Can any shred of doubt change the recieving of gem/crystal energies?

Discuss how to use crystals and gemstones as a form of spiritual healing, and for harnessing spiritual energy.

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Can any shred of doubt change the recieving of gem/crystal energies?

Post by forbidforgot » Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:35 pm

I know its a strange question to ask, but its been playing on my mind for some time now. Does belief have anything to do with the energies of crystals and gemstones affecting your life? I wear gemstones and crystals on a daily basis and surround myself with them all the time. Is it that I am not paying enough attention to them and their healing effects? Does doubt effect them at all?

Of all things in this life, I wish I could trust these beautiful stones-as the divine has given them to us for a reason.



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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:43 pm

I don't think doubt comes into it. I work with pets and they haven't a clue what I am doing and yet the crystal healing still works and if anything it works better lol, same as with babes and young children.

But if you don't believe then the wrong crystal is being used, change to another. :)

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Post by JenLS » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:33 pm

I think that your awareness of the problem you are trying to work on with your crystals can affect how you are perceiving the crystals to be working (or not working).

I feel like I'm not explaining myself very well, so here's my example -

I had a little bit of an anger management issue.  I had a specific crystal that I was using to work with this problem.  Sometimes I'd have a day or several days when my anger did hit the boiling point and I would react without thinking first.  Once I calmed down my first response was that my crystals must not have been working, after all, I'd lost my temper again, and if they were working that would not have happened.

However, if every so often, I acknowledged to myself that I'd been handling my anger appropriately instead of flaring out at everyone who pissed me off, then I was more aware of situations in which I felt that the crystal had directly helped me (like when I'd start getting angry and I'd reach in my pocket and grab it, or sometimes just realize I had it in my hand rubbing my thumb on it, etc).

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when in doubt

Post by cdmb » Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:14 pm

Hello forbidforgot,
With many of my clients this question is asked quite frequently, I would like to offer some advice; Crystals do emit a energy but they also can receive energy. Doubt is a negative energy. Doubting blocks energy from flowing please do yourself a favor 1. Cleanse your crystals. 2. charge your crystals. 3. Believe that the energies your crystals are giving are being absorbed by you when their needed. The creator has put these tools here for us to use and respect.
Doubting is part of a believe system within you my advice is to try to meditate and find that believe system to see what is causing your doubts. I would be willing to bet it has something to do with a childhood situation.

I hope this helps blessed be

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Post by healinghands » Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:40 pm

I agree with Mark, that doubt can affect the flow of energy from the crystals. When you are fully open to receiving the energy it is much more effective.

Think of the flow of energy like water flowing from a pipe, if you clamp down on the middle of the pipe, only a little water will flow, restricting the output. You'll still feel the effects, but it has been dampened, and healing will can take longer.

I believe the same goes for any healing modality however, your state of mind has much to do with how fast you recover, even with modern medicine.

It is normal to have doubts and they are not always the easiest things to let go of. Don't force yourself, but work on opening your heart and mind to the energy. Meditation works well, but if you have problems with that, sleep with the crystals. You mind is much more open at this point.

Cleanse your crystals often too, selenite is a quick and easy way to cleanse and charge your stones. Just place them on a chunk, then you don't have to worry about reaction of sunlight or with water.

Good luck with your journeys. :)

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