The simularities between the Bible and Hindu scriptures

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The simularities between the Bible and Hindu scriptures

Post by erik » Sun 04 Jun, 2023 11:29 pm


I want to point out some simularities between the Biblical scriptures and the Vedic (Hindu) scriptures, here we go:

In Genesis 5:5 we find written that Adam lived up to 930 years, in the Vedic scriptures we find that there are 4 Yugas, Satya Yuga in which a human being could live for 100.000 years, Treta Yuga in which a human being could live for 10.000 years, Dvapara yuga in which a human being lived for 1.000 years and lastly Kali yuga (the present age) in which a human being lives for appr. 100 years.

Dvapara Yuga lasts for 864.000 years, after Dvapara Yuga comes Kali Yuga, Kali Yuga started 5.000 years ago, so it started 3.000 BC.

We can calculate in Genesis 5 that the stories of Genesis happened in Dvapara Yuga since we can read there that the forefathers of Noah lived appr. for 800 years each. We can read that in chapter 5 of Genesis ¨From Adam to Noah¨. We can also understand from this that the Great Flood must have happened in Dvapara Yuga since Noah lived for 600 years.

Only in Genesis 6:3 it is mentioned that the Lord said that a human being could live for 120 years, so from that verse on we can understand that Kali Yuga must have started.

Any thoughts?

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Re: The simularities between the Bible and Hindu scriptures

Post by erik » Mon 05 Jun, 2023 12:55 am

To be a bit more specific, I joined the Hare Krishna community in July 2006 and I learned about the Yugas in the Hare Krishna scriptures, awesome stories can be found there.


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