Faith in god

The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Faith in god

Post by tanyaacatherine » Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:29 am

In order to depend on God you must depend on His word and in order to get answers to your prayers you must know His word.
Have trust in God and things will turn out right;
Have faith in God and mountains melt like ice;
Have trust in Him- temptations you can fight;
Have faith in Him and Life will become nice.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:57 am

Yes.. 100 % faith and Trust can bring tranformation in our life

But our logical mind is a preventive block for this..

If we can able trancend logical mind.. Then this life and world will be ours

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Post by prasanna » Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:47 am

Welcome to Mystic board  Tanya . Glad to meet a person who has good faith in  GOD. Thanks for your first post on GOOD faith in GOD. May GOD bless  U ever.

100% Faith IN GOD is the Key to all our Locked   views.and thoughts.  If we believe in Almighty  fully, His Mighty power will safe Guard us ever. We will feel GOD is with Us ever. GOD is Great ever. This feeling will make us think  and believe,   this world is made for us . Global Oneness is possible. Selfishness will vanish from us and worldly belonging ness will occupy us  fully. Thanks Prabakar  for your sharing.


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Post by prabakaran_cad » Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:10 am

Ok.. FAITH.. We know what is Faith but Whether we have understood by heart what is faith..

I happen to read the following answer from ISKCON guru.. May be help full.
Faith means unflinching trust in something sublime. Faith is a natural part of human existence.

The word faith also can be applied to ordinary things. When we eat some food we have faith that nobody has put poison it it. When we step onto an elevator we have faith that the cable will not break. In so many ways every day we put our faith. We see also that the people in general put their faith in the scientists. Even though they cannot personally verify what the scientists are telling them, they take the scientists' words on faith.  So just as they are putting faith in the words of the scientists, we are putting our faith in the words of God. The difference is that the scientists are constantly changing their version of reality, while God never changes His. Who are you more likely to believe: someone who is always changing his story or someone who consistently sticks to exactly the same conclusion?  So, whose faith is better?
                                                       Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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Post by prasanna » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:30 pm

Dear prabakar,

           wonderful views over faith . Shall we call , what all U have quoted about faith as positive thinking ? Human existence itself is based on good faith only .We all acquire properties earn and save money .Why ? Because we have faith ,  that we are going to live long. Like  wise Faith in GOD is also  a positive thinking, because nobody knows how GOD would look like, exactly,  His tone etc etc.  But everybody's perception about GOD can  differ from each other, or one another..    To  some GOD is a friend ,  to some, God  Is Lover, to some GOD is father, to some GOD is child. etc etc. Do share more . But as quoted above GOD is the one , who never changes .  I find this topic very interesting now. I request all others also should share their views here. I agree with the views of ISKCON as  I am also a Krishna Premi, having  good faith on LORD KRISHNA.


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Post by rickeymo » Sun Oct 26, 2008 12:14 am

you write have faith in god and he? first thank you for the message,second ,why must we genderize god to the appellation of he, him and he'll? god as I understand it is so far above such titles that it seems a shame to label the concept. Life flows with energy,energy flows with vitality,and vitality is the essence of what we term God.Look within and you'll see God,turn over a stone and find God there, Be kind and loving to a stranger and find God in the mist.

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Post by govardhanvt » Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:48 am

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Post by prasanna » Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:57 am

Thanks Dhanji, for this wonderful link on GOD.


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Post by prasanna » Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:20 am

Why does the Quran use "WE" and "HE" in Quran when referring to God (Allah)?

This is a good question and one that Bible readers have also asked about. The term "We" in the Bible and in the Quran is the royal "We" - as an example when the king says, "We decree the following declaration, etc." or, "We are not amused." It does not indicate plural; rather it displays the highest position in the language. English, Persian, Hebrew, Arabic and many languages provide for the usage of "We" for the royal figure. It is helpful to note the same dignity is given to the person being spoken to in English. We say to someone, "You ARE my friend." Yet the person is only one person standing there. Why did we say "ARE" instead of "IS"? The noun "you" is singular and should therefore be associated with a singular verb for the state of being, yet we say, "are." The same is true for the speaker when referring to himself or herself. We say, "I am" and this is also in the royal plural, instead of saying, "I is."

When Allah uses the term "HE" in Quran it is similar to the above answer. The word "He" is used when referring to Allah out of respect, dignity and high status. It would be totally inappropriate to use the word "it" and would not convey the proper understanding of Allah being who Allah is; Alive, Compassionate, Forgiving, Patient, Loving, etc. It is not correct to associate the word "He" with gender, as this would be comparing Allah to the creation, something totally against the teaching of Quran.

              To me GOD is LOVE, and LOVE is GOD.  From the above paragraph, which I have given in BOLD letters,  I trust,  there is a answer to  all  , who has query regarding ,  why  do we call GOD as  HE.?  

My sincere thanks to Dhanji for giving me this beautiful explanation,  from The Quran.

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:06 am

Again back to FAITH..

Faith is beyond intelligence!
It is easy to acquire intelligence. If we work continuously using our intellect, it matures into intelligence. There are a number of meditation techniques that can help us sharpen our intellect. The peak of intellect is intelligence.

Emotions arise from the heart. Ancient masters have taught us many meditation techniques and methods to work on our emotions. Any of these meditation techniques will change our emotion to faith. The peak of emotion is faith.

Our thoughts have lot of power. Be clear about one thing: if you believe in a particular God or Guru, believe it with all your might. Do not bother about whether he has power or not. Your faith has the power.

Ramakrishna used to narrate this beautiful parable to his devotees.

A learned scholar, a great pundit, had his home on one bank of a river. All provisions for his home used to come from the other bank. A milkmaid used to bring him fresh milk every morning.

One morning she was late, very late. The pundit was very angry with her. ‘My morning prayers have been delayed because of you’ he ranted, ‘don’t you have any responsibility?’

She apologized profusely. ‘Master, the river was in spate and the boats refused to ply. That’s why I was late.’

‘Don’t give me excuses’ roared the pundit, ‘if the boats couldn’t come you should have walked on water. How can you make the Gods wait? Have faith and cross the river.’

The milkmaid meekly listened and went away. She was never late gain. A month later it rained profusely for a week and no boats could ply. Yet, the milkmaid came on time and delivered the milk.

The pundit asked the milkmaid how she managed to come at all. She simply said, ‘you told me how to do it. I believed in you and walked on the water ever since that day!’

The pundit was shocked. Disbelieving her, he took her to the riverbank and told her to cross the river, which she did with ease. ‘If this milkmaid can do it believing in me, I should have greater powers’ thought the pundit. Lifting his dhoti with one hand he stepped into the water and promptly sank.

‘Oh! Master! What faith do you have? How can you cross the river if you believe your dhoti would get wet?’

You do not need an enlightened master to liberate you. All you need is absolute trust. A stone can liberate you. Ramakrishna was enlightened through his unshakeable faith in the statue of Mother Kali.

When you live with such trust and surrender your mind, body and senses to the entity you trust in, you are automatically enlightened!

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Post by prasanna » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:18 pm

Thanks for the beautiful enlightening story on good faith of Sri Rama krishna pramahamsa.  Yes, with faith anything  is possible .


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Post by tweety121 » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:57 pm

the simple faiths of eating and drinking etc. that have been referred here, can't they be just because people are so used to these things they hardly give it another thought?? These faiths will break if a person's experience goes against his faith. Ex. someone does poison your food and you suffer for it, won't you start being a bit skeptical of how/where you have obtained your food?

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