
Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Post by psi-kic » Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:02 am

What are the most powerful symbols? and what makes a symbol potent? I imagine myself a physical giant and it never fails to make me feel powerful. when I do that people step out of my way and are very polite.Also, when I imagine my face a blank slate people are very friendly I think they project some of themselves onto the blankness.

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:01 am

Your intent is what makes a symbol potent. Anyone can draw a symbol, but the real power lies not in the symbol alone, but in your own intent when drawing/creating this symbol. Many times we attach to a symbol notes from someone else and it almost becomes law in our own psyche, however, a symbol only has the meaning and power we give to it like anything else. Our own personal power and intent make the symbol work or activate. A stop sign was created and the power color red used. Now even though we did not create the meaning of the symbol, we have attached what someone else says it means, and by doing so we understand the symbol to mean stop or else, when in fact the stop sign symbol can be put to use in many other ways and even the color changed. Would you stop if the color was green and meant go in your psyche instead of it being red which to many mean stop? Red is a power color in the mainstream that means danger, stop and so on, and green in the mainstream normally means go and you're in the clear. It's all behind the intent and what we attach to any given symbol. The stop sign ideology was a bit extreme, but I wanted you to understand what I was meaning. So, in short, the symbols we create might only mean something to us. It's what we put our personal power in to and created. It works for us because we say it does and in our own minds it does. What may work for me, may leave you cold and vice-versa. Books of symbols and even ancient symbols have attached meanings that we can accept or reject as truth. It's up to the individual and what they feel inside and are attuned to whether or not a symbol will work for them. No symbol ever works the same way for each person in my own exp. A book may say a certain symbol means such and such, but when we use it, we find it means the reverse for us. It's about us and how we see things and how we use our intent and personal power. The most powerful symbols are those you create yourself.

I Hope This Helps,

Gentle Hugs,


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