True or Falce???

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True or Falce???

Post by dotzev » Wed May 23, 2007 1:57 am

Hi,my name is Mike and I just signed up on the forum  :smt003...The thing is,I've been looking all over the net for some indication of the existence of energy and/or elementally based combat blasting spells...The thing is that I've uncovered nothing so far :smt017  :smt010;and then,as if by magic i stumbled upon this forum...So if anyone has any info what so ever on this I'll be ever so thankful if he or she shares it with me :smt006

p.s.I'm really serious and responsible about working with magic,so pls don't be reluctant about sharing  :smt002

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed May 23, 2007 10:11 am

Mike I for one would question why you wanted this knowledge?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed May 23, 2007 10:14 am

Further to the above.
My job is teaching students how to dis-assemble the human body, but if some guy came into a class and said,
'Soke teach me how to kill quickly and cleanly, I promise I'm really responsible and i won't use it - ever.'
I'd break little bits off him and throw the rest in gutter.

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Post by dotzev » Wed May 23, 2007 4:03 pm

Hey,I just want to know if such spells exist,I never said that I would or in fact could learn them ...And even if I could it will be for self defence only,and besides if people knew I can do such a thing they won't mess with me and I wouldn't have to use such a thing...(a quick demo on a tree takes care of that)

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed May 23, 2007 7:47 pm

Yep that's exactly the argument everyone uses. Teach me to shoot or use a knife and I'll just threaten them - honestly I won't use it. Then what happens when they aren't afraid of you and they come at you - bam they're dead and I showed you how to do it.
Now comes the big question, who gets the bad karma, you for doing the deed, or me for for showing you in the knowledge that you would use it.
If someone says they know how it's done (whatever it is) be careful, it's not only you're money but your very soul you risk!!!!

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Post by dotzev » Wed May 23, 2007 10:24 pm

I know...And BTW did you do some sort of spell on me to spook me?'Coz I can swear on my very existence that today I saw a tree leaf move on its' very own on the ground !!! ON ITS' VERY OWN!!!(NO INSECT WHAT SO EVER)

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Post by Prof. Akers » Thu May 24, 2007 6:25 pm

No, if it was me it would be something to do with a feather, something like the Godfather scene with the horse's head but a feather.

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Post by zastrox » Mon Jun 18, 2007 6:28 am

Now comes the big question, who gets the bad karma, you for doing the deed, or me for for showing you in the knowledge that you would use it.
If someone says they know how it's done (whatever it is) be careful, it's not only you're money but your very soul you risk!!!!
I believe in freewill. If you show somebody how to do something and explain the consequences to them it is up to them to exercise there own freewill. You cannot tell ultimately if someone is good or evil. There are no absolutes. You just have to use your best judgment.

Imagine for a minute that you have taught somebody in a third world country how to farm. You have explained and demonstrated every principal there is and the student passes every test with flying colours. You then hand over a hoe, a spade, a pick-axe, a bucket and a wheelbarrow full of grain seed so that he can grow his own crops and sustain himself, his family and maybe sell some for extra cash. He goes off and instead of farming sells all the equipment except the bucket to pay for prostitutes and gambling. He uses the bucket and grain to make beer. A month later the man is found dead in a ditch from starvation.

How is this your fault? You taught him how to survive. He exercised his freewill and squandered that chance for survival.

I fully and wholeheartedly agree that children should not be shown how to use matches and petroleum though. That is just sheer folly.

*daddy how do I make a fireball*


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combat and elemental spells

Post by epsilonsmirror » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:12 am

No I have never seen or heard of those kind of spells working at all.
There isn,t even a way to make a broom actually fly on its own power.
I believe that most storis are just that,stories.
However there are majicks designed for defense,and telekinesis is worth a look to. hope this helps/
(there is a spell to make a broom fly but it involves taking the life of an unbaptized child and a few other really bad things,)this needless to say is very grim black majick.)and if those spells exist at all they are probably in a grimoire of very evil black majick.personally I believe this stuff was made up during the hieght of the inquisition and isnt true at all.
They had to tell the inquisitors something.

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Post by sarwiz » Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:00 am

And why would you want to hurt a tree just to prove you have power. The spells may exist, but only those who are responsible enough not to use them , will know them.

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Post by Mystic Riffs » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:27 am

Mike, I have to agree with the Professor, mate.
 You're young, but still, at 20, you need to have developed other skills to handle those you dislike or (worse!) those who dislike you.
 The very first thing I think you should realize, Mike, is that 33% of EVERY PERSON you EVER MEET, will dislike you. Sobering, isn't it?
 Until your older, buddy, the safest answer for you is this.

Magic is real, spells are not.
 Magic is the sun, a lover, grass.

Honestly, mate. I think it's awesome that you're interested in the whole 'alternate' way of viewing things, but you may need to wait until your 30.

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fireballs and lightening strikes

Post by stan-wells » Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:05 pm

not really a spell, but very real according to accounts - not black magick or black grimoire - just not really necessary either - this is never a self defense action as it is nearly impossible to be done on-the-fly.  As it takes time to prepare, this would be used for offense and would be premeditated.  Although I have never done the spellwork (no reason to call upon this format) it is understood to be quite uncontrollable from all accounts - more of a wide-area spell to destroy large areas.  

the fireballs or lightening coming from the fingertips such as in the video games or Darth Vadar - that would be more elemental magick and would concentrate the telekinetics of the human mind.  Not really spell work.

Continue to learn and you will not need these for self defense.

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no true

Post by firejakc » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:06 pm

all this is just imagination. so only in virture world then all this will happen.

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magick is imagination.

Post by stan-wells » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:28 pm

If that is your belief - then you are correct.  You will never perform magic if you believe it to be unreal.  reality is the illusion.

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Post by PaganPriest » Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:48 pm

The essence of true magic is that all things are possible. However, magic requires a graet deal of self discipline, study and practice. Also, as we live in the real world and not in Nintendo world, actual fireballs and lightning from fingertips are NOT reality. (Show me a documented case of someone who can do this)

Magic is of the mind, of energy, and can do great things. Magic is used for the benefit of others, not to punish.

If you really want to practice this kind of magic, something which is definately on the black side of the line, then remember the Rule of Three. Whatever you send out comes back threefold.

And leave the trees alone! :)

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