Cilantro Chelation Pesto

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Cilantro Chelation Pesto

Post by yerbatera » Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:30 am


Cilantro Chelation Pesto

4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)
2 tsp dulse powder
Sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds, dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill enough jars to last through the year.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of mercury, lead, and aluminum, thus effectively removing these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.

Source: Alternatives, Date:  June 1998,  pages 91 - 92; Publisher: Mountain Home Publishing; ISSN: 0893-5025; Author: David G. Williams, DC

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Post by keljo05 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:10 pm

what a great sounding recipe. Our office is always interested in finding new methods for detoxifying. I'll definitely be giving this a try.

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