Mynahs and sparrows..

Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Mynahs and sparrows..

Post by rozrokz » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:26 am

Hi, is there any symbolic interpretations for this two birds? I keep seeing them on my balcony recently. And they sing beautifully so just wondering if they mean anything.
Thanks. :smt006

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Two Birds

Post by Alasandro » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:25 pm

Now that is interesting...

The simple fact that you have been drawn to notice the birds is, in my opinion, a sign of something.  Do you understand?  Consider the possibility that the miracle may not be the birds but the simple fact that you are NOW aware of their presence.

If I were in your position, the next time the birds come I would stop whatever I was doing and sit and watch, listen and relax.  If the birds have come as a "package" of a sort which contains a message for you inside, then you must open the package in order to receive the message.  If the birds never return... you still have the memory of their presence.

Sometimes it is much more effective not to try and assign a meaning to everything that happens to and around us but rather to allow the meaning to present itself.

Be quiet, be still and it shall come.

Thank you for allowing me to share with you my humble opinion.


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Totem Birds

Post by richardredhawk » Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:28 am

The Sparrow Totem Animal:
This bird represents severl things such as productivity, almost no fear and even though small is not intimated, and is a suvivor. The challenge this small but big bird is do not let yourself ever feel you are defeated. No matter what the circumstances there is always a way to overcome. This Totem can also bring us sad news and in the old world was conisdered a bad omen if the fella flew in the window of your house and made himself at home as this was conidered a harbinger of death, Now this does not mean physical but can be a rebirth of spirituality as well.

The Mynah Totem Animal; this fellow represents the ability to speak and to be definately heard when doing so. This bird is considered one of the Totems that brings messages because of the ability to create human speach.
Challenge here is understanding and awareness of what is offered to you.

Now the order these arrived to you in is important so you must understand which was first and what he represents then the second one and what they represent then you will get your big picture so to speak.

Hope this helps

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Post by rozrokz » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:16 am

Yes, thanks very much for your replies.
Alesandro, u are right, I will always stop what I am doing and listen and watch them. What was surprising is that I always feel the presence of my late mother-in-law and that day, I had asked her for some sign and lo and behold, two mynahs came near my balcony and started chatting and singing away and could tell they were looking right at me!
RRH, thanks for your info, I will keep this is mind. and will be strong! ("I will survive playing in background...for dramatic effect).

Hugs all around.

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