A Fruit A Day

If health is wealth, then surely beauty is what reflects it.

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A Fruit A Day

Post by prasanna » Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:24 am

PASSION FRUIT Health benefits And Nutritional Values

Passion fruit is a small egg-shaped tropical fruit, which is also known by the name of Purple Granadillas. Passion fruit contains several seeds and has wrinkled purple brown rind on maturing. The seeds and the pulp inside, both are edible, making it easier to consume the fruit. Moreover, the pulp of the fruit has a distinct aroma and has a slightly sweet taste. In tropical countries, passion fruit is primarily used for juicing. The fruit is about 1 - 3 inches wide, with a smooth and waxy coating outside. Apart from its pleasant taste and appearance, the fruit is known for its various health benefits

Passion fruit also benefits those who eat it by providing the body with high doses of Vitamin A and C. Vitamin A helps the body to remove free radicals that cause skin and tissue damage, and it helps to improve our vision. Meanwhile Vitamin C helps to repair tissue, helps prevent heart disease and cancer and helps our bones.

Now, one of the many health benefits of passion fruit is that its seeds (one cup) contains almost 25 grams of fiber. Passion fruit seeds are a great source of fiber that the body needs to cleanse the colon, improve digestion, and help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

We all have heard the buzz around the various positive effects of anti-oxidants in the body. Such useful anti-oxidants can be found in passion fruits which in turn help in treating and preventing asthma, wheezing cough and other kinds of allergic ailments. These fruits also aid in the overall relaxation of the body as they have somniferous properties and thus help in providing a restful and sound sleep when taken before sleeping. Passion fruit is thus used for the overall enhancement of health and it is also extremely beneficial for those who are in a quest for weight reduction methods.

The latest research findings offer hope for Asthma sufferers, as a recent study indicates that a flavonoid-rich extract from purple passion fruit may ease wheezing.

Fewer than 20 per cent of the subjects receiving the passion fruit peel (PFP) extract still had wheeze as a clinical symptom of asthma, compared to about 80 per cent of subjects in the placebo group, according to the findings, which were published in the journal NutritionResearch.

Moreover, coughing fell by 76 per cent in the extract group, compared to 47 per cent in the placebo group.

The seeds are edible, so the orange pulp can be eaten straight from the shell. Its pulp is very good and highly aromatic it is used for juicing;

Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Passion Fruit

   * The juice of passion fruit reduces cancer cell growth. Though research is underway on this issue, the phytochemicals in the fruit juice are considered to inhibit cancer cell growth.
   * The phenolic acids and flavonoids present in the fruit are supposed to possess heart-protecting function.
   * The phenolic profile of the fruit is known for its anti-microbial activity.
   * Passion fruit is a good source of antioxidants, both water soluble and fat soluble ones.
   * Passion fruit is considered good for products which require pasteurization.
   * The fruit is quite high in carbohydrates and simple sugars, which improves athletic performance.
   * It contains plant sterols, which help in lowering the levels of cholesterol.
   * Passion fruit is a reservoir of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Potassium.
   * The seeds of the fruit are very vital sources of fiber.
   * It is supposed to possess somniferous properties, which when taken before going to bed, help the person to relax and have a restful sleep.
   * It is very good for attaining optimum health and to reduce weight.

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More about Passion fruit.

Post by prasanna » Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:39 am

Passion fruit

From CopperWiki

The passion fruit is an egg-shaped tropical fruit that is also called a purple granadilla. It has a wrinkled purple-brown rind enclosing flesh-covered seeds.The seeds are edible.

The pulp of the passion fruit is light yellow and mucilaginous with a jelly-like and watery texture. The flavor is often likened to guava.

It is a native of the rainforest margins in the Amazon region of Brazil. It has adapted to the cooler sub-tropics and the high altitude tropics. It is also grown in Hawaii, Florida, and California.

The name passion fruit was given to it by Spanish missionaries who thought that parts of the plant's flower resembled different religious symbols. The Jesuit missionaries saw in its flower a means of illustrating the Crucifixion; the 10 petals and sepals represented the apostles, the crown of thorns was seen in the filaments, the five anthers represent the five wounds, the three stigmas were allied with the nails used to pierce the hands and feet of Jesus and the vine's tendrils were equated with the whips.

Health benefits

Passion fruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and iron. Passion fruit has only 16 calories per fruit. The seeds are edible and are an excellent source of fiber.

Passion fruit has somniferous properties, febrifugal and soporific properties. They help a person to relax and sleep well and also relieve muscle tension and anxiety as well as calm the nerves. They are known to lower blood pressure and are useful for nervous insomnia.

Medicinal Uses

The juice and the leaves of passion fruit contain the alkaloids, including Harman, which reduces blood pressure and has a sedative and antispasmodic action. The leaves are used in many countries as medicine.

The flower of passion fruit can help to induce sleep. It is used in the treatment of nervous children, bronchial asthma, insomnia, nervous gastrointestinal disorders and menopausal problems.

How to select and store

The skin of the fruit has a leathery appearance. Choose fruit that has supple skin and gives when lightly pressed. Very smooth skin is an indication that the fruit is immature. Also avoid fruit with a lot of black spots. The fruit should be dark in color, as egg-shaped as possible and heavy.

If the skin is slightly rumpled it is ready to eat. To allow unripe fruit to mature leave at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.Plcae ripe fruit in the refrigerator.

Serving ideas

   * Cut in half and eat with a spoon.
   * Purée to make jellies, creams, sorbets and ice cream.
   * Use passion fruit juice to flavor cocktails.
   * Try a cocktail of rum, cane syrup and passion fruit juice.
   * Spoon this fruit over low-fat yogurt to make a colorful treat.
   * Add passion fruit to mixed green salads or fruit salads for a new taste.
   * Top chicken, fish, or pork with a spoonful of passion fruit for a change.

Common Uses of Passion Fruit Oil

   * Suncare products
   * Bath Oils
   * Massage products

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