2O such as    lapis/ any soft and porous crystal.  They can be damaged.)  3. Burying crystals  in earth's dirt for 24 hours. ( They love this because it's home and just be sure to remember where they are buried)4. Sea salt water bath ( Again there are crystals that cannot be placed in H2O because they can be damaged.)   5. Smudging the crystal by passing it thru the smoke  of incense burning or smudge stick.  6. Holding crystal and visualizing  the white light clearing the negative energy.   7. Prayer---whatever your desires and intentions for your crystals, even asking the Archangels to help with the process :)  8. Placing crystals in the sun ( There are some crystals that can be damaged by direct sunlight.---I love to place mine on the windowsill when it's sunny)9. Placing crystals in the moonlight of the full moon ---especially moonstone because it works well with moon energy, since moon and moonstone work with our     emotions.   10. Reiki is great for clearing crystal's energy. There are many ways to cleanse a stone.  Choose one or a different one each time :) The choice is yours and go with what feels best and most comfortable to you.  You'll never go wrong ;)I wish you all lots of Love, Light, and Brightest Blessings :)Sincerely,AnnaJust wanted to let you know that the 2 crystals that never need cleansing is kyanite and citrine.

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Post by kqueen » Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:22 am

Hi Everyone
I hope I'm one the correct board. I'm very new here :)

Carla Mary
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Thanks RoseRed

Post by Carla Mary » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:48 am

Thank you RoseRed for the nice comment about my website / page.


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Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:14 pm

Once one has selected one’s crystals, he or she should cleanse them.  This should be done before using them.  There are a variety of ways one can clear a crystal.  One way to cleanse a crystal is by soaking it in a solution of sea salt and distilled water (lavender oil is also often added to the solution due to its purification properties).  Another method involves holding the stone under running water or in a stream to be purified.  Yet another method to cleanse a stone is by smudging it.  To smudge a stone, one must pass the stone through the smoke of an herb or incense (white sage, juniper, palo santo, sweetgrass, cedar, and sandalwood are all commonly used smudging herbs).  Also, one may choose to bury a stone in the soil of the earth for a length of time in order to cleanse it.  The clearing process should be carried out until one intuitively feels that the stone has been cleansed, or by feeling the stone’s energy.  One should then charge the crystal in sunlight or moonlight (preferably that of a full or a new moon) for at least one full day or night.

QUARTZ, ROSE: (Also known as Anacona Ruby)Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for promoting unconditional love, peace, and compassion, to inspire self-love, to promote an attitude of Lovingkindness, for calming after traumatic events, to instill tenderness, to add spark to a romance, to ease mid-life crisis, to soothe a broken heart, for emotional balance, to encourage friendship, to ease the grieving process, to promote forgiveness, trust, and understanding, to help with healing lungs, to increase fertility, and to treat a poor complexion.  Element:  Water  Flower:  Magnolia  Essential Oil:  Rose  Companion Stone:  Angelite

QUARTZ, ELESTIAL ROSE: (Also known as Skeletal Rose Quartz or as Jacare Rose Quartz) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) to facilitate a connection between oneself and loved ones on the other side, for protection during astral travel, to connect one with beings from the angelic realms, to aid in emotional healing, to promote feelings of safety and security, to balance the body, mind, and spirit, to aid in the spiritual ascension process, to aid one in the realization that all is full of love, and to aid in healing meditations of all kinds.  Since this stone is composed of Rose Quartz, the properties of this stone also apply.  

QUARTZ, ANGEL ROSE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) or at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) to bring angelic energies into the heart, to allow one to see the divine nature in all other beings and to truly experience the oneness of all, and for protection of children and animals.  As this is a form of Rose Quartz, these properties also apply.

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