Problem with crystals fading/changing colors

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Problem with crystals fading/changing colors

Post by JenLS » Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:17 am

I'm wondering if anyone else has any problems with their crystals changing colors? I have several pieces that were originally lovely colors, but faded and changed.

I have 2 bloodstones that started out green with red, and one is now almost entirely a muddy red. The other is more green, but the green is leaching away leaving more reddish/brown color. I have a large Larimar ring that was quite expensive and truly lovely, and now is predominately white with little streaks of blue. This one will get more blue in it after it's been cleansed and charged but fades quickly. Sometimes I notice more intense colors after I've done some energy healing, but I just can't seem to pinpoint it. I have a new lapis ring that I just bought on the 12th, and it is already fading. The blue was so deep and intense and the gold flecks were so pretty, now it's mottled and graying. I have a piece of Rhodonite that I carried for about 2 weeks, and has faded out dramatically. I've actually got before and after photos of this one.

Rhodonite Cab when I bought it - sorry for the flash:

Rhodonite Cab afterwards. The darkest pink that you see at the bottom of it is what it used to all be:

Lapis Ring - again, it used to be a uniformly deep color, closest to the lower center

I know it sounds totally nuts. I'm wondering if there's something going on with me or the stones, or if I'm buying stones that have some sort of dye on them? I've not noticed anything rubbing off on my clothing or anything. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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fading Crystals

Post by Lavender-oasis » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:35 am

I know some crystals fade with too much sunlight, but didn't think it would happen quickly, Or it could be loosing its energy, which you must have needed. I had a orange calcite which cracked and lost its colour within days of purchasing I think it was past its use by date or poor quality, have since bought more and they are still looking good and working well. I have noticed that there are sellers that have lesser quality crystals/ stones so I am careful who I buy from, so I might try one or 2 stones first and if good then will buy from them again.
Have they lost there purpose or healing power too?

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:52 pm

Do you work under Flourescent lights? They emit high uv and can really fade crystals fast.

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Fading Crystals

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:15 pm

Some crystals are prone to fading in sunlight (i.e. Celestite and Amethyst) so be careful of this if using the sun to charge your stones.

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Body oils may be a culprit for fading stones

Post by crystalhealer1 » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:18 pm

When wearing some stones next to the skin or holding them often in the hands our body oils can actually change the stone's color.  This is particularly true of soft and porous stones.

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