Lepidolite insight please :-)

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Lepidolite insight please :-)

Post by Angelfish » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:06 pm

I have found an interesting stone; Lepidolite which is raw. I am thinking to give it to a friend who can tumble it.

My fish is to give it to my wife since it is a good stone for Libras (my wife).

She has problems each time when she has to do the study exam. She can't sleep, she can't eat, she gets so nervous that she cant do anything. I wish I can do something for her and I believe that this stone can do help her.

Can you tell me more about this lovely stone please and do you think it is a good stone for my wife?
Thanks a million :-)

With Love, Angelfish

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Post by healinghands » Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:48 pm

Lepidolite is a purple mica, it is quite flakey and very soft. It is not an easy stone to polish, and I'm not sure how well it would do in a tumbler, althought I have seen tumbled lepidolite.

Lepidolite is purple in color.

It has a wonderful soft energy that is very soothing. From my site:
Lepidolite activates the throat, heart, and third-eye chakras. It is an excellent mineral for alleviating stress, including stress related ailments such as digestion and tension. Lepidolite also facilitates opening one to honest and fairness, both to oneself and others. It induces and enhances self-love and acceptance. Lepidolite also enhances communications, making it an asset for businesses where diplomacy and unimpeded communications are necessary.
I hope this helps. :)

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Post by Angelfish » Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:04 am

Hi healinghands  :)
Yes it does help, thank you!

I got another big chunk of Lepidolite with a nice Quartz sticking out of it.
I am not sure which Quartz it is but my feeling tells me it is Citrine even though no yellow color in it.

Here is a photo maybe some of you might help me ID this Quartz  :)

Photo is made by me;

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Post by healinghands » Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:46 pm

That is a beautiful piece of lepidolite. The chunck should take to tumbling easily, however the quartz may need to be removed first for a tumbling machine since it is much harder than the lepidolite. (I really don't know much about tumbling stones)  Of course hand polishing is an option. But it is beautiful as it is. (JMHO)

It may be very pale citrine, it is hard to tell, even though that is a very clear picture.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:17 pm

I fail to understand the appeal of tumbled stones. Yes there smooth and they look shiny, but the energy of them is way different.

I read a clairvoyant who studied crystals for a long and developed her ability said she sees energy coming off the stones. Some of them in spiral some in other patterns, that she sees energy nodules where the stone transmits and receives energy, and that tumbled and polished stones energetic look like they have been stripped of them nodules effectively crippling the ability of the stone to do it's thing.

I know I like the look and feel of raw stones way better. Also ancient scriptures where gods ask for offerings of unhewn stone(raw stone in it's natural state unpolished or carved). Way would these beings want the stones raw? Could it be that the energetic properties which they utilize the stones for work far more effectively in there natural state.

So if you want it to look shiny and feel smooth sure polish or tumble it, but if you want it for it's healing energies leave it the way nature gave it to you.

Sorry for the rant it's just stones take a long time to grow, and they didn't go though all that to come to the surface and get turned into vanity items. There here to do energy work looking good is just a side effect of being good at what they do. Consult the stone before grinding it's outside smooth.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:24 am

On the other hand some stones in nature are naturally river polished, which is different as it has more purpose. It charges and cleanses the stone at the same time. Doing it with a machine charges it with different energy which is not so healing.

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Post by Lavender-oasis » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:19 am

I think the Lepidolite better looking raw, I have a beautiful piece which is more like mica form as described in the Crystal Bible as plate like layers.

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Post by crystalhealer1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:23 pm

Elixir for Stress-Related Physical Conditions Relief:

Stones Used:• Nephrite Jade to reduce the physical effects stress has on the body
• Lepidolite to reduce the physical effects stress has on the body
• Orange Calcite to induce physical calming

LEPIDOLITE: (Also known as Lepidolite Mica) Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for balance, to promote feelings of compassion, to enhance peace, calming, and tranquility during stressful times, to aid in forgiveness, to encourage harmonious relationships,  to reduce geopathic stress, to encourage feelings of comfort and safety, and to encourage new friendships to blossom.

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