Do you think UFO's are a spiritual phenomenon?

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Do you think UFO's are a spiritual phenomenon?

Post by aknowing1111 » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:22 am

Hi everybody! Bless us one and all!

I was thinking about it a couple of days ago and I realized that I have had (believe it or not) a total of 11 experiences with UFO's over the past year and a half. I even have 3 amazing photos I took with my cellphone camera during one of them... In it you can see "entities" of some kind, among other things.

At the time these entities seemed to me more like ghosts or something, and not so much like what I imagined traditional aliens would be...

Before my first experience/sighting I had never seen anything like a UFO first hand, and if asked I would have probably told you that I did not believe in them at all. (Ha! Little did I know...)

Any way, do you guys think that UFO's are a spiritual phenomenon or just visits from extra terrestrial beings? For some reason, I am beginning to feel like they are somehow spiritual phenomenon.

Let me know what you think! Thanks.... :smt055

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Post by nasar27 » Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:12 pm

Stanley Fulham prediction on  ufo  will intervene & save Earth’s collapsing ecology ... ng-ecology

Vivek Trivedi
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Post by Vivek Trivedi » Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:13 am

*UFOs are known natural or artificial phenomena.*  These
include, but are not limited to, airplanes, weather balloons,
human-launched satellites and spacecraft, sundogs (reflections of the
Sun on cloud formations), ball lightning, the stars Sirius and Procyon,
and the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  Cases of these being
mistaken for more unusual phenomena are widely documented and have
occurred repeatedly.

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Post by oriel » Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:57 am

It could be that they may be a spiritual phenomenon.We'll never really know.Maybe they are much highly evolved spiritual beings than us just waiting to reveal themselves at the right time when mankind's  collective consciousness  is ready.  :)

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Post by GeminiStar » Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:04 pm

I don't believe we are here alone but I don't know if they are out there and waiting to save us from ourselves like a far away God.

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Post by oriel » Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:18 am ... ntact.html

check this out I've been seeing this stuff on different sites its a channeling about some Extra terrestrial stuffs and the famous date dec.21,2012 is included here..

also this from this site ... -soon.html

The still, small voice within will soon be neither still nor small.
As channeled by Ron Head
December 9, 2012
Ron's Channeled Messages


It is our intent now to bring to your attention the constant flood of Creator’s unconditional love, that which we sometimes name energy or light, which is flowing through your world now.  It has, of course, always done so, but it has reached a volume which can now not be missed by any who may turn their attention to it.

What may have taken a great deal of training in times past may be accomplished in no time at all at this point.  The still, small voice within will soon be neither still nor small.  When seeking to hear that voice, however, please understand that you may ‘hear’ it in many different ways.  It will be the manner in which your own perceptions discern the feelings that arise from the experience of this love, this light, this energy.  Yes, you may actually hear it.  Then again, you may see it.  You might just feel the flow through you.  Perhaps it might be all of those or even something entirely different.  It will be unique to you perhaps.  But the one way in which it will be the same for all is that it will be the way that you personally understand when you perceive it.

It will not be the first time that you ‘hear’ it, dear ones.  It will just be, perhaps, the first time you have heard it in many thousands of years.  Picture yourselves as beautiful flowers and allow the flood of light and love to open you and bless your every cell.

You may, if you already feel this, believe that it cannot get more intense, but we tell you that it will continue to increase throughout the next twelve days.  Allow this to flow through you in gratitude, for it is changing you in very necessary ways.  And remember, too much resistance is what blows circuits.  Well, perhaps that is a bit extreme, but you will get the idea.

We urge you to spend the time to find a group to meditate with or to join in prayer on the twelve-twelve.  A corner will be turned on that day.  Being a part of that will insure that it is a step forward for you as well.

We will bring you more good news shortly.  Be at peace now, dear hearts.  Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

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