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Post by Deeperpoet » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:04 am


I went around the world to bat for you,
It was an ultimate battle and a bruise!
Many accepted and many rejected,
The curse was set by an objective.
I was sent to your deadly slaughter,
And there I found your daughters.
I chased the evening Stars,
And raced with fancy cars!
I pulled ye straight up,
And dropped you down!
Amazing what I have found.

To you I lift up my cup.
Your Greatness once was,
Now ye are just because.
I fled into the wilderness.
I stayed with your lost wives.
I comforted and I cleansed.
I dropped on my knees to bend.
I found many bodies of different color.
Many you kept stored up in your closet.
Inside of you many did come,
Many lost balance and fell.
Leaving pieces of their hell!

Ye ask of me more than one can believe.
I saved you and I gave you a new lease on life.
I carried your knife and I shined the shields.
I am the armor in this world in which ye build.
There is a difference now, I shall never forgive.
Inside of you I came and never returned to live.
Ye broke the bond and severed the only link.
The days will never be the same as long as I breathe.
I shall never forget what my eyes have seen,
Nor shall I forget what my hands have touched.
Forever ye shall be condemned and never set free.
I watched you love and live carelessly until I was sick.
The pain I have endured shall be in my heart and stick.

The days shall come with the nights,
Ye will pray for my heavenly light.
Ye shall sit alone with your own fruits ye shall bear.
Judgment shall silently pass through your air.
Ye shall breathe a breath that takes your breath.
I shall watch ye gain nothing but a timely death.
I gave you strength I gave you faith and righteousness.
Ye and yours trampled me with your coveting ness.
Ye shall reap what ye have sown in my soul.
For tomorrow my days begin,
And I shall never end.
I shall build the structures,
I will set the future.
Never again shall ye enter my doors,
They will be shut like never before.

I warned you once with an angel of mercy.
The boundaries had your lines drawn.
Ye took many down from dusk till dawn.
Many died and many cried good bye.
Forever was bestowed on innocent eyes.
Many will be sanctified at a costly expense.
However, the final battle waits to be dismissed.
My anger shall sour by the hour and lucky you.
But I will be through and washing my hands of you.
Never come to me again nor send your messengers,
For I have my own flight of intelligent passengers.

Growth is a must and ye have stunted in your own.
Your many have yet to find a happy loving home.
Diverse from all the rest but yet ye are at your worst.
You’ve torn a world up and now a missing universe.
I can never fathom loving you again for the whole.
Watching you pervert, rape, and steal many a soul
As the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West,
I have marked the lands and reset the clocks.
Ye shall have hundreds of stumbling blocks.
Ye shall reap this you have sown and not rest.

Ye shall thirst and never be quenched by me.
And the Earth shall open Her eyes and see.
You and many are not forgiven begets.
Ye shall crawl low upon this Earth For I declare it,
And the light of the Sun and Moon shall not give you a way.
Provoked to endure the battle of truth that lies deep within,
I shall hold your thoughts that lead you astray in your sin.
I shall never let ye back in.

To those that serve you I pray they serve you well,
For I have cast you down into a timely hell.
The fires and brimstone shall fall upon your head.
Never will I give you a comfortable restful bed.
The loss of life is great and damnable.
My judgment shall pass across all the lands.
Anyone such as yourself shall be banned.

I have had my fill and the list is long
Many will be singing a new song.
Ye are a deceiver and many are like you,
Your day is here and I shall do what I must do.
I have passed Judgment and it shall stick upon your head.
I shall run you out of my galaxy and keep my daily bread.
Ye shall hunger for the likes of me and the ache ye can not bear.
Ye shall never change but the pain I send to you is without my care.
I have lost all respect due to you and nothing will ever change.
Your world shall become remarkably unbalanced and strange.

Do me once and shame on you,
Do me twice and shame on me.
Never again shall our worlds come to be.
Take what you have and be gone in lieu.
Stripped and broken you have done,
Scattered and misplaced for fun.
A lie in the truth ye held your ground.
I simplified and corrected the errors I found.
Not one is worthy period of what shall come to be.
But a light has passed through a wondrous me.
I have judged you all and it shall remain.
I have witnessed this mess that stays the same.

I have lifted my fingers and drew a circle of love.
I have reached to the heavens up above.
None there or here are worthy of what is to be.
My silence to you shall kill you daily by its smoke,
For you are worthy of my wrath you have provoked.
Sending a lamb to the slaughter is this centuries joke,
But you did this and now the fires have been stoked.

I rolled through the thunder and the lightening I met.
I passed the rainbows and stood under the real promise.
The blueprints were there but you mislead a vast majority.
I picked the pieces up and found the gaps.
All of this was for the love of you?
You are not worth my value and deserve my slaps.
Many ye used and threw away.
Ye call yourself Godly but I won’t stay.
I will turn my back and walk the other way.
Ye have made unpleasant mistakes with many traps.
Do not judge and ye shall not be judged!
But ye have judged and ye have contradicted the Holy text.
So I ask you after judgment what is next.

I without you and you without me!
Where will ye be?
Alone and on your own!
I pray I rid you forever from me.
Never look at me for I am too bright,
And never tell me you loved me through any light.
What ye have done is beyond this world’s comprehension,
I shall not carry your burdens into the everlasting world.
I have judged thee and purged thee from me.
Never again will I love the most honorable thee,
Never again shall ye use my vessel of light to be.

Ye have been careless and ye have fallen from my Grace.
I say to ye good luck getting the Bride and Groom together,
It shall fall upon the hands of the lands to birth them forever.
Ye have done an excellent job ripping their worlds apart,
But inside of you is a bleeding heart that craves my jumpstart.
Ye have done this and I have witnessed the bitter heartbreak.
May the Bride and Groom rest on their pillow of passion for their sake!

I shall cornerstone you to do no more damage.
Your damage is as it does and nothing shall ye salvage.
I kid this world not when I say these things to you.
I am sent to do exactly what I have done.
I say to you I shall never forgive this pain.
I say to you my loss will be my gain.

Ye have deceived,
Many believed.
I am over the elect,
By my hands I select.

What once was shall never be again,
Not in this new world that I shall begin.
I pray your deception was well worth the turmoil upon many.
In my eyes, in your hands live the lives of plenty.
They shall need me and come to me in times of trouble.
But ye have provoked me to throw down justly double.
Judgment is permanently set,
And ye I shall no longer let!

© Copyright: Ann Rich 2006
May Peace and Grace be with you!
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