Do you want to fnd GOD really?

The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Do you want to fnd GOD really?

Post by prabakaran_cad » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:00 am

Article by OSHO:-

“SEEKING IS NOT THE WAY TO FIND GOD. If you want to find him, stop seeking, and find. Stop seeking, and he is found immediately, instantly -- not even a single moment is lost. Why? Because in the very effort of seeking him you are forgetting one thing, that he is already in you. The sought is in the seeker -- but the seeker cannot see it, he is engrossed too much in his seeking. He is running after it, he is searching for it -- his search keeps him so occupied, so engaged, that he cannot look inside and see who is there.

GOD IS ALREADY IN YOU, God is already the case. Just stop seeking. And that is the greatest message of Zen: Stop seeking. "Sitting silently, doing nothing, the spring comes and the grass grows by itself." Zen does not give you any seeking, it takes all seeking away from you. Seekers are the losers! -- because in their very search they go on looking at distant lands. They go on looking at stars -- they don't look within themselves.

And do you know? There is an ancient parable:

IN THE BEGINNING, when God created the world, he used to live on the empty road. But then he became tired because people were continuously nagging him. In the middle of the night the phone will start ringing, and complaints: "And why you have not done this? And why you have done that? What is the reason of it?"

Naturally, he got tired.

So he asked his counselors, "Help me. I would like to go somewhere and hide from people." He confessed that in creating man, "I have created my greatest mistake."

Do you know that since then he has not created anything else? He is still repenting. That was his last creation. He became so afraid of man that he stopped being a creator.

They suggested, "You can go to the Himalayas , nobody will come there." He said, "You don't know. Just within few seconds..." -- and millions of light-years are just few seconds for God. To one who lives in eternity, a different time scale exists, and millions of light-years are just moments. He said, "A man will reach there and another, and they will reach on the Everest and they will find me, and once they have found me people will start coming... so that won't help."

Somebody suggested, "Then why don't you go to the moon?" He said, "Just not even few seconds more and people will reach there. They are going to reach everywhere!"

Then an old adviser came close to him, whispered something in his ear. And he was very happy and he said, "This is the right thing to do!" The man had whispered, "My suggestion is: WHY DON'T YOU HIDE IN MAN HIMSELF? THERE HE WILL NEVER GO! He will go to the mountains, he will go to the Everest, he will go to the moon and to the Mars, he will go to the planets and stars, he will go everywhere. One thing that he will never suspect is that you will be hiding in his own soul." God agreed, and since then he has been hiding in you!

And you have been searching for him on the Everest, on the moon, on the stars, in the scriptures, in the temples, in the mosques, in the churches.

GO ON SEARCHING AND YOU WILL NOT FIND HIM. A seeker never finds. Seeking is a sure way of missing. Then who finds him? One who relaxes, one who drops all seeking, just dives deep into one's own being -- sits there silently, starts moving towards the bottom, to the very ground of one's own being. Sitting in your deepest core, you find him. There is no need to go anywhere.

He is not out there. HE IS YOUR INNERMOST CORE. He is the beat of your heart and the vitality of your breath and the redness of your blood. He is the pulsation of your being!

I teach you THE WAY OF NON-SEEKING. I teach you to relax. I teach you to forget all about God and just be yourself. And one day, suddenly, like a great surprise, the BENEDICTION.”

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Omnicron Solaris
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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:36 am

Thank you so much for this.
I believe thatl, there are some religions who would think that we are some reflection of God (or the prime mover force of the universe) as some kind of blasphemy.
I have yet to come to a deep personal knowing that I am one with God force but I'm working on it.  And I have a "knowing" that I someday very soon will come to understand.

and the other thing is the people who are in most need of hearing this message are those who are most resistant to his message.
Most unfortunate in my opinion.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:58 am

Dear Omnicron Solaris ,

Thanks for your views..

You are very correct not many people, even relegious people will accept this.

If you know that the GOD is inside then you are started entering into sprituality. Realising this concept in evry cell of our body is the reamaining of the sprituality.

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Post by bybybybyon » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:55 pm

God is really everywhere. Only due to our ignorance, we still need patience and more wisdom to see within.

Thank you for ur article.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:12 am

Yes.. It is our Ignorance which is preventing us to grow and realising the god.

The aim of all spritual practice is to eliminate this Ignorance.

The power of ignorance or maya is so great and we need intense effort and patience to come out this.

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