Best book to identify Leo's.

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Best book to identify Leo's.

Post by Denv12 » Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:16 am

Some years ago I bought a new book on Atrology.It was called "Romancing the stars',By Penny Thornton.

There was the chapter on Leo.Or talked about how to recognise Leo's.The one thing I'll never had forget is the comment about the Leo eyes.They have a disntinctive shape that only Leo's have.I can t remember the exact words written in the book so if you have a copy maybe you could add it here.

When I was a child I kept seeing mainly women with the unusually beautiful, eyes I wondered what it was.Then as I got older I found out that it was only Leo women.Turn out its a Leo thing.Men and women.Some people are more obvius than other.I have seen some people who are Leo's that rarely have that eye thing then there are other Leo's who have it a lot.

If you know if the book can you let me know.I would love to find a copy.I'm in Australia.

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