Tribute to a Flower

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Tribute to a Flower

Post by sagetab » Sat May 12, 2007 10:13 am

TRIBUTE TO A FLOWER By Zephyr, Eclectic Witch

Pretty little flower, all alone among the debris,
Why do you grow there, so forlorn, so lonely?
Why is there no other signs of life around you?
Why do you stand there, so small, fragile, sad and blue?

“I once was surrounded by many friends and family,
Grass all around, many other plants and trees around me,
Then someone found minerals beneath the ground,
And the Jingle of money for mankind made a joyful sound,
So along came huge machines which dug and dug all day,
Away went the grass, the trees, all the plants – dug away,
The animals which needed us all fled or died,
The earth was ripped apart and minerals taken from inside,
Until finally there was nothing left to mine,
And without a care, we were abandoned by mankind,
But all they had done had ruined any chances,
For anything to grow here –where once there were marshes,
I fought hard to hide in the earth and not be dug away,
I struggled hard to hold my ground to grow again one day,
And here I am, alone in desolation,
Looking sadly upon mans destruction,
All I once knew, all my friends and family,
Ripped away or dug up – taken from me,
Dead – I mourn them – my heart breaking inside me,
Each blade of grass, each flower, each tree,
Each a member of my family,
Killed, murdered, taken away in their prime,
Mother earth ripped open, raped by mankind.”

Pretty little flower, so lonely sad and blue,
My heart breaks, these sad tears are for you,
I know mankind has been cruel to you,
But please understand there are some of us still true,
To Mother Earth and we heed her plight,
And will fight for you with all our might,

The pretty little flower waved it’s petals sadly at me,
Said – “Then my work is done –For I just wanted mankind to see,
What they are doing to Mother Earth and me,”

And with a sigh in the wind, a last gentle breath,
The brave little flower gave itself up to death!

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