* Is It Possible ? "

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* Is It Possible ? "

Post by LittleSalt » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:59 am

Is it Possible

Is it possible..., to believe the impossible.....,
can very well be the reality of what is to be ?

Is it possible for all wars to cease,
and battlefields transform into beautiful rose gardens ?

A place where hate and anger transform,
into something as great and beautiful as a loving smile
at the end of a rainbow of happiness,
that can only be found in the heart.

Is it possible for the sickness and pains of generations past,
to be healed in the hearts of the people ?

I've been asking and I've been looking, finding along the way...
light and guidence, on my path.

First the reality comes into play....
the distortions of programming crumbling away.

No more fear of something that dosen't exist,
A calm presence I need to hold, if I am to presist.

What is this new feeling I can sense in each cell....
a knowing, and loving, and beautiful place.....

A World of Enlightenment,
A place for you and me.....

No more sickness and pain, sorrow or greed...,
only beauty and love, if we truely want to be free.

A World of Oneness, that resides in the heart....,
one to be found by the seeker,
and expressed thru the love of the finder.

Such a beautiful and magical place,
full of life, love, and potintial, of what is to be.....

The Awakening and enlightening...., for the world...,
you and me, together as one.

Creating our dance, here we are making the shift.

The World of the Enchanted Flower....,

Full of endless potential and possiblities.

A place where... all becomes one, and one becomes all.....

Fly with me butterflies ...
Mother guide us each day....
Love is the answer....,
and only possible way.

~  written by  ~
Crystal LittleSalt
Sept.25 , 2008

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