questions for all you crystal healers out there.......

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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questions for all you crystal healers out there.......

Post by beleever » Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:17 pm

I have just started to build up a collections of chrystals, I am interested in doing a chrystal healing course but for now I just wanted to ask some questions of you......

What is the best form of chrystal to use? Raw, tumbled, points? Does the size of the crystal matter?

do they need to be cleaned after every use?

As I have had no formal training and really don't know very much about healing except what I have read in books is it ok for me to wear pendants, I have a couple of pendants that are hand crafted in silver wire and am currently wearing a blue kunzite pendant?

Do you get the same effect from a crystal healing as you get from using a crystal elixir?

Thank you in advance for answering my post, I hope you can make sense of what I am trying to say>

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Gemstone Information

Post by starmaster » Sat May 24, 2008 10:16 pm

Fisrt of all if you do purchase the Gemstones you should cleanse them, charge them and then program them so that they will be yours. When you get gemstones you have to cleanse the gemstone from who may have handled the stone before you. I have some polished stones and I have just recently was given a raw crystal. If you to contact me at my Yahoo email I can show you the crystal layout and what gemstones to use for different chakras. The size of the stone should not matter and yes you are are going to do crystal healings they should be cleanes after each healing.  I have alot of information that I can give you.

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Post by MidnightWolf » Thu Apr 23, 2009 6:05 pm

Tumbled stones are good if you are placing them on the body...size doesn't really matter but really big ones are better to place in the room. You wouldn't want a giant stone on you..might be a bit heavy :D

It is good pratice to cleanse before and after treatments

Yes it's fine to wear pendants as long as you feel comfortale wearing them, cleanse them regulary and don't wear them all day every day or you may become dependant on them.

Yes you do get the same effect using elixirs but I prefer using crystals becuse they look nice :D

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fluorite and clear quartz

Post by ninja_artist » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:08 pm

try these it will open you up psychically

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Forms & Shapes of crystals

Post by crystalhealer1 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:29 pm

Crystal energy can also be intentionally manipulated to achieve various results.  Some healers choose to use only crystals that are in their natural state (sometimes referred to as “raw” or “rough” crystals).  These are crystals that are used in their natural state, be it terminated points, clusters, geodes, or chunks of massive stones.  However, others believe that because differences exist in the energetic vibrations of the people to be treated, a considerate healer should have an assortment of crystal forms to better treat the specific needs of each individual.  These various forms include but are not limited to tumbled or polished stones; cut and polished shapes such as generators, spheres, pyramids, animals, or deities; Vogel-cut crystals; sacred geometry shapes such as tetrahedrons, cubes, octahedrons, dodecahedrons, icosahedrons, and merkabahs; worry stones; wands (which can be cut into many various shapes including massage wands); palm stones; cabochons; free-forms; ritual objects; and much more.

The energy in raw or rough, natural stones is very direct.  It gets the job done quickly and efficiently.  However, these stones are often very powerful and may be too harsh for some people.  In this situation, tumbled or polished stones may be more suitable to work with as they have a more subtle energy.  Because of the way they have been shaped, the energy of these stones if often very gentle.  The energetic vibration tends to radiate from the center of the stone in an even manner, making it easier for some people to accept.  This is especially true for people new to working with crystals.

Other shapes and forms of crystals are similarly diverse in their healing abilities.  Generators are used to harness and focus energy, spheres emit energy in all directions or are used for scrying (this form of divination will be discussed later in the book), and pyramids amplify energy and intention.

Carved totem animals or deities combine the attributes of the animal or deity with that of the healing properties of the stone used.  Therefore, one should choose a carved figure made of a crystal that enhances and compliments, or that balances, the energy of the stone.  For example, one could choose a Rose Quartz carving of the Goddess Quan Yin (also spelled Kwan Yin or Kuan Yin) as Rose Quartz, being a stone of love and compassion, compliments the energy of this Asian Goddess of mercy, empathy, and unconditional love.  However, one could choose a Pyrite carving of this Goddess as, Pyrite, being a stone of masculine energy and power, balances the energy of this Goddess.

Vogel-cut crystals are typically crystals of the quartz family (i.e. Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Aura Quartz, or Citrine) which are cut either into wands with flat sides or into triangles  The wands are double-terminated and have flat sides in multiples of 12 (i.e. 12, 24, etc.).  The triangles are composed of a flat back side and a front side with four triangular facets.  Marcel Vogel, creator of the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), pioneered early crystal research and determined that a crystal’s energy was strongest and most directly focused when it had been cut into these specific formations.  Therefore, Vogel-cut crystals are typically used for very intense healing work such as psychic surgery.

Crystals that have been cut into the five shapes used in sacred geometry have varied uses for healing.  The tetrahedron is composed of four sides and represents the element fire.  The cube is composed of four sides and represents the element earth.  The octahedron is composed of eight sides and represents the element air.  The dodecahedron is composed of ten sides and represents the element ether or spirit.  Lastly, the icosahedron is composed of twenty sides and represents the element water.  Another shape commonly used is the merkabah.  This 24 sided shape is like a three-dimensional Star of David or a double-pyramid.  It is most often used to represent balance and the idea of “as above, so below.”

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