Symbolic reading please

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Symbolic reading please

Post by LibB » Sun May 20, 2007 4:49 am

Here is a picture that I have drawn or actually etched many years ago now about 1990. My version of the tree of life. This art is done in crayons and I have used two methods of art together. Suzisco or anyone else, could you please give me a reading of the symbology in this picture. I have others and will post them at another time. Thankyou for your help.
Any general comments about my art are more than welcome.
Tree of life 2.jpg
tree of life Libby B
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Post by suzisco » Sun May 20, 2007 2:25 pm

Hello LibB

Thanks for the picture, I like it alot it has a very organic feel to it and very textured which I like.

You've set me a challenge because i don't do symbology readings however i like a challenge and so i am going to do a reading based on your picture with the caveat that i have never done this kind of reading before and if it is entirely wrong you don't get upset and perhaps someone else will do one for you.

So here goes, in your picture i saw (reading down the way) you having a burden, a burden placed by someone else on your life.  Probably family as usually don't accept that level from a friend.  The  burden has left you trapped as you have wishes to go overseas and travel, i think to see a specific person.
This situation has left you confused as you want to do whats right and yet fuful your life before you get much older.

The person you want to see is a man, he has stars round him and he figures highly in your estimation but he may have a significant other in his life and he is confused about the role you play in his life.

Your tree is a bit barren, the flowers are around the tree not on them and there is no leaves on it so i wonder if this is your subconscious telling you to fill your life up?

I see you lying under the tree looking up at the stars making wishes and dreams I wonder if you wish to have another baby.
I do see a glimmer of hope tho, the sun is shining brightly and its a good omen for change in your life and you have left a space for the sun to shine down on you.  You have fixed the roots very firmly of the tree but you definately have left yourself a way to escape.

Please let me know what you think and if i am entirely wrong apologies.


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Post by LibB » Tue May 22, 2007 12:42 am

Hi Suzisco Yes I have seen this post sorry for no reply as yet. I have my boys and as soon as I'm doing something important to me they sense and get in the way of my focus. Like right now they are fighting and crying about who is sitting where. Adam 2 1/2 "Mummy Brett he smacked me, cry cry cry"
About this picture. I was living with the person who has tried to destroy me since I  was a small baby. Unfortunately I lived there for 10 years with threats physical, mental and spiritual abuse. I ended up charging him. I dropped the charges in court as all of my friends were standing on his side of the court and I felt if I did anything he would have killed them all by psychic attack. He did this to alot of others already. Something that most people think I'm crazy for. I'll post the picture of my soul which this person (as I wrongly believed it was for him) tore to shreds. I eventually realized that this particular person hated the light and could not go near it. Unfortunately he used my power to attack others and he had a picture of Jesus with domed glass. He used this to attract good people and destroy them.
Anyway my view has always been that there is oxygen under the tree and the sun shining overhead (the white light). There are alot of elements of nature and if you turn it upside down then you have sun shining from within the Earth. Either way I look at it I have been protected by my angels and spirit guides throughout this whole experience. I do know that it is a sacred work and that anyone who isn't cannot go near it.

About your reading, it is pretty spot on. I was definitely trapped by an enemy. My Mum wouldn't help me get out if this place. She basically said " you've always done what you wanted so this time is no different" (to explain this would be almost my life story). I'm looking for Jesus and Sacred spaces. A friend had gone to Africa to help the people there (I can't remember the name of the mission. LOL) World.... To me it's like the light is shining from behind and the branches are glowing with divine light and the sap that runs though them the life force.
At that time I didn't have children. I did get pregnant with this person who abused me, but I don't believe it was his child, I believe it was my ex boyfriends who's sperm I had collected in my body years before (I can PM you about this) anyway the idiot I shall call him punched me in the stomach (I was glowing like Heaven on Earth, like someone who has seen the light)((stupidly I thought this person was a good person and wasn't reading the signs being given. Whenever I did he would give me alcohol again and marijuana and pry my brain with confusion.)) and then broke my jaw. I went to the post office and rang an ambulance they took me to hospital and the doctor said I would need to terminate the pregnancy due to the operation needed on my jaw. I have a metal plate in my jaw and they rewired it the wrong way so my jaw and my smile are loppsided and sometimes in a lot of pain. Eating is a problem. My Mum said I could stay with her for 2 weeks and then she basically forced me to go back to the place it all happened. She said" You can stay here for 2 weeks and then you are to go back there". I chose stupidly to terminate the pregnancy and in all confusion when back to where I had been living for ten years and went through all this trauma. From here you can read the post called  The days of the Lord are coming in Spirituality. (my post) It really is true.
Once again I've gone on and on and yes I thank you so much for the reading it is wonderful. i was really only hoping you'd tell me of the symbols I used in the picture and You read the the picture Thanks Suzisco.
I hope you are well and I hope I haven't overwhelmed you too much
Love and light as always
ps I can post some others if you like. Oh and by the way this picture is crayon etching. Coloured crayon background with black over the top and then etched with a BBQ skewer. I used black as it was the only colour that would cover properly. It was really hard to find the right crayons for this art.

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Post by Evie » Tue May 22, 2007 2:57 am

Hi LibB

      Suzi did an awesome reading of you drawing.... that was very impressive.

     Hi hun. I want to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this artwork of yours. I didn't have time to comment on it when I first saw it.... and so, firstly I want to respond as though I didn't see Suzi's  post or your informative response.  LOL
     I don't know anything about symbology, not really. My totem animal is the elephant, at least this is what I like to collect ... but I don't have a reason that I can get a grip of to explain why elephants appeal to me.  
     There are symbols that I  like... i.e the peace symbols of the Hippie era and my youth. I like the normal symbols, the rainbow, stars, flowers, etc.  I find that  I am attracted to spirals ... Yet, I don't know why. I just love spirals... a little something inside me jumps... with delight when I see one.  I like staring at them ... they *move me.  [LOL]  While some may rock themselves to sleep, I spiral into my dream world. There is something *sacred about the spiral.

       The spirals in your drawing quickly caught my eye and I spent a lot of time looking at your picture.   I focused on the picture from the roots up, and divided this tree of life into three parts. The roots being  childhood... and youth.  A happy feeling is here, very rainbow-ish... a beautiful  creation and, for me, it is symbolic of  turning negatives into positives. The little triangles of youth suggest a childlike yearning for magic.  Adult life was a rude awakening... you are in your life (tree) alone and naked.  The boxes to the left have replaced the triangles, this feels like being trapped. Like the real you is in storage somewhere else, or in hiding.  The only thing that takes away some of the bleak feelings this barren tree hints at, is the rainbow colored branches.  There is refuge in the stars... as well.  Hope. This is more than wishing on a star... it is grander than that. It feels like being rescued....

I see an attempt to get some light into your life... a frantic scratching that was successful. I see how a little bit of light... brightens the entire picture and changes everything.  Like there was a *eureka moment! I see a searching for truth, and established beliefs, but these are hidden behind a wall of sorts.  Beliefs that you have no proof ... of.  Yet they are concrete in your mind.  

The magnetic grid ...  this makes me feel like earth is in heaven, kind of a turning around the saying 'heaven on earth.'  

Interesting picture.  You do realise that I wasn't doing a reading for you, I was relating my life to your drawing and how it reflects things in my life.  I realised this when I re-read this post before submitting it... and the words "you" didn't ring true, anymore...  

Hmmmm, this was fun. I would love to look at more of your drawings


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Post by MissEm » Tue May 22, 2007 3:58 am

Hey LibB
I jsut had a minute or two to look at yr picture and was hoping I could offer my interpretation and thoughts on it?  if you don't mind taking comments froma newbie?

I see 2 faces in the picture - other than you.  One spiral like face in top left and one in top right.
The one in the top left isn't nice.  I get the general impression that he isn't a good person at all.  With the eyes spiralling and a "sweet smiling" face, he seems to say right things or things to lure you or suck you in.  There's venom behind those eyes though.  

The face on the right has its mouth not fully formed and it seems to tell me that someone hasn't said all they should or hasn't spoken up for you and protected you when they should have or you expected them to.

I see you lying at the base of the tree.  It seems to be fullof life and energy and all things good.

The tree itself is bear but the branches are not drooping and its not really a sad lookin tree.  There is a srong life force withing.  it seems to be searching or more, trying to rech out in hope of finding similar life energies.

There seems to be a definite separation between the top and bottom halves of the picture.  The top seems to be not so good.  Evil lurking about.  The bottom is mor epositive and 'good' feeling.  Perhaps telling you to look within yourself.  What you seek is already inside you and I think it just needs to be nurtured.  I tend to htink though that you atre looking for someone or something to give you that moral support to make the first step or to even lead you out of yr situation.

I'f I'm way off the mark, I totally understand and make no assumptions that I know anything about this.  It was purely a feeling I got.

I do hope yr OK?

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Post by LibB » Tue May 22, 2007 4:23 am

Thanks Evie and MissEm. I have read your posts and appreciate everything you have said. I am unable to comment right now. Brett needs me. I'll be back a bit later. I think we will have fun with this one. I'll write down my comments on a piece of paper first and then post. May stop me from getting confused.
Speak to you both soon.
As you may see MissEm my life story is making it's way around MB in bits and pieces. At least I know I'm telling the truth.
Love and light to you both and everyone else as always
Love LibB :smt003

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Post by MissEm » Tue May 22, 2007 4:57 am

Funny about that...writing comments on a piece of paper.  That's exactly what I did before I posted.  It was all coming to me just htick and fast and I couldn't get to the post quick enough as I was scared I'd lose the words.

The same thing happened with my poem a while ago.  I had a book on my bedside table that had some blank note pages in the back of it.  I just had to scribble the words down before theyleft me.

Talk to you soon.! :)

Love and light dear one!

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Post by suzisco » Tue May 22, 2007 4:16 pm

Hello, thanks LibB for replying to my post and the picture reading.  you have been very open and frank about your life and I want to say thank you for sharing with us your experiences you are truly a brave woman with a very important mission in life.

I look forwards to seeing more of your art work.

Suzi XXX

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Post by suzisco » Tue May 22, 2007 4:17 pm

Thanks Evie for your very kind words, i will treasure them.

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Post by LibB » Tue May 22, 2007 4:50 pm

suzisco wrote:Hello, thanks LibB for replying to my post and the picture reading.  you have been very open and frank about your life and I want to say thank you for sharing with us your experiences you are truly a brave woman with a very important mission in life.

I look forwards to seeing more of your art work.

Suzi XXX
Thanks Suzi. lots of love to you and lots of hugs too LOl

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Post by MissEm » Wed May 23, 2007 10:48 pm

Hi LibB

I had a realisation this morning at 0227am lol about this picture.  I wasn't even thinking about it but I just suddenly woke up and thought, this is my life!  OMG!!

I think Evie said something similar:

Interesting picture.  You do realise that I wasn't doing a reading for you, I was relating my life to your drawing and how it reflects things in my life.  I realised this when I re-read this post before submitting it... and the words "you" didn't ring true, anymore...  
I certainly didn't have anyone breaking my jaw but there were things that happened in my childhood - my sisters constantly putting me down and ridiculing me for having too big eyes or a longer shape face than theirs etc.. and my parents did nothing to stop it.  They even laughed along sometimes.  Didn't they realise how sensitive I was and how hurtful they were being.  I was a very shy and mousey type when I was a kid so didn't have the courage to speak up and really, when people pick on you lke that (and yr own family), you just don't want to speak up.  If your own family can't love you for the way you are, then what hope is there for anyone else.

I married a guy who did/said similar things - always comparing me to other girls/women and saying things like why can't you look like them, why can't you dress like them, why can't you be more like them.  That's another story in itself and one I won't go into right now but it was hurtful just the same.

I never felt good enough or pretty enough for my family or him.  It still makes me cry when I think of those times. So I'll shut up now and move on. :(

I think you are just SOOOO clever and would love to learn this form of art if you could teach me.  I like this kind of drawing better than drawing faces I think. lol  I'm just not organised at the moment and I think you've got too much going on too and I'm more than happy to wait for things to settle down a bit more.

Love yr work girl!!

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Post by LibB » Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:26 am

MissEm, I'm looking into being allowed to teach and post art here on Mystic Board however there maybe some issues regarding taking up band width. If this is the case, I will email them to you.
I'm sorry to have taken so long to get back to you and hope you are both wonderfully enlightened and happy at the moment.
Your friend forever

I'm still working on other things also at the moment with my boys always wanting my attention. LOL. I'll get around to everything soon.
By the way What are your favourite colours at the moment?

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Post by MissEm » Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:30 pm

Hi LibB

The little Libby hasn't been well so my posts here have been few and far between over the last week or so.  From a bad cough and yucky nose it turned into gastro for a week or more and then just over the weekend turned into a viral eczema.  Not a happy camper at all.  Saturday was a nightmare.  I only needed to look at her the wrong way and she'd cry.  Wasn't happy with me picking her up and wasn't happy being on the floor.  I couldn't do anything to please her it seemed.  She seemed a lot better yesterday and I even got a couple of smiles out of her.  I had he rhome with me all last week and trying to work from home was nigh on impossible.  I pretty much gave up in the end and just took the time off.  I took Libby to the dr Monday and Thursday and again yesterday.  Hopefully she's on the mends now.  The Dr said yesterday that her rash is a good sign that she is getting better - yeah right!!  Tell her that!!  It's awful when little ones are sick and they can't tell you what's wrong.

My favourite colours at the moment are the colours of Autumn.  I love the gold and rich brown colours and those rusty reds.  I really love this time of year.  Even though my birthday is end of August, I feel an affinity for this season of the year.  All is as it should be it seems.

Other than Libby being sick, and me being very tired now, all is good and life is happy at the moment.  I'm off into the city this morning for a client meeting so hopefully I can stay awake and with it to answer all their questions.

Love, peace and light to you my Earth Angel friend

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Post by HappyChic727 » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:56 pm

I love this picture . . . really!  I don't do readings of any kind, except for psychometry once in a blue moon.

I think my first thought about it was that it was very 70ish - kinda groovy.  I thought that the "face" in the top left hand corner was a monkey.  I also see a beautiful fish and minnows in the bottom right hand corner.   I also thought that my favorite female artist, Tori Amos, would love this.  She has at least one song of where she references the tree of life but I think she refers to it often in her interviews and book(s).

This also reminds me of my grandfather's doodling, which he did for years and had a very unique style.  

I'm sorry that your life has been so rough.  You really just need to surround yourself with the White Light of the Holy Spirit as Sylvia Browne says and you should be fine.  

Have a great weekend!

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:05 pm

Hi LibB,

I just saw this post. That picture is dope/badass. It reminds me of that guy who does angel drawings/paintings I had posted about some time ago.

It really is awesome.

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