Do I have a symbol?

Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Do I have a symbol?

Post by AHShadowRai » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:36 pm

Totally new to this so I was wondering if I had a symbol? Like, something to work with and strenthen my ability?

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Post by suzisco » Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:15 pm

I think you mean a totem rather than a symbol.

I would suggest that you have a think about the things that draw you and use the symbol/ totem that you feel an affinity with.

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Do I have a symbol

Post by werasx » Wed May 09, 2007 1:05 pm

what Is a totem Im very intrested in symbols could I t be any every day happening?

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Post by suzisco » Wed May 09, 2007 2:02 pm

a totem is an animal or spirit helper that people can adopt to allow them to fufil their day to day activities and their guide through spiritual activities.

The totem is the manifestation of that animal in the form of a small statue, or representation of the chosen spirit.

some people feel an afinity to a bear for example and wear totems or items that have bear spirit in it.

As to how you get one thats a question thats up for debate, there are many valid ways.  

Personally i belive your totem finds you and not the other way around.

Hope this helps a little?



Something to try to get an individual symbol

Post by Azamarak » Sun May 20, 2007 7:18 pm

Are you familar with numerology? Every letter has a numerical value. Many websites will provide you with a numerical value for each letter.  Then you need to create a square of Saturn which is a square made up of 9 smaller squares with numbers in them that add up to 15 in every direction. The square uses all 9 numbers.

Square of Saturn:                                    Letter Values in Numerology:
    4  3  8                                                    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    9  5  1                                                    A  B  C D  E  F  G  H  I
    2  7  6                                                    J   K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R
                                                                  S   T  U V  W X  Y  Z

Once you have made the square of Saturn, and reduced the letters of your name to numbers draw a line from the first number to the next and so on till your name is drawn out. (ie if your name was Dale you would start in the upper leftt hand corner of the square and draw a line to the center of the right side column  then to the top center of the square and end in the center of the square DALE=4135). You can also add your birthdate to make the symbol more individual to you. If you have two letters in a row such as BiLL or 2 same mumbers in your birthday such as 22 then draw a circle to represent the second letter and then continue on.

I was taught that this is a good way to make a talisman or amulet or symbol for myself or someone else.

I am sure I am explaining this far to complicated, I am not a teacher. However I am also sure that you can find this better explained on some different websites. Go to Cassandra Eason's website and email her for a better explanation of using a Square of Saturn for creaqting personalised symbols. She maybe slow to answer but she will be helpful when she does.

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Post by Goldstein » Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:33 am

I think affinity is the most important to choose a symbol.

My vision about it is that a symbol can be used to focuse the forces you already have, not exactly to make these forces stronger.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:00 pm

thats very true symbols are used as a focus.

However totems are used to imbue you with the qualities you need.  I.e bear totem would in theory give you the extra strength you need, wolf totem could give you cunning etc.

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