Has anyone heard of AULMAURACITE?

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Has anyone heard of AULMAURACITE?

Post by Aviendra » Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:56 am

Hello all  :smt006

I have come across an interesting stone...its called Aulmauracite and apparently it has only one supplier and is very rare...

Does anyone have any knowledge on this?

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:31 am

It is also known as aurauralite.  It is a stone to help one amplify the love they have within.  There has been some speculation that it was brought here from another planet before.

Check out this link for some info on the rock.  It is obtainable but probably expensive too.

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Post by Aviendra » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:47 pm

Howdy friend  :smt003

Yes, that is where I discovered this stone. I wanted to see if anyone else had purchased one or knows of someone who has and can shed some light...I'm thinking on buying one myself...what do you think?

What do you think of that whole concept on that site?

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Post by Gem » Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:47 pm

I am always wary of 'new' rocks lol, and I always try and check the website out before I believe any information given there. From a geologists pov I use mindat mindat.org/min-29045.html or one of the big universities web libraries.

So many of these new crystals are chemically identical to ones already discovered and named, but just found in a different mining location, then given a creative dust of marketing and advertising re-emerge as wonderous 'new' healing crystals which are suddenly in great demand with a surge of interest caused by forums and websites.

On buying it.... if you fancy it for curiosity value then go for it, but in many ways your money is better spent on other healing rocks.

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Post by Breena » Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:01 pm

Hi Aviedra,


It is a stone of Truth, healing, strength and focus

My books are packed and ready for me to move soon, this is all I can remember.
May the peace, joy and love of all the universe be with you always!

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Post by lotheravanti » Sat Nov 27, 2010 10:58 pm

Aurauralite or Hematite?[/url]

This is my personal experience with "Aurauralite". I believed in it for years, then I had to stop ignoring the scientific facts, or just the facts. Facts like: the rock is not scarce at all, it doesn't have it's own electrical grounding and that it's just hematite. Read and judge for yourselves.

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Post by lotheravanti » Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:46 am

One other thing about  is that Laura Lee Mistycah readily promotes the wholesale consumption of this mineral. She admits that it contains over 40% Iron. Well, here's what happens when you overdose on Iron alone(who knows what else is in the rock):

"Corrosive toxicity: Iron is an extremely corrosive substance to the GI tract. It acts on the mucosal tissues and can manifest with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hematemesis, and diarrhea; patients may become hypovolemic because of significant fluid and blood loss.

Cellular toxicity: The absorption of excessive quantities of ingested iron results in systemic iron toxicity. Severe overdose causes impaired oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial dysfunction, which can result in cellular death. The liver is one of the organs most affected by iron toxicity, but other organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs, and the hematologic systems also may be impaired.

End result of corrosive and cellular toxicity is significant metabolic acidosis due to several factors.
o Hypoperfusion due to significant volume loss, vasodilatation, and negative inotropic effect of iron will result in lactic acidosis.
o Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation will promote anaerobic metabolism.

Individuals demonstrate signs of GI toxicity after ingestion of more than 20 mg/kg. Moderate intoxication occurs when ingestion of elemental iron exceeds 40 mg/kg. Ingestions exceeding 60 mg/kg can cause severe toxicity and may be lethal."


Wow, sounds like problem/reaction/solution to me. Have your cult members eat the rock, then blame the symptoms on implants, then treat those implants by meditating...........with the rock!

This might explain how I came down with Chronic Fatigue since I was myself stupid enough to consume the 'rock' and the liquid minerals Laura Lee Mistycah[/url] sent me. It might certainly explain the severe pain I felt in my kidneys and liver, extreme fatigue and even difficulty breathing.

I like to back up my accusations with proof and here it is on the very bottom of Mistycah's own  page:

"INFORMATION UPDATE: It used to be detrimental, but is now ok to put a rock in water to charge it! If you do, and drink some of the dust particles, make sure you are stable before you go out in public or drive! (Note: Some FW-Indigos even suck on the rocks for psychic boosts and a stronger connection to the rocks and their own core.)"

Of course, Laura Lee would just say that it's all "energetic backlash" and psychic attack from hostile entities. I guess it would look mighty suspicious if said information were to suddenly "disappear" from her website. Good thing people have already noticed it. I wonder if a good samaritan in the US would be willing to contact the national health authorities about this. It's not right to promote overdosing on Iron. The lady who died, Ann, might very well have died due to mineral overdosing related problems. I've certainly felt like I was dying and at the time all Laura Lee Mistycah could say was "see you on the other side" when I let her know this.

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Post by DeadSonja » Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:52 am


I know this most is extremely old, but I thought I'd add to it.

The stone most likely exsists, but much like the Alexandrite, Jeremejevite, Black Opal, Red Beryl Emerald, Musgravite, Grandidierite, Painite, Blue Garnet, Serendibite, Red Diamonds, Jadeite, Serendibite,  and so on. They are simply extremely rare gemstones. I suggest any research before buying. You can find rare stones like this, all it takes is some research.

I however, do have to agree with Gem. Be EXTREMELY WARY. It can be a swindle and most of the times it is.

As for the people that run/operate mistychouse. They are frauds. REAL Paranormal Hunters, do NOT charge for their service. This is what happens when scammers see an idea to steal from people, and in the end it steals from more than just the people they ripped off by charging for their fraudulent services. It discredits those who actually do, do real Paranormal huntings or help people. My best advice is do NOT let these people swindle you.

To make the claim that they can remove a spirit/entity and that it will NEVER return is pure hogwash. As someone that has dealt with the paranormal ALL of her life, that is a flat out LIE. Any spirit or entity CAN return. Its a matter of DO THEY WANT TO? That is the actual difference.

Always do your own research, before wasting money. It will save you many migraines and financial stressors later.

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