Karma and living blissfully ( wasted this life)

The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Karma and living blissfully ( wasted this life)

Post by Castro » Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:08 pm

Hi all,

I've had a challenging life where I had to endure a long term speech impediment and struggling family relationships and lost my mother during childhood.

I am going for my dreams and I know I'm here to serve in form of my career and ultimately love, learn from my mistakes and reach my highest potential and be a good person.

I started off as a enthusiatic child who likes women, strong desire and checked by astrology (yes, this 90% of the reason for this experience) now I live in an hindu culture which I like and ever since the 90s my family, relatives and far relatives from different parts of the UK come together and throw weddings, parties and functions and I would notice the ladies as a kid and I just wanted to experience have females around me and be loved by them.

I had a major speech delay problem which almost stopped me from experiencing life and I wasn't intelligent enough and never applied myself in school and now having a late education. I was too shy to make a move even when I was a kid. Now, I feel helpless because I've had some good experiences in the form of those social events, but never applied myself and feel I've wasted opportunities and potential relationships. I like older women and they are moving on now. There were many ladies, but I had a speech impediment and was very shy. They were the ladies any guy would like, or like to form relationships with.

This is a waste, although I am only young, I will maybe never experience social events like those social events mentioned above, its just once in a trillion years (like winning the world cup) I had my chance and blew it I was very youthful handsome looking too.  Its going to be hard to find another match like this in another reincarnation, WHat can I do?

I just want to live the life of my uncle, which I've explained in bold below:

I've read everything about karma, reincarnation, law of attraction, some things on religion.

1) My uncle married a good women, my uncle has 3 brothers and 1 sister and his wife (my aunty) has 4 sisters and 1 brother. They have a lovely house and great wonderful family social life with dinner parties.

I really would like this, how can I? I'll do anything, some people are very fortunate I must say.

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Post by Aquo » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:20 pm

life for you's been less than kind

so take a number, stand in line

we've all been sorry, we've all been hurt

but, how we survive is what makes us who we are

These lyrics always inspires me, Rise Against music got me through the hardest times of my life. They always remind me that everything is in our hands. Don't wait for tomorrow, start right now, this moment.
You have to understand that you only live once, just like we all do.
Put in some more optimism, be the first one to achieve your goals in such situation and people will respect you. You have to believe in your self, and I believe in you too :) you can do it :)

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