can crystals be tainted and if so, can they be cleaned?

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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can crystals be tainted and if so, can they be cleaned?

Post by Aviendra » Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:08 am

Hello everyone,
I'm writing on behalf of a good friend. She was given a large amethyst crystal from a person we suspect to be a 'dark' entity. I believe this person to be an energy vampire. I'm concerned because I fear the crystal is tainted and when I hold it, I become very uneasy and this is precisely how my friend feels around her.

My question is, can this crystal be saved or is it safer to just get rid of it? Is it safe to have this stone under the same roof where it's taint could do some damage, spiritually, to my friend?

My friend is powerful but I fear, this crystal may do damage without her realising it...please, let me know.

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Post by Gem » Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:14 pm

Hi Aviendra,

Crystals can hold energy and so it is possible that the Amethyst is holding onto something. Of course the crystal can be saved :)

I don't know how much you know but in cases like this I would pull out all the tricks and smudge the whole house, cleanse the Amethyst under cold running water, and then take some protective measures.

Hold the crystal under cold running water, a mountain stream or the shallow waves of the sea, the main thing is cold, water, and movement. Imagine all the darkness and negativity and past energies being washed away by the water and becoming one with the Earth where thay can do no harm. If possible run the water over both hands too and then shake dry watching all the tiny droplets of water leave taking all the unwanted with them :)  Dry your crystal on a natural cloth, cotton or linen or silk. Then leave it somewhere prominent, somewhere that you can pass the crystal and infuse it with your ambience and nartural energy.

Other good crystals for this are Black Tourmaline and Black Obsidian, they will protect and send back any directed energies.  Smudging I have posted about in Occult and Magick :) ... hp?t=29401

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:39 am

I agree with Gem the crystal can be cleansed but the only problem is that if after this procdure your friend or yourself still fear it is not clean enough then 'for you' it never will be and you will block any benefits the crystal sends out.  As soon as your intent has worked then it will be fine.

During cleansing make sure your intent is that you also will feel it is pure again and that your assured it is new and ready for anothers energies.

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Post by epsilonsmirror » Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:32 am

put the crystal in the sun and under moonlight after clearing,this will boost its natural energies.
botswana agate is good for dealing with vampires as well,from my own experience.
Astone called Iron stone or blood stone of the black variety are good for snaring those energies and using them for the good of the person using the stone.
opals and moonstones work for spirit traps as well.

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Post by Breena » Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:27 pm

Kyanite can cleanse a stone, put it near or on the stone to transform the negative energy into positive.
Kyanite does not need to be cleansed or cleared, it will not retain the negativity.

You can also Smudge the stone with Sage, Cedar or Sweet grass, as the Native Americans do to dispel negativity.

If you cleanse the stone by Moon light then the moon should be full that night and placed in a location that the moon will shine on it all night, no shadows.

Sea salt works too, you can bury the stone in it for a minimum of 24 hours and then return the salt to Mother Earth.

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Post by Gem » Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:21 pm

Sea Salt can damage many crystals, it is an abrasive crystal in itself so I would never condone or recommend its use even dissolved in water. If the salt is not removed completely, from every crack and fracture it can cause massive damage over time, so please don't use salt in this way :)

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